Quarantine workout.

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by thegreatoutdoors, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. thegreatoutdoors

    thegreatoutdoors Fapstronaut

    I have been really confused about exercise during quarantine. What are you guys doing to build muscle without equipment? I am too poor to buy weights. So it's a problem. It gets very expensive. Calisthenics dont feel like its enough. I'm really skinny. 5-7" and 110 pounds. I need weights to grow. I'm wondering if anyone came up with an idea or an alternative.

    All I have is a pull up bar, ab wheel, yoga mat and 2 - 15 pound dumb bells. I need heavier dumbells. But just cant really afford it.

    Thanks. I hope you are well and healthy and accomplishing your NoFap goal and fitness goals.
  2. Bodyweight exercises are your rescue. Download an equipment free workout app and follow it's plans! It's been effective for me so far, and I can see gains.
    SoaringEagle and BurgerChamp like this.
  3. JéJee

    JéJee Fapstronaut

    If you have a pull up bar, you should be fine. I personnally never go go the gym and only do calisthenics and weighted calisthenics. Their are tons of progressions for any bodyweight exercise so with a bit of creativity you can keep your workouts challenging enough.
    BurgerChamp likes this.
  4. I agree pull up bar is an essential for at home body weight exercise. The 15s won’t cut it after a few weeks.
    BurgerChamp likes this.
  5. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    One pull up bar for home costs like 10 bucks and you need nothing more. I've gained serious muscle and built a great body throught calisthenics that many would be jealous of. Ive gone from 110 lbs to 140 in 3 months
    BurgerChamp likes this.
  6. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    r/bodyweightfitness recomended routine is by far the best resource out there

    I use a tree branch for pull ups, 2 chairs and a broom for rows and the corner of a counter for a static hold.

    but remeber, if you cant do some exercise for some reason, some exercise >>>>>>> no exercise
  7. nikkiwosh

    nikkiwosh New Fapstronaut

    Whatever workout you do, if you are skinny, you need to care about nutrition and some supplements and then just be sure in 2-3 months you will see the result, 3 years ago I was another person - too thin and too timid, I have been training hard to get my 15 kg and nice muscles shape but I also followed my nutrition plan and I supplements which were peptides, I do recommend to purchase peptides as an effective supplement
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
    ElizabethManning likes this.
  8. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    That is totally enough! All I have are a yoga mat and dumb bells with 5-10 kg. With these you can do a lot of exercises. I recommend to check out darebee.com, they have a lot of different exercises you can do without special equipment!
    For example for abs I do once per week this one:
    For the pushups I do different variations like diamond pushups, archer pushups, spiderman-pushups:
    Or I do workouts, where the most muscles in your body are activated (not just abs, not just legs etc.)
    here another example:
    These are just example what I do, I do a lot more than these :D

    And like nikkiwosh mentioned the nutrition is very important for your workout to get great results! Be continuous with gym and nutrition and you can see your first results in maybe 3 or 4 weeks!
  9. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    You don't need weights to grow. You need FOOD to grow.

    This is the #1 mistake people that want to grow makes. They simply don't eat enough food. You can do deadlift until you pass out with the heaviest weight possible, if you're not eating enough you will not grow!

    All I have is a pull up bar and gymnastic rings and it is plenty. You can make your own gymnastic rings. Then you will be able to do dips.

    I don't have any dumbbells but I fill a backpack with cast iron pans and heavy shit and hang it on my waist and I do weighted pull ups and dips with it. So your dumbbells will help you a lot there.

    When you have made your gymnastic rings from a couple of old straps then you will be able to do ring curls and ring triceps extensions which you can modify the resistance plenty enough just by angling your body differently.

    Utilize your wall as well. Do handstand push ups. Check out HSPU Progress videos on youtube and get to it.

    The dumbbells you have are awesome for building jacked shoulders by the way. People use way too much weight when doing lateral/front/rear raises with dumbells and you will get very far with the weight you have as long as you do them controlled and squeeze your muscles.