The 2019 X90 Hard Mode High Accountability Elimination Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

  2. Hi everyone, how is everyone doing? Fapping and watching porn and living in fantasy world or getting a tight grip of your life? Day 37.
    But you can find that elsewhere on the net, can't you?
    There are different tasks including reading and writing on topics such as self-esteem, attachments, habits etc. There is another one-month long task on achieving your goal and breaking it in stages and doing that with the support of the psychologist and a few participants of the program with a similar goal. Really great stuff especially as all people there are self-conscious and motivated on self-growth, very different environment as compared to social media sites.
    1. What is your plan on tackling this problem? Going outdoors? Running? Hitting the gym? Planning carefully your weekend days and sticking to routines? Brainstorm.
    2. Yes you have to stay away from your phone and I think you should also install blockers there and in your pc - but blockers are only a tool. You have to retrain your brain or reboot it, that's why we're here. Planning is essential for me.
    3. Alright but maybe you can squeeze this or that here or there? Like: cold shower, going for a walk/run, doing push-ups/crunches/squats, reading a book (at least for 15 minutes), meditation, affirmations, HIIT/tabata workout? Open your mind and think. If you stay away from your phone and focus all your efforts into studying you might get over urges but you might not since that is being too strict with yourself and your brain will definitely lead you to some release and we all know what this release will be like. So sit with my questions and come up with solid solutions - regularly review how your plan is working and adjust it accordingly. It's a challenge remember, so take control of yourself.
    airheal and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Great - approaching 2 weeks! Stay strong!
  4. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

  5. Ethan744

    Ethan744 Fapstronaut

    Ye me too. What do you mean by If you check-in and have acted out you get 1/2 points. Why do you get 1/2 points for relapsing
  6. Originally I gave 1/2 point for checking in and 1/2 point for not acting out so every clean day you check in you get a whole point. This was meant to incentivise people to stay clean and check in. But also just check in even if they acted out.

    I've not kept up with the points in a while since most people have dropped out. We're down to 2-3 regulars now who check in regularly.

    You're welcome to do the same and contribute if you wish.
    JustForTodayz likes this.
  7. Great to see you again fleurette1, keep up the great work.
  8. Thank you, you too! Your journey inspires me a lot and gives me hope that there are more good men like you who are conscious and to whom their relationships matter :)
  9. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

    Checking in for day 12. :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Thanks for checking in, you re doing great work here. It's too bad the rest didnt make it. I expected @Daniel1 to be here but last checkin he said he had exams.

    With everyday you keep to your values you are reprogramming your mind for better things. You are essentially undoing all the wiring you had previously done. Even a few slips along the way does not undo the progress you are making. Keep it up!!!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Great job man!!!
  13. We are free people with a free will and we are making choices every day. I have made a choice to become a better person, perhaps others are on their way to this goal as well. To each his own pace. Let's just keep checking in and sharing our progress :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Checking in!! I've had some relationship challenges along the way. Emotions are the best thing and the worst thing at the same time.
    Pmo is just a symptom of your emotions running you. Get a handle on them and you win the pmo battle.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Great job! What challenges? You're 5 days short of 90 day goal, so happy for you! I have some 50 days to go yet. Will you close this thread after the end date of the challenge or will you open another thread (just curious)?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. I'm not sure what I'll do. I might start another but how people come and go in it is not very motivating to me.

    I know people have short attention spans so I understand.

    I do know that I like the group scene and am probably seeking the attention too much. I do like helping people.

    I've thought about my own journal up in journals section but I dont know if that would motivate me enough.
  17. The same for me - helping others is in my blood. Well maybe a 30-day thread would do and then it would be possible to continue in another thread. This no pmo challenge is not an easy one.
  18. JustForTodayz

    JustForTodayz Fapstronaut

    So our private booth will come to an end? o_O;)

    But yeah it just takes me time to make no PMO a lifestyle for me.

    @fleurette good job you are almost half way trough! @I_AM_AWESOME Only 5 more days man, keep up the good work!

    Checking in for day 13.
  19. @JustForTodayz shhh.. don't say anything - I guess we should continue staying here until we complete our reboot :) Just don't touch me and I won't touch you and no devices with Internet connection here pleaseee and we'll do just fine :D
  20. We should start our own group and if people come and go that's fine too.