The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    WTF happened, I was complete autopilot... There goes my streak...
    However, I don't feel to bad about it. I managed to achieve so many changes in my life in the last few months, I don't let me tear down just because of a relapse. Back on track now
    NoPMO: Day 0
    Productive Days from that: 0
    BMHoff and RiseToGreatness like this.
  2. baskethull

    baskethull Fapstronaut

    check in day 5!!
    BMHoff and RiseToGreatness like this.
  3. But you are here. And you are logging. And that is the right thing to do. Keep it up
    BMHoff, ManAtWork and RiseToGreatness like this.
  4. Daily check-in, on day 13.
    BMHoff and RiseToGreatness like this.
  5. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Day 9 completed successfully

    all the best brothers
    your brother in this struggle
    BMHoff and RiseToGreatness like this.
  6. I know exactly what you mean by "autopilot". My recent relapse was like that too, I barely even had a voice telling me to stop like I normally do. No resistance, I just did it. Pretty scary honestly. On the bright side, this means we both still have streaks that are two days out from eachother, only I'm the one two days ahead now. ;)

    What I'm trying to do is determine my high risk situations (for example, not being able to sleep is one for me) and alter them to give myself more of a fighting a chance. In the case of not being able to sleep, I need to keep my phone a distance away from me to allow time for my "rational" brain to kick in when an urge hits. I failed to do that two days ago, which is why I am where I am now.
    BMHoff, ManAtWork and RiseToGreatness like this.
  7. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Learn bro, refine your strategy. let´s go!!!
    BMHoff likes this.
  8. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Welcome brother :). Long time ago a evil entity created a ring that gather lust and imprisons man.


    Now many man are rebellion against the porn slavery and they decide to destroy the porn ring. You must take the ring to the place where he was made, Mount Doom, and cast it into the fire.


    The journey will take 500 days in nofap (no porn, no masturbation), travelling from Hobbiton to Mount Doom. If you succeed you´ll become the Supreme Guardian of Middle Earth. Good luck brother!!!

  9. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    very good bro, if you didn´t binge that´s hardly a relapse. very good, the important thing is to learn, how autopilot come to be? what conditions? manage those conditions to prevent that from happening again. it was probably your brain going for the dopamine fix. it´s very normal.

    let´s go my brother!!!!
    BMHoff and ManAtWork like this.
  10. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Welcome bro :). Your journey has begun and you´re a Dwarf now. you´re almost reaching Amon Hen. Let´s go!!!!

    ManAtWork likes this.
  11. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    excellent insigh brother, many relapses happen that way. whenever we´re not in optimal conditions the addiction will kick in and try to "solve" the problem with the dopamine solution. that´s why it´s important to always have physical barriers ready when we need them. better safe than sorry.

    i realize lately that having my phone at night next to me, sometimes causes me hesitation, and i know that hesitation grows in time. so i´ll put my phone away from me at night. better safe than sorry.
    ManAtWork likes this.
  12. Starboii

    Starboii Fapstronaut

    Day 20
    Music really helps to fight against those urges : D
    BMHoff, ManAtWork and RiseToGreatness like this.
  13. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    52 days my brothers.

    i want to say that the reboot is hard, i have relapsed many many times since i´m the forum for the last 18/19 months. one thing i learn is to forget about doing "clean" streaks. the mind wants a perfect streak "never pmo again" "never peak", "no hesitations", "no sexual thoughts indulge" etc etc, no stains in the streak so to say.

    i realize that addiction recovery doesn´t work that way. we got to be tolerant with ourselfs, i´m not condoning pmo behaviour in any way, i´m saying that it´s almost impossible to do a "all in" without screwing up sometimes (or many times). what important is to learn to live in abstinence. if i pmo recently, i will learn with that mistake to it doesn´t happen again, that´s it. the reboot is not a race. it´s a endurance shift, a huge process of trial and error. so if you peak it´s not a relapse, it you caught yourself having nasty thoughts about some girl, that´s not a relapse, even if you pmo one time and don´t binge it´s hardly a relapse and the benefits of nofap will continue. the important thing is to learn with that risky behaviour and manage to it doesn´t happen again. learn and continue.

    don´t let the mathematical time challenge overcome the basic of the reboot: living happy :). let´s go my brothers
    LuckyMan, Starboii, BMHoff and 2 others like this.
  14. RestlessEngineer

    RestlessEngineer Fapstronaut

  15. Rohit kumar chowdary

    Rohit kumar chowdary Fapstronaut

  16. BMHoff

    BMHoff Fapstronaut

    Check in. I love reading everyone's post. I can empathize with each relapse and each success. A tip very helpful for me is thinking positively when I felt the worst. I learned there is always something to be positive about. Here are some ideas:

    A reset is not the same thing as a relapse.

    Leaves change faster than the branch, which changes faster than the tree, which changes faster than the forest, which changes faster than the climate. While chaos might seem everywhere, you might be focusing on the leaves. There is slow, deeper, and more long-term change that is happening to the forest and climate. Look at the big picture.

    You will always have this community.

    Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. Success is not possible without failure.

    Solving 100% of the problem may seem impossible, so find 1%. The small changes add up over time. Water created the Grand Canyon.

    Be gentle with yourself. Life can be very hard.

    You're not an addict. You're a person who is being affected by an evil problem that affects all of us here.

    "Flaws" is synonymous with "differences." Differences make us unique. Unique makes us beautiful. Therefore, flaws make us beautiful.

    I've passed 2 months. This is a massive life achievement. I'm so very happy!!!!