Increase confidence and self-esteem

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by franco216, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. franco216

    franco216 Fapstronaut

    True that! There are enough areas in my life that prove how pride is just a vice all the same.
  2. franco216

    franco216 Fapstronaut

    The way I see it:

    I do think that there is such a thing as healthy competition. It's same old same old: When you are confident and have a healthy sense of self-worth, you can compete, you can win, you can lose - you will be a good winner and a good loser. You can let yourself be inspired by others who are much better at what they are doing. You can learn from them as others can learn from you. You can retain a positive attitude while doing all of that and enjoy life with its ups and downs, as winner and as "loser". After all you aren't really a loser, anyway, because a lot of aspects of a happy life are not about competing at all. There is no price for the one with the best "best friend", neither for the one with the best sex or the hottest girlfriend and so on.

    For me, part of my comparing me to others doesn't happen in this healthy spirit. Sometimes, I feel empty and lack purpose. And quite often my thoughts wander to the point, where I end up comparing myself to others. And there's usually a feeling of contempt involved, too: contempt for others who suck, or contempt for myself because I don't get my shit together.

    At those points I sometimes realize that this comparing isn't healthy and then I wonder what I actually want, i.e. for myself. But this is usually a rather painful thought. It's easier to indulge in some fake games and competitions (having the bigger house, more beautiful girlfriend, better skills at computer games, more friends on facebook, and whatnot).
    letter likes this.
  3. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yeah @franco216, you’re getting to the heart of the matter now :)

    You’re dead on, another way of looking at things, albeit a more painful one is in the question “if I was content, would the desire to compare even be there?”

    This is something I struggle with myself at times. Sometimes, seeing what someone else has reminds me of all that I don’t...and have longed for. There are so many different ways I’ve found to answer that. The practice of not comparing helps, but of course, it’s made easier by removing the desire altogether.

    This one is a little funny, but it does wonders. In place of want for what I don’t have, thankfulness for what I don’t have has been a boon. I mean, a genuine and real thankfulness, lol. It’s very counter-intuitive...but hunger isn’t so bad when you become thankful for being hungry. It may still gnaw at your gut, but you can smile and be happy. Then, when the food comes, it’s all the sweeter.
    franco216 likes this.