Hormone blood test, prolactin / testosterone

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. i went to an endocrinologist mainly because of gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction (im 18 btw).
    Doctor told me to take a prolactin/ testosterone blood test.
    results: https://imgur.com/a/yg2mtv0

    FSH: 2.05 mUI/ml normal range: 1.3-19.3 mUI/mL

    LH: 6.86 mUI/mL normal range: 0.57-12.07 mUI/mL

    Prolactin: 759.4 mIU/L normal range: 109-450 mIU/L

    Testosterone: 4.59 ng/mL normal range: 3-10 ng/mL

    this test was done while PMO'ing 2 times per week. I have been advised to do a MRI for possible tumor because of the elevated prolactin level but it came back clean, no tumor in pituitary gland.
    Is PMO related to so high levels of prolactin? its almost double than the high range.
    The testosterone levels dont worry me much, i expected them to be way lower but from what ive read prolactin tends to lower testosterone.
    Regulating my prolactin is what i have to do i guess but does anyone have similar experiences?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2021
    brahmacarya and brassknucks like this.
  2. Prolactin increases after pmo
    brahmacarya likes this.
  3. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    In men, high prolactin levels can cause galactorrhea, impotence (inability to have an erection during sex), reduced desire for sex, and infertility. A man with untreated hyperprolactinemia may make less sperm or no sperm at all.

    What are common causes of hyperprolactinemia?
    Some common causes are:

    • Pituitary tumors (prolactinomas)
    • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
    • Medicines given for depression, psychosis, and high blood pressure
    • Herbs, including fenugreek, fennel seeds, and red clover
    • Irritation of the chest wall (from surgical scars, shingles, or even a too-tight bra)
    • Stress or exercise (usually excessive or extreme)
    • Certain foods
    • Nipple stimulation
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  4. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    And it says 1/3 of the cases there are no cause found, (maybe the unknown cases are related to PMO??)
    brahmacarya likes this.
  5. Could be. I've seen a bloodwork test posted in these forums of someone with high prolactin having a massive drop in prolactin after just 2 weeks of nofap.

    found it: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/blood-test-results.266376/
    brahmacarya and vercent99 like this.
  6. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Your greek!!!! Come on dude your descendant of the Byzantine Empire!!! Of Justinian the great! Alexios 1 Komnenos ,Constantine 7,Anastasios 1,Valentinian the Great,Leo the third,John the third ,Heraclius,John 2 Komnenos,Basil 2 The Bulgar Slayer,Constantine the Great !!!

    do nofap , your testosterone will increase , alsl you can take some testosterones boosters
  7. unrelated but yes :D
    my name is also Filippos B. (my lastname starts with B so it makes it look like Alexander the great's father) and i was also born in the same place with Filip the Macaedon
    PanteriMauzer likes this.
  8. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Wowwwww you have the same name has Filip of Macedon! And born in same place! Honor your ancestors
    ok304 likes this.
  9. Dont spread bullshit. Your test will not increase. You may argue in the first week it can feel that way but long term it doesn't increase test. Ive done a T test less than 48 hours after fapping and one on nofap and they were the same result.

    If you are right back it up. Id be happy to know it does increase it but just because your energy increases on nofap doesnt = test increase.
  10. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Well i honnestly dont know about T boosters, because i never had problem with my T , i have an healthy T but from what i heard there are some ways to increase your testosterone
  11. its not really bullshit but just not exactly whats happening.. there are people that did have increased testosterone on nofap but also people with lower testosterone on nofap.
    What really changes is the androgen receptors, and androgen receptors are what testosterone binds to to create all the good effects people look for like erections, muscle building, fat burning, confidence etc.
    You can have 'low testosterone' but if your androgen receptors are using all of it, you can have all the effects of high testosterone.

    On top of that, getting rid of an addiction (in my case porn) not only increases your androgen sensitivity, but also decreases cortisol stress hormone and prolactin (balancing these hormones can make your testosterone rise).

    So in a way nofap doesnt guarantee a tesrosterone boost but it sure does help your body use it properly.