Facebook is making me jealous.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Timecop, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    Yesterday, I made the mistake of being curious. I went on Facebook and looked up for old friends and acquaintances from more than a decade ago. Majority of them have girlfriends and some even kids.

    I'm very mad at myself because now I have those images in my head. Intrusive thoughts aswell like: '' Look how these people made it and not you''.

    I never really wanted a GF and kids ( What I want in life is a career that I love ). Yet, I'm jealous at these people because I want respect.

    But by society standard, if you have no girls by your side for too long you are either

    a) A virgin
    b) An incel
    c) An homosexual

    Any input would be appreciated.
  2. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    I’ve always been like that. Looking at other people’s lives and wishing I had that. Never jealous though. Never actually understood/felt that emotion until I got a girlfriend ha. But I understand the feeling of not feeling right because of lack of something and comparing to other people.

    If what I really wanted in life is a career I loved. I feel like that would make it a bit easier.
    I thought that was the answer to feeling accomplished. But I couldn’t be bothered to actually care. I did some soul searching after giving up on life a few times. But still was here so... I found out personally what I wanted was my own family.
    But after years of knowing this and just not being able to pull it off. I was just ready to call it quits and tried in some creative ways. But funny thing is your body doesn’t want to quit even when you mind does. So luckily I’m still here and found someone that seems truly with me. And the dream of a family does not seem so far away anymore.

    I would say try not to give up like I did. Really try to realize what you actually want. And if it’s a dream career. Than really think about what that career is. It’s good if that’s what you want because it’s something very obtainable with hard work. It requires no one else but yourself essentially. If you know what you want to do, or have a few different ideas. Go for them full force. It’s hard work but it’s easy. And there’s no reason you couldn’t be able to do it.
    Timecop likes this.
  3. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Fb was created just for that.
    To ruin societies.
    Why do u think divorce rates are on the rise?
    Comparison is the thief of joy.
    quantumd, Roady and Timecop like this.
  4. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    I registered to an online class to get a job in the IT field. I really want to be working behind a computer. I always had a hard time with physical jobs ( Too hard or too boring ).

    Thank you for your input.
    GripStrength likes this.
  5. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    You know I use to be oblivious to people saying things like ''Social media can cause anxiety and depression''.

    But now, I see it, I literally felt it. It took all my joy. Never again will I ''stalk'' people, that's what it really is. Thank you for answering.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Roady, Indurian and Di.Do.555 like this.
  6. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    Man, the best choice I made, along with NoFap, was uninstalling all social media. They are made to make you jealous. Oh, I saw that fantastic pair of shoes, on that influencer right there, let's buy them, at least I can be popular like him. That how the industry goes on, with social media.
    Raven King likes this.
  7. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    My curiosity really killed me in this one. I promised myself I would never again searched up for people on FB. I'm still going to use it for chatting with my friends ( I have no cell phone and I don't want to for now ). If you have no social media, does it mean you have a cell phone? Is this how you keep contact with your friends and family?
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Facebook is called Fakebook by many for a good reason. Keep in mind that people only tend to post and publish the highlights of their lives there (omitting all the bullcrap, conflicts, misery and depression behind the scenes that you never see) in order to seek approval and praise because they are so insecure about themselves. Only very insecure people seek approval from others and vice versa. Plus, it gives people an ego-boost since they are controlled by their egos and have never been able to let it go (especially women).
    Time, overall health and the quality of your relationships (of all kinds) will tell which people have been faking it all the time and which haven't. My theory has always been; the happier, glorious and more frequent the posts in social media, the more miserable and insecure the person behind the account. Especially if they virtue signal all the time and include their own kids in every other post. I have zero respect and admiration for such people since they are fake and phony all the way through.
    I couldn't care less about others' approval and if they think I'm gay or an outcast of some kind for not having women at my side in my pictures, I let them think so. It just tells more about them than it does about me.
  9. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    I never liked it. Its always been a website where people show off. ''EH LOOK AT ME'' kind of mentality that I always hated my entire life.

    I knew it was fake, that its all a facade, yet... It struck me with envy.

    I don't know why I got this mentality where if you have a kid and a wife you are successful.
  10. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    As I said, people are only showing the absolute highlights of their own lives and if they need to show off their kids, wife and entire family to everyone, it does probably mean things are not as good as you think they are behind the stage.
    I know plenty of dudes with wife and kids who are working very mundane boring jobs 50+ hours a week, who have stopped taking care of themselves and given up on life in so many aspects (they never read, exercise, study, learn new skills or work on improving themselves). Still, they post all of those pictures every other day telling how happy and great everything is.

    Pathetic is it to say the least. If people are so unsure of their own value and qualities that they constantly seek approval and need to follow the current in order to get it (i.e. looking for it in social media). That means their lives are probably at a complete standstill in many ways where no outside/surfacial factors or approval from others will save them from their own misery since misery is built and grown from an empty and hollow inside.
    Just as it is overcome and defeated by working constructively with (not against) your subconscious mind, your inner world and the various messages that have been planted there. Connected to it is also the fact that those people also tend to lack a sense of real purpose and meaning in life, because if they had one, they wouldn't be on social media all day seeking others' approval.
    Timecop likes this.
  11. Kevodrag

    Kevodrag Fapstronaut

    honestly, brother, comparison is Sometimes inevitable! you see something better Than yours, you want it or better. It happens. If anything, use someone else’s success to motivate you to be a better version of YOURSELF (key word).Not better than them, better than yourself. Sleep every night knowing you became better at something during the day. Wake up with the intention of getting better before bed. Good luck in your journeys
  12. When you look at their photos on fb you are actually looking at their life's highlight moments. In reality, behind the camera, their lives are very miserable. Dont be depressed and disturbed Timecop, you will soon get what you desire my friend, just keep the faith.
    Timecop likes this.
  13. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    Wise words, thank you for your input.
  14. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna keep it only for chatting with my cousin and one other friend I have. I will abstain myself to ever look again for people I use to know or there pictures.
  15. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    If I ever get a phone one day, there is a high chance I would do the same.
    flor3334 likes this.
  16. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    Some of the happiest men I know are single, some of the most miserable men I know are married.. I would rather be single and happy than trapped in a loveless marriage. We are both young, let's just enjoy being single, it's an amazing time to be alive, let's grab life by the balls and make love to life.
    Our lives can be on constant explosive orgasm, life is good
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    If you have good health, live in a devopled county, have some income and practice nofap... Then you are living like a king
  18. "it's an amazing time to be alive, let's grab life by the balls and make love to life. Our lives can be on constant explosive orgasm, life is good" - That is one of the greatest quotes I have ever read.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  19. I'm pretty sure I've been called a virgin, incel, and homosexual more times than I can count. And it never stopped me lol. But yeah society is very toxic for very dumb reasons. You should be proud of your decisions and who you are, even if it's quite different from how everyone else wants you to be. To put it bluntly, fuck those people.
  20. locomia

    locomia Fapstronaut

    I'm forced to use facebook and some other social media to receive university feedback but I agree that social media is a cancer,it just made more popular the beautiful and popular guys and more miserable the rest,like always in life the rich become richer the poor becomes poorer,and excluded.
    Deleted Account likes this.