Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SunDrew, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Day 10/90:

    This is getting easier. Today I have been a little sick. My throats was soar when I woke up and my lymph node is a little swollen on my right side. I've been feeling lethargic but I will push through.
  2. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Day 11/90:

    Each day I'm growing stronger. My focus is getting better. I will get there.
  3. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    Your Strenght, Is my Strenght, Is OUR STRENGHT. :D
  4. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Day 12/90:

    Still going strong. Rising like a phoenix.
  5. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Day 13/90:

    Doing okay. It's been tougher than most but I'll survive
  6. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    Wow, you're doing great man! keeping all those commitments is a huge thing to do. I salute you!
  7. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    Day 19/90:

    I haven't posted in a while. Things have been going great. I'm still in the routine. I'm keeping the momentum going.
  8. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    Holds breath.

    I love momentum <3

    How are the showers? :D
  9. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    The showers are great Buzz. I'm starting to get back into a fitness routine. It's starting to go great. It's been difficult with doing a play and all that but I'm getting it done.
  10. Asmyr

    Asmyr Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi Sundrew,

    I've read your thread and it's really inspiring me.
    You seem to be very motivated and determined to quit porn and it's really great to read your post, I feel less lonely and reading you give me strength for my journey without FAPing.
    Thank you and keep going.


    PS : funny we've both chosen a fenix as avatar.
  11. SunDrew

    SunDrew Fapstronaut

    @Asmyr That's awesome! I'm glad! I hope we can both beat this addiction some day. We are on the road. Today, I have had more energy than I have had in a while.
  12. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    Seems pretty hard core SunDrew, hope your not setting yourself up for failure.

    Are your routines just for the challenge or permanent lifestyle changes? To be honest, I can't think of anything I want to do everyday for the rest of my life. Seems lke a lot to take on all at once.

    Wish you the best SunDrew,
