Stop watching porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mrtntms, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. Mrtntms

    Mrtntms New Fapstronaut

    Hi, everyone. In the last months I noticed that I was developing porn addiction. I started watching it when I was about 13. Until last year or so I watched it more or less frequently, but it was nothing to care about, but I noticed that the ammount of content that I consumed started to rise, to the point that sometimes I preferred PMOing than having sex with my gf. Currently, I dont see it like a very big problem, but I'm affraid that it can become something that can lead to a real addiction. I'm not ashamed to recognise that I sometimes I watch porn, but the content I watch is getting nastier by the time.
    What tips can you give me to stop this situation? Thanks beforehand. I'd like to know if someone is in the same situation I am.
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