What are your goals for 2017?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Thomas Vanhaecht, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. It is almost a new year, time to set up new goals. What are your goals for the new year?
  2. Pursuit__Of__Happiness

    Pursuit__Of__Happiness Fapstronaut

    Though I doubt the effectiveness of new year goals, but still if I have to say one thing, that would be to become my best version. I want to develop a better relationship with myself and represent my true self.
    HipPete, Tesslynne, MrPrince and 4 others like this.
  3. Awesome, btw how do you add that counter to your profile?
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Just click on anyone's counter and follow the instructions. Make sure to cut + paste the link to your signature Thomas :)
  5. Sailor93

    Sailor93 Fapstronaut

    It would be too easy to state here that I want a girlfriend in 2017! My goal is to improve myself in every possible way: self control, self confidence, stamina, strength, talking to strangers, courage. Getting a girlfriend is not a goal, it 's one RESULT of an action taken. This action was initiated by NoFap in November for me. I'm very grateful that I made the choice to stop PMO.
  6. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    To have a job..
    I want to earn, so I can study in graduate school..
  7. ncas01

    ncas01 Guest

    In 2017 I will do the following:

    1. Move out of my parents house and rent out a flat.
    2. I will dominate and conquer my new role at my job (just got promoted this year:rolleyes:)
    3. Begin waking up early and go to the gym/Crossfit
    4. I will also begin rehearsal for a show that we are cultivating (I am an aspiring Thespian).
    5. Eat healthy
    6. Pay off as much debt as possible using the Dave Ramsey method (Debt Snowball)
    7. Spend quality time with Friends and Family
    8. Attempt NoFap for 365 days.
    9. Be kind and nice to others and don't let stress be a setback in my life

    2017 will be the year where I will unleash the inner beast that is inside me. I will unapologetically win in life. Who is with me?o_O
  8. DiogoFSantos

    DiogoFSantos Fapstronaut

    Lose some weight and do more exercise
  9. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Become a Millionare!
    and help the ones in need.
  10. DiogoFSantos

    DiogoFSantos Fapstronaut

    @Aiyoshi, your goals are definitely more accessible and credible than mine.
    waterworld and Aiyoshi like this.
  11. BuildingDiscipline

    BuildingDiscipline Fapstronaut

  12. LDog85

    LDog85 Fapstronaut

    Work out more.

    To tread the floor boards more.

    And smash it as a graphic designer / potential filmmaker :)
    Thomas Vanhaecht and Tesslynne like this.
  13. My goals are actually the same as they were last year. I hope I do better this time haha.
    1. Hit 185 lbs. (Currently 165)
    2. No PMO for the entire year.
    3. Be the best man I can possibly be.
    2017, here I come!
  14. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Continue my hardcore no PMO streak day 115 today. And continue to have no PMO lifestyle and attitude for life. Continue to keep getting in shape abs are just beginning to show. Start living my life and hopefully find new friends and a girl I will graduate highschool in 2017 and I just got accepted to college. Going to be an interesting year and definitely a big one. Need to stay true to the values that have gotten me so far.
  15. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

    Hi Thomas! Here are some of my goals for 2017
    1. Study hard on a subject that is dear to me, gain actionable knowledge on it and be employable.
    2. Take up classical music seriously, regular practice.
    3. Continue regular exercising: Running, gym.
    4. Exploring myself and being close to my true self.
    5. Volunteer for an NGO working towards the upliftment of the impoverished and underprivileged.
  16. Tesslynne

    Tesslynne Guest

    I have a ton of them and in a way, even though they are challenging, I think part of me is looking forward to them! One thing I absolutely HAVE to do is be more positive about life and myself and more grateful. I know better than that, but I think complaining and putting myself down might actually also be bad habits of mine too.

    Some of the other stuff is like, keep getting fit. not a gym person, more other ways, I've started.
    Check out a meetup badminton group. Plus the singles ones again! Find a way to actually approach men. I have a few things I'm gonna work on. I'm just really excited 2017 is here. And of COURSE one of mine is to have a schlick-free 2017! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
  17. kevinkevin19

    kevinkevin19 Fapstronaut

    - Lose at least 8% body fat and put on muscle instead
    - Get better at basketball (work on my ball handling and be able to score during full court games regularly)
    - Do my best for my last 3 months at my current job (I will resign at my current job this April)
    - Go on more dates with women I like
    - Achieve at least 30 days of no PMO
    Thomas Vanhaecht likes this.
  18. Make it more concrete
  19. Great goals, good luck!
    Mankrik likes this.
  20. Nice! Btw cool signature