Post published by Leone

I deactivated social media accounts, all of them are closed now! They gave me too many triggers, especially photos of girl/friends on the beach or wearing short shorts, tops etc... I will fast from social media for at least three months. My reward to go back to social media is if i do three months of no pmo then i have the right to reopen my accounts. the best that i have done without p has been two months. I pray that every day i will find the strength to stay away from this addiction and trust that God will work all things for good.
Daven67, Tao Jones, John851 and 4 others like this.
geester more_vert
Good luck there built to be quite addictive, I closed mine long ago due to not wanting to give away data to the likes of Facebook.still there prob less intrusive then amazon but alas no other choice these days to use the big bad amazon.
Leone likes this.
!mkj! more_vert
Good choice on the media. Praise God for deliverance and whatever good He is accomplishing through our addiction in the mean time.
Leone likes this.
frogs2345 more_vert
Don't go back. Unless you have people who really care about you and who you really care about on there, and there is no other way to communicate with them, you don't need social media. I opened Facebook for the first time in a year only because a friend died and I heard second hand.
John851 and Leone like this.
frogs2345 more_vert
Nobody messaged me or cared that I left facebook, and I got rid of a bunch of temptation and time wasting.
Leone likes this.
geester more_vert
yer fb = ebil company with poor ethics
Leone likes this.