Vegetarian diet

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by pezzer, Oct 31, 2019.

  1. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Correct, and I suggest everyone does their own!
  2. Now this I can get behind.
  3. thegibbie

    thegibbie Fapstronaut

    Hey bro I'm whole food plant based and I have more energy than when I was consuming animal products.

    I am also 40+ days on semen retention and that has helped as well.

    I'm highly active, I train MMA 5 days a week and lift 2-3 days a week.

    I make sure to eat enough carbs before workouts such as rice, potatoes and quinoa plus sugar from fruits such as mangoes and bananas.

    I take an algae based Omega-3 supplement and a B12 supplement daily.

    Everybody is different but this is my experience.
    pezzer and FellatiousD like this.
  4. Nice man. Sounds like you're on top of your stuff.
    pezzer and thegibbie like this.
  5. thegibbie

    thegibbie Fapstronaut

    I'm always learning and experimenting with different things.
    pezzer and FellatiousD like this.
  6. DesRevived

    DesRevived Fapstronaut

    I'm not a vegetarian or vegan but I prefer eating fruits and veggies over meat all day. Try learning from the Japanese's diet since they are the healthiest in the world.

    Here's my understanding of the Japanese diet after traveling to Japan twice:
    • Their diet is rich in steamed rice, noodles, fish, tofu, natto, seaweed, and fresh, cooked, or pickled fruits and vegetables but low in added sugars and fats. They may also contain some eggs, dairy or meat, although these typically make up a small part of their diet.
    • They prefer eating fish over other sources of meat.
    • They tend to avoid foods and drinks that are too sweet.
    • They followed 腹八分目 - hara hachi bu - which means to eat 80% full.
    • They are usually served with a variety of small dishes rather than masking them with sauces or seasonings
    pezzer likes this.
  7. KarmaWeaver

    KarmaWeaver Fapstronaut


    Watch this documentary, you can find it on Netflix. What science is showing us so far is that a plant-based diet is the best option for human beings.
    Espi1971, pezzer and thegibbie like this.
  8. Ko 44 c HPM

    Ko 44 c HPM Fapstronaut

    I think the important thing to remember is that everyone is different. Try a new way of eating for a month and see if it works for you. I eat tons of animal products because it works best for me and my lifestyle and I have no ethical or moral issues with it, but I also eat a lot of low-calorie vegetables, some nuts, some berries, etc.. Some people get energized by carbs, but I turn to stone for 4 hours after eating carbs. My point is that everyone is different and all of the popular, long-standing diet ideas are still in use despite having massive differences because they all work for different people. I have chronic fatigue so I have way different dietary needs from most people, but what it's made me realize is that ALL people have totally different dietary needs, and most of us are trying to stick a round peg in a square hole.
    pezzer likes this.
  9. Haven't watched this yet but I plan to.
    thegibbie likes this.
  10. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  11. You aren't*
  12. Um... what? :confused: Neither is any human being in the world. You don't have the anatomy for it. Ours is closer to a carnivore's. Not an herbivore's.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  13. Welcome back to the thread.
  14. Thanks, glad to be here. :rolleyes:
    pezzer likes this.
  15. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Well none of us are meant to be. Our teeth prove us to be omnivores.
    pezzer likes this.
  16. What do you mean by "meant to be?" This is implying some kind of intention in our existence.
  17. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    This might be a silly thing to try to prove any point but i do remember people bringing it up in a documentary i watched on veganism. Not sure how true it is, i think its to do with carnivores having those extra big sharp teeth(idk the name). I was like proper into a vegan diet 2 years ago and kinda lulled into vegetarianism/ without dairy. Just tryna find a firm ground really and hoping with these multivitamins i take i might see a difference in my energy etc.
  18. The claim that our teeth proves we're supposed to be any kind of diet is false, be it carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore as it doesn't revolve around just your teeth. An example would be that why the teeth of carnivores is sharp isn't for eating meat. It's for combat since, obviously, human and herbivore teeth cannot puncture and tear the flesh as well as a tiger's could. Yes, it can still injure. But not as effectively. If the claim was true that the teeth of, as the picture above uses, tigers is solely for eating meat, then humans wouldn't be able to and neither other herbivores. Yet the humans eating meat obviously exists and the latter, you can find clips of herbivores consuming other animals. Such as a rabbit chewing and swallowing steak. Instead, you need to look at the anatomy of the creature, human or otherwise, to find out what they're supposed to be eating. Your teeth and solely that doesn't tell you that at all. We're not supposed to be eating sugar, for example, yet we can obviously chew that just fine.

    It would be like saying humans are the most dominant creature in the world because we have hands. Going with the same logic, humans aren't supposed to be hunters because we don't have claws. Yet hunting is something humans can do very well. Jaw strength still plays a role in crushing, tearing, and overall consuming whatever's in your mouth, so it wouldn't really make much of a difference what your teeth were shaped as, (between the teeth shapes shown in the picture above) so long as you had them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2019
  19. Ko 44 c HPM

    Ko 44 c HPM Fapstronaut

    We did evolve from herbivores, but then we adapted various traits of carnivores over time due to environmental pressures. Basically, environmental factors (weather changes and introduction of new herbivorous species) made plant nutrition more scarce to us so we started eating meat, which has changed us physiologically in various ways. There wasn't immediate access to enough plant nutrition to fuel the larger energy intake we needed after developing larger brains, which was caused by the meat-eating in the first place, which meant we had to continue eating meat or starve, which led to further adaptations for eating meat. Our closest relatives have similar mouths and digestive tracts to us yet are herbivorous, but that misses a lot of the nuance behind how what was originally a desperate need to eat meat or starve led to us being adapted specifically to eat meat. For example, while our digestive tracts are similar in shape, humans have several times more-acidic stomachs than our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, which is an adaptation that makes eating meat safer because it can eliminate pathogens. Comparing teeth cherry-picks just one piece of the necessary evidence, and even then gets it wrong, because we started eating meat as carrion eaters (scavengers) then innovated various types of weaponry for hunting, meaning we didn't need sharp teeth to eat meat because we never hunted with our teeth. It's wrong to say that just because we were once one way, that we couldn't have changed since then. All life on Earth would still be single-cell if that were the case. Nowadays you can get all of your necessary nutrition from a vegan diet because the necessary amount and variety of plant sources is available, but millions of years ago in Africa you couldn't just go to the store and buy everything you needed to live, so we adapted to eating meat when we were faced with severely reduced available plant nutrition and increased available animal nutrition.
  20. All of this and more in your post is completely wrong. We didn't evolve from anything since evolution doesn't exist. Sure, evolutionary standards may agree with the consumption of meat. But evolutionary standards aren't scientific.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2019