
  1. D

    This used to be so embarrassing for me

    Just a warning if you’re affected by frank discussion of the menstrual cycle…
  2. nagibator228

    Serious decision in my life

    I have P addiction since I remember myself. For the first 20 years of my life it hasn’t caused so much problems actually; however, years later I’ve realized that I have a huge problem. I have partial sexual disability – cannot finish any sexual act without watching P. I’m a doctor and I have a...
  3. D

    Does PMO stop muscle gains?

    Hello, I'm not sure if i can say this, but im still a teen, 15yo. I workout at home, im trying so hard to stop PMO, my longest streak was 1 week and that was in 2023. i started to discipline myself to workout at home with some adjustable 10kg dumbbells. I do pushups, bicep curls, etc. I just...
  4. SirQwerty

    Dealing with high libido. Sick and tired of it

    I'm really sick and tired of my libido given I don't want to indulge in it. For me it's not as much as a p*rn issue as it is an imagination/fantasy problem. I understand this is common given my age (19), and it probably doesn't help that I'm stressed most times and always...
  5. D

    Excessive P/M/O & Sun Exposure Intolerance (adrenal fatigue?)

    I've noticed that when I p/m/o frequently (12-15 times a month w/ edging), I have a far worse issue with chronic fatigue and exposure to direct sunlight. The sun makes me much more fatigued and lethargic, I can't really even describe it. I've read in a couple places, including Dr. Lam's website...
  6. D

    Let's Discuss Important Supplements

    First of all, I understand – and everyone else should, too – that we're only sharing nonprofessional thoughts and opinions. I'm in my mid-30s and p/m/o has drained me (no pun intended) of my life force over the years. I know that it's probable at this point that I'm deficient in several...
  7. D

    Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

    Has anyone been diagnosed with POTS? Does anyone suspect they may be dealing with it? Symptoms: Severe and/or long-lasting fatigue Lightheadedness with prolonged sitting or standing Brain fog: trouble focusing, remembering or paying attention Forceful heartbeats or heart palpitations (a...
  8. D

    unbalanced hormones

    if you got unbalanced hormones from fap, how long will it take for them to balance back out?
  9. brahmacarya

    This is what long-term PMO addiction does to your body

    SPECT scan of a porn addict's brain: Long-term addiction to PMO: Downregulates neurotransmitters (e.g., dopamine and serotonin) - 1, 2, 3, 4 Disrupts hormonal balance (e.g., testosterone, prolactin and adrenaline) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Decreases the volume of grey matter in the brain...
  10. D

    The Harms Of Edging

    The following is a transcript from a video on a long gone channel that was called AlphaConceptsTV. Edging is an Orgasm control technique which involves the maintenance of high levels of sexual arousal for an extended period of time without reaching orgasm. It has consistently been described as...
  11. ermia

    Has anyone had this experience?

    After 120 days, I had a runny nose and sneezing and it still continues (14 days) Could it be due to a change in hormones?
  12. D

    Dopamine and attention/task/motivation issues (Dr. Holmes article) - worth reading

    Hi folks, at however stage you are of rebooting, I wish you good luck. Here is article I found, written by Dr. Brianne Holmes, very useful in understanding subject of dopamine. Worth checking ! Because some of the rebooting symptoms may be just caused by change in behavioral patterns (cutting...
  13. D

    Hormone blood test, prolactin / testosterone

    i went to an endocrinologist mainly because of gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction (im 18 btw). Doctor told me to take a prolactin/ testosterone blood test. results: https://imgur.com/a/yg2mtv0 FSH: 2.05 mUI/ml normal range: 1.3-19.3 mUI/mL LH: 6.86 mUI/mL normal range: 0.57-12.07 mUI/mL...
  14. G

    Pain that comes around mid day

    Hello. Day 60 almost. 60 days of not touching my self. This never happened in my life since being a kid. I let that sink in for a moment.... Now, I am truly convinced PMO withdrawal is real. I get pain all over my body for the last three days that starts from the afternoon. I also get sleepy...
  15. H

    Dopamine and hormone levels after edging

    So Ive noticed something over my past few streaks. When I abstain for a long period of time and relapse by edging I feel like I’m cured and feel like my older young self from a few years ago. I’m 20 years old btw. Today I relapsed from a 17 day hard mode streak, only a wet dream on day 14 which...
  16. DaveyCrockett

    How To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels?

