THE VIKING CHALLENGE | 90 days / 3 years | (OPEN)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by purplebat14, Aug 13, 2020.


Do you have the potential to become a true Viking?

  1. Yes

  2. I will make it

  3. I am ready for it

  4. Lets go. I will get the superpowers!

  5. Yeah, I am unleashing the superpowers...

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Day 35 checking
    vicicool and guitarmageddon like this.
  2. Awesome , you’re in a relationship now;) . I would say that jogging on daily basis would help you to sustain your energy levels throughout the day.
    guitarmageddon likes this.
  3. johnartista

    johnartista Fapstronaut

    144 days now
    RK@24, vicicool and guitarmageddon like this.
  4. 76 days checking
    RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  5. Willhelm Masc

    Willhelm Masc Fapstronaut

    39 days checking in
    guitarmageddon, RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  6. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    I am still nog sure if she wanta a relatoinship xD
    But my potency is unbelivable perfect now and having Sex is like being in paradise now.
    And is still have completely now urges after having sex thre times from Sunday to today in the morning. It's unbelivable awesome.
    And I will continue this for ages now!!!:emoji_boom::emoji_rocket:
    I hope you will go on with me here!!!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    guitarmageddon, fg4795 and RK@24 like this.
  7. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday: day 100 noPM
    Today: day 101 noPM.
    I thought about tracking the frequency of orgasms here. What do you think abut this?
    I am not sure if this woulf be creepy, but it is an important parameter I guess. Before the current streak I did not reach satisfaction after sex. I could already continue directly, if I kept the break very short. But I had the problem with getting limb during sex. I tried making a break after orgams now and the fealing of satisfaction is copletely back now. I
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    guitarmageddon, fg4795 and RK@24 like this.
  8. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Keep going! You got this. :emoji_muscle:
    I‘m with you:emoji_fire:
    guitarmageddon and RK@24 like this.
  9. Newcastle

    Newcastle Fapstronaut

    Day 25 done, day 26 starting
    guitarmageddon, RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  10. IWillGetMyGirl

    IWillGetMyGirl Fapstronaut

    I passed day 6.
    Will run 3km tonight to keep motivate and defend urges.
    Keep Fighting !!!
    guitarmageddon and RK@24 like this.
  11. okay okay it was a casual thing.
  12. Day 36 checking
    Eat, Sleep, Code, Exercise Repeat
    guitarmageddon likes this.
  13. Wonderful to read you're doing so good my friend :)
    Many congratulations :)
    RK@24 and guitarmageddon like this.
  14. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    No, I just don't know where it will end up.
    I don't do like to do casual things.
    But planing too much in the beginning did not work well for me in the past.
    I pressed to much for a relationship ind the past and this was not good expecially in my last relationship.
    Maybe I destroyed it by doing that.
    I was to clining and that put a lot of pressure on both of us.
    I have to learn, that I cannot controll everything, but also that I am also not responsilbe all problems of other people.
    That was a problem combinded with the clinging and also put me under a lot of pressure.

    I don't try to be that way out of recklessness.
    I went through awfull pain and I saw terrible things happen and that made me developing a dependent personality.
    But that was not healthy for me.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
    RK@24, guitarmageddon and fg4795 like this.
  15. Willhelm Masc

    Willhelm Masc Fapstronaut

    Day 40 checking in
    RK@24, fg4795 and purplebat14 like this.
  16. guitarmageddon

    guitarmageddon Fapstronaut

    Day 29 checking in
  17. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 102 noPM, day 1 noPMO - High King of Vikings ✅
    Meditation yesterday/morning: ➖/✅
    Willpower exercise day 1: ➖
    Codes closed and everything tomorrow: ➖
    SM, PC and cell phone rule: ➖
    dopamine detox)

    Daily schedule observed: ➖
    Phone etc. Timer/topic: ▶
    Morning routine: ➖
    evening routine: ✅
    Sleep at 23 ✅

    No sugar ▶
    Caffeine Rule ✅
    Alcohol Rule ▶
    fg4795, RK@24 and guitarmageddon like this.
  18. Newcastle

    Newcastle Fapstronaut

    Day 26 done , day 27 starting
    guitarmageddon, purplebat14 and RK@24 like this.
  19. Ease it up. You have to go slowly in this case. Lastly I would say you both make sure you do not stress yourselves.
    fg4795 and purplebat14 like this.