Best way to avoid triggers.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Advocate109, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    The best way go avoid triggers is... well dont avoid them essentially.

    So i recently posted a status asking for support and got nothing but negative feedback from people who were triggered by it. I dont think we should be walking on egg shells in front of each other. Were all here for different reasons but one thing we all have in common is we get triggered by porn or porn related things like names and pictures. I suggested we do ERP exersizes to combat this and again recieved hate from ignorant people who dont know the mechanics of ERP and its proven effectiveness.
    ERP is called exposure response prevention. There is a link at the bottom that explains how it works and even gives examples of exersizes you can try yourself. I am not a licensed therapist so i personally cannot give you all exersizes but i hope this helps with you guys controlling your triggers. Remember, its not going to be an instant thing, and it may get worse before it gets better. Thats the experience ive had so far with my ERP for HOCD anyway.
    Strijder likes this.
  2. Strijder

    Strijder Fapstronaut

    Let me know later on if and how ERP helped you. I red the stuff in the link and that shit sounds a bit scary to me at first because you’re letting the urges in and after that you kill them, but what if you aren’t strong enough (atm)?. Because if you aren’t then you’re horny for “x” period, I guess.

    I saw your ”pornstar” thread and I must admit the comments were hilarious. Sure it was a trigger but c’mon if we cannot resist a name how can we live life? I resisted it and sure I was curious too and still am but it’s a choice to not look it up because it’s for the better. I can’t blame you for posting that but still the question remains why post the name, it doesn’t care for the thread.
    Advocate109 likes this.
  3. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    Just be careful with ERP. If the HOCD is cometely porn induced it will go away from abstaining, you don't want to fuck your brain up with ERP when you're in a flatline.
    Strijder likes this.
  4. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Well, its impossible to actually have 100% porn induced OCD. It is possible to have oc- like behaviors, but ive been seeing a counselor for like a few months now and it hasnt made anything worse. Basically what it is for HOCD in a very simplistic fashon is like, when you have an intrusive thought like "oh no i touched my nipple, therefore im gay" you basically combat it with "yeah i may be gay, so what? Theres no way id ever know for sure." Qnd then ride the anxiety that you get from that out. Its actually SUPER scary which is why it definitely can get worse before it gets better.
    C12345 and Strijder like this.
  5. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I talk myself through it like that. And I started watching porn when I was 10, so those OC like behaviors may have been from porn use with my developing brain, I don't remember being anxious or anything before I watched porn. But I know what you mean, I'm in the stage of HOCD now where I'll be convinced that I'm gay, and then 10 minutes later I completely forget about the problem and I'm girl crazy again. I just wish these annoying thoughts would go away, because I know it's bullshit now, I just need my brain to stop creating these thoughts lol. Only way to do that is abstain from PMO, which I'm not doing a very good job of at the moment lol. I never escalated into transgendered person or gay porn either, I always watched hetero or lesbian porn so I guess I have just temporarily desensitized myself to women. Anyway we should keep posting on this thread and keep track of each others progress with this stupid illness. When I had my 18 day NoFap streak my HOCD was pretty much gone. I could just tell the thoughts "Shut the fuck up" and they'd go away. I was back to joking around with my friends, calling them babe and handsome and stuff like that lol. Right when I got my female attraction back, I relapsed and got in a relapse pit that I'm still trying to get out of right now. Anyway I'm done rambling lol.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2019
  6. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    I get you tho. When my HOCD first started it was like that. Very mild and only for like a week at a time, but i kept on compulding snd compulsing not knowing what j sss doing