Post published by Mystery Man

I am a 31 year old married man in Australia that has been an addictive for 18 years. I am in desperate need of someone who is similar like me that is able to keep me accountable daily to begin with.

I can't do this on my own and I know that my relationship with Jesus, my wife, my children and others depends on it.

I would love to know if there are people who have much in common with me that will be able to help me with this? I too will keep you accountable.

Thank you
José Bonaparte likes this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
I am on the opposite side of the globe from you (US-ET), but I am also a married man with children who has been addicted to PMO for decades. If I can help serve you as an AP, please message me directly via these forums. So glad you found this community and are committed to the journey of recovery!
Mystery Man and Deleted Account like this.
Romans 6 23 more_vert
Romans 6 23
I'm in the US (west coast) also married, 30 years old, with a daughter and another on the way. feel free to send me a message
Mystery Man likes this.
Mystery Man more_vert
Mystery Man
Congratulations with your second child on the way. How are U going with the whole thing?
Romans 6 23 likes this.
Romans 6 23 more_vert
Romans 6 23
What do you mean? the pregnancy or the porn thing? I guess both have the same answer - with God's help
Mystery Man more_vert
Mystery Man
Sorry I sho of been more clear. In reference to PMO. How long have U been doing NoFap for?
Romans 6 23 likes this.
Romans 6 23 more_vert
Romans 6 23
I first realized I had a porn addiction in August. Ive been working with my marriage counsellor but had very little to no success. 8 days at best, but also relapsed and binged many times. I joined about 2 months ago, when I had just hit my 2nd streak of 8 days.
Mystery Man likes this.
Romans 6 23 more_vert
Romans 6 23
since joining nofap I have only looked at porn once. This group of guys have been a huge part of my success
Tao Jones and Mystery Man like this.