    I just got the results back from a saliva testosterone test. My results are: 84 pg/mL of free testosterone. I've been lifting weights for 6 years now, and I've been taking cold showers for a little over 1 year now. I am not on any medications. I don't do drugs. I don't drink alcohol (or soy). I...
  17. S

    Can you trust feelings (when addicted or during reboot)

    Basically, in the past months (during my struggle fighting PMO) I noticed one girl seemed to like me and I also felt like I liked her. But I overthink everything and now I wonder: Can you trust your feelings during your reboot? Are the crazy swinging hormones reliable and representative of your...
  18. S

    Are feelings reliable during PMO reboot?

    Basically, in the past months (during my struggle fighting PMO) I noticed one girl seemed to like me and I also felt like I liked her. But I overthink everything and now I wonder: Can you trust your feelings during your reboot? Are the crazy swinging hormones reliable and representative of your...
  19. llortaton


    I need help guys, I'm about to cry. I gulp, my heart races, and I'm filled with millions of thoughts. How doing I abstain?!?! Help me with the urges, I relapsed after 2 days. All the time. It always happens! I relapse after 2, because I tell myself that because I haven't done for 2 days, my...
  20. V

    Hormonal dissorder

    Hello to everybody! I wanted to share something with the community. I am, as you can see in my posts, currently in the beginning of the battle with my sP problem. (sissy porn and sissy fetish). Besides of begining PMO streak 5 days ago, i also went to a psycholog to talk about my issues. One of...
  21. S

    Second time trying NoFap!

    Hey guys, I’m here again for the second time. When I first signed up I couldn’t believe some of the things I was reading, I honestly thought you were all deluded, but I’mhere again because I believe I was wrong. I’m 24 now and I want to start taking control. I feel like I should be able to...
  22. Sayonara

    The male period, and flatlining

    After having a couple of flatlines, I've come to a realisation that these (lack of) feelings aren't completely new... I consider myself quite lucky when it comes to my psychological wellbeing. In general I've got lots of happiness to share and there's not much sadness and dwelling on things...
  23. Vedas_fr

    Ejaculation : it's just not possible for me anymore...

    Hi advanced Fapstronauts! So, basically, after reaching my goal of 100 days streak, i felt like i should give it a try and see where i am with ejaculation, and sex in general, because i feel like i should have a wife and not be single. I hoped to see improvement with my post ejaculatory issues. Of...
  24. jest

    Can the addiction kill itself?

    So guys, I've relapsed on my 79th day no PMO. All it took was 1 urge, 1 urge in 79 days and my brain hit the self destruct button. Why is this so damn difficult to stop? I thought for sure this time would be THE time, I even moved out of my old place, got a freelancing job, got a new diet, am...
  25. KyaWolf

    Day 6: NoFap Journey

    So, sidenote: I'm new to the whole forum thing. Anyway I've been taking a cold shower every day along with nofap. I made it to day 6! and I'm very proud of myself! which is great, no problem there, but last night I went to this intense Depression, which Isn't the first time, I think on day 4 I...
  26. D

    How to fight Puffy nipples?

    I find them irritating. Despite having a good body shape, I have these embarrassing puffiness in my nipples almost all the time except when I'm in the shower. I'm scared. Help a brother out.
  27. DerNeuMann

    Success Update: Understanding the Two Most Important Benefits

    What are the most important benefits of beating your pmo addiction? At 4.5 months of no porn or masturbation after years of addiction, I see the "benefits" differently than I saw them at Day 0. Yes, I have enjoyed all the usual life enhancers that others have noted, such as no brain fog...
  28. D

    Teenage And pornography

    Hello , I'm not able quit pmo due to to my hormones ,you know how high our sexual drive is in our teenage .what can I do to suppress my urges .i Am doing too much m and not able to concentrate on my studies
  29. ali.nf

    Intense urge but I can't relapse!

    So whenever I have an upcoming social event I abstain from PMO to increase my confidence, testosterone & reduce social anxiety. It always works but now I have a very intense urge and can't relapse because I have that event to go to tomorrow and I'm going to need all of my semen retention...
  30. D

    PIED might not be the problem! (Low FSH count)

    Hello, I'm quite new here so hopefully this has ended up in the right section. I've just completed a 90 day reboot, but I don't feel very different from when I began. What I will suggest here is that for the minority of you who might have a similar condition to me, rebooting might not be the...
  31. M

    How to become manlier after years of PMO-induced feminization?

    Hello everyone! I have adrenal problems, but I also don't feel comfortable with being a male. I fall in love only with females and I am sexually attracted only to them but I still feel they hate the male gender. I still see lots of mysandrist writings online and they ruin my self-confidence. I...