35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. recovery hammock

    recovery hammock Fapstronaut

    My wife was out of town for 10 days and I minimized computer use during that time. She's back and I'm doing well. Just checking in. Thanks for being here.
    goingforit, artifact, JJ_Kino and 2 others like this.
  2. Martial

    Martial Fapstronaut

    Great idea, I’m in! Got to admit a reset in the meantime tho:(
    goingforit, JJ_Kino and NICEDUDE like this.
  3. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    9 days and fail.

    Gonna do better next time lads.

    Reset the clock, Doc.
  4. You can do your best...keep it up mate
    NICEDUDE, goingforit and JJ_Kino like this.
  5. Current streak still intact, just... heavy days of fantasising and almost getting into old patterns but trying to stay strong. Thought this would continue to weaken, just shows need for continued vigilance.
  6. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Pretty good streak you had going there.
    NICEDUDE and JJ_Kino like this.
  7. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Sign me up! I haven't gone a whole month since before the pandemic.
    NICEDUDE and JJ_Kino like this.
  8. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Cheers mate.
    artifact likes this.
  9. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Yeah been a while, I'm definitely up for no nut June.

    If I can just get a good streak.going, get through the first 15 days or so I can definitely get to 30 and beyond.
    NICEDUDE, Dynamogyan and artifact like this.
  10. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I made it to 14 days on Saturday but got slammed with physical urges and so allowed myself to M without P but then got wiped out by the chaser effect the next day. I guess my biggest problem in this challenge is that when an intense physical urge to M hits, I worry that I am harming my reproductive system if I don't give in. What do you guys with super-long streaks think about this issue and how do you deal with physical urges?
  11. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Great question
    artifact, ctr and Dynamogyan like this.
  12. Still here, still struggling to get beyond 3 weeks. I hope everyone is well.
  13. We together will fight for love !
    We together will fight against PMO !
    Let's break the cycle !
    Maybe the trigger is some anxious feeling inside chest or stomach while takes you back to PMO
    Maybe you are feeling tingling or itching sensation in pen*s. This tingling sensation is causing the cycle.
    Maybe urge to pee or urinate is considered as urge to PMO.

    Urge is the biggest illusive shown to you by your brain..
    Why ?
    Because you must have felt urge to pee as an urge to fap.
    Is not it illusive or wrong perception ?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2022
  14. planters1987

    planters1987 Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group
  15. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    I'm going through hardships lately, at my new work, there are a lot of wimps who loves ass kissing, I feel no matter what I do is not enough for them, and I may be need to be a wimp as well, because this is how the way it goes if you want to be promoted or recognized. I think I need some consulting , I know what's happing is from MR nice guy syndrome, the inner conflict and resentment are high, sometimes I wish that a Fking comet hit us and be done with.
    JJ_Kino, goingforit and artifact like this.
  16. ctr

    ctr Fapstronaut

    @artifact: Used to happen to me all the time, mate. And that chaser effect is a killer. But no worries, there shouldn't be any particular harm done to the reproductive system by abstaining, even following any very intense urge; any discomfort eventually dissipates and things soon go back to normal.

    I still get intense urges on occasion, sometimes even in my dreams. But with enough time, it gets progressively easier to say "ah, why bother". I try to distract myself as much as possible (intense cardio is great for this) but sometimes I just let the thoughts roam around in my mind and then they gradually peter out on their own.

    One thing I've learned along this journey is how important the psychological aspect is. Of course, there are intense physical cravings, especially in the beginning, but later on it also becomes a mental game as well. From the start of the pandemic and during, I was using the fact that I was more socially isolated and that things were awful to justify all my undesirable habits, including PMO. As a result, my problems became a lot worse, and I started to fear that I would never gain any control over them. But it's that very fear that's keeping me from going back to my old ways; I still have a lot I want to do with my life and will need all the confidence and energy I can get. The addiction was robbing me of all the things I could be, and that was all it took to force myself to abstain and seek out more productive ways to use my time.

    Hope this helped a bit. This addiction can absolutely be defeated, no doubt.
    JJ_Kino, Bernard O., NICEDUDE and 2 others like this.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Back after a long absence.
    Today is day 15.
    Still haven't reset counter.
    Just counting days for now.
    JJ_Kino, NICEDUDE, Dynamogyan and 2 others like this.
  18. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Day 10.
    Feeling a bit down today but it will pass.
    JJ_Kino, Dynamogyan, artifact and 2 others like this.
  19. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    I'm working on getting confidence as well, see I realized that nofap is just a tool to help be better person but if i want to have true benefits there's some work has to be done, I'm thinking martial arts that will help me boost my confidence, starting on JUNE
  20. Steveal3aneef1

    Steveal3aneef1 Fapstronaut

    try doing something fun, productive, organize your stuff or go for a walk, i also sometimes I stop what I'm doing and ask myself when was the last time I took care of myself. give yourself a treat , you deserve it because you're doing great