Any Fitness Routines Here?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Judicious 7, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I was wondering. Does anybody have any advice on any fitness routines? I specifically would like to start with push ups. I just don't know how often.
  2. MNinerZERO

    MNinerZERO Fapstronaut

    Do the whole nine yard.

    Start with a light jog, bump it up to running, then do some short 20 second sprints. Rinse and repeat.

    If you're looking to build muscles, look at yourself objectively. Are you fat? If so, focus on your cardio first. Lose some fat, then start going into muscle building. This way, you can reduce the effect of lactic acid in your body.
  3. MNinerZERO

    MNinerZERO Fapstronaut

    Here's a list of exercises that I personally do...

    In circuit training style...
    Push ups (in variety of forms; regular, crucifix, diamond, dive bomber, judo-style, etc.)
    Sit ups / Crunches (hit it from all angles to really work the abdominals)
    Mountain Climbers (count to 20 seconds and do as fast as you can)

    If you can't run, then substitute for another form of cardio exercise like swimming, biking, jump roping, boxing, etc.
    Judicious 7 likes this.
  4. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    More you can choose from where you can mix and match to create your own regimen. Head to youtube and look up Zuzka Light. And get your mind out of the gutter too. LOL.

    Or if you joined a gym and offer classes called Boot Camp and Sports Conditioning, make sure you take them.
  5. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    Oh I see. Well in response to your first post, I'm pretty thin. I weigh just shy of 160 lb. However, I naturally have a built upper back. I decided that I want to do this routine:

    All Days of the week, do cardio. At least 20 min. (I don't have much fat to lose, but it's still good to get my heart pumping with this little stationary bike in my living room or by doing burpees)

    Sunday, Wednesday, & Friday, do push ups. (I haven't figured out a set number of sets, but I started doing as many as I can with breaks in between.

    My goal is not to be a bodybuilder but to at least stick to some sort of routine or method that should burn off extra energy that could be used for PMO. How's that sound?
  6. MNinerZERO

    MNinerZERO Fapstronaut

    It's all personal preference. Personally, if I was looking to get stronger, I would go with prison it til you can do counting reps
    Judicious 7 likes this.
  7. Alex10s

    Alex10s Fapstronaut

    Best program: do 50 pullups and 200 push ups per day.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    You also need to focus on lower body strength as well. You don't want to have an awesome upper body with chicken legs. I have seen so many bros like that at the gym it is sad.
  9. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Squats and lunges always do the trick for leg day.;)
  10. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    If you are beginning a workout regimen, focus on circuit total body workouts. Make sure it is anaerobic because you will burn calories hours even after the work out. Remember to drink lots of H2O and get your 8 hours of rest in. Don't do chest day. Leg day. That is for down the road when you are fully maintained and isolating muscles each day is for maintenance.
  11. Mr. Man

    Mr. Man Fapstronaut

    If you're interested in bodyweight exercises, look up HomeMadeMuscle on YouTube. The guy sells some books, but puts 90% of his stuff out there for free. His videos aren't the most exciting or well-produced, but the content is really good. It includes things like how to wedge a door so you can do pull-ups off it, how to progress from regular push-ups to one-hand, etc.

    I've been doing his basic home workout for about a month, and have been doing bodyweight exercises for about 6 months. It seems like good stuff so far.

    Another thing to check out is the 'Do more than one stinking pull up' routine on Art of Manliness.

    I started doing bodyweight exercise with the goal of being able to pass the Marine Corp fitness test (sans running - I have a bad knee), and was able to go from being able to do 1 pull up to easily passing the test, in just a few months!

    If you can't tell, I love bodyweight exercise ;) it's good stuff!!
  12. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Don't forget swimming. Awesome cardio, and all round body workout.
  13. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Try this :)
    This was routine before..
    I already change my routine since I need to raise difficulty.

    Regular Push up..10 rep
    Squat.................10 rep
    Sit ups...............20 rep
    Diamond Push up..10 rep
    Lunges................10 rep

    Do 2-4 rounds..
    Rest 1-3mins between rounds
  14. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    If you want to build muscle, shred fat, or become really strong I'd suggest Kinobody on youtube. His programs cost but are brilliant. IMO he has the best physique.
  15. Doesn't matter what the fitness routine is. Just make sure you do it consistently, thoroughly and are creative to avoid plateau. A strong body equals a strong mind. But you have to stay on the ball!
  16. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    this will kill me in the first day lol
  17. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    Sadly no, but I do have weights at home
  18. As someone who only started getting into working out a few months ago myself I can give some advice on beginner mistakes I made that I've now corrected.

    Firstly, your number of reps isn't important, whatsoever. Up until very recently that's all I cared about "I did 120 pushups and 120 crunches today" etcetc. To build new muscles you have to cause small tears to happen in the muscle - it's the repairing of these tears that causes your muscles to grow. Low intensity easy exercises don't cause much of any tear in the muscles except when you're an absolute newbie with no muscle to begin with. So the key is quality and intensity > quantity of reps.

    Judge when you're done by the fact that your arms give out and don't want to do any more reps, not because you've hit some arbitrary number you decided on.

    Take your pushups slow. Slow movement causes the muscles to be used fully and stretch fully, putting more strain on them and making you get MUCH more out of a single rep.

    Next, focus on form. Your back needs to be straight when doing pushups to work the most possible muscles and achieve the best effects:

    If you're like me and you have trouble knowing if your back's straight/getting your back straight, then I recommend looking up how to do a "plank". After you're familiar with that exercise, use the same muscle tensing rigidity you use during the plank, to force your back straight during a pushup.

    Then once you've got all that down, just keep doing slow pushups with good form until you feel your arms physically giving out because it's too much. At that point, stop, walk around the room for 45 seconds (active rest with light movement helps you recover faster than just sitting down), then repeat. Do this for a total of 3-5 sets or so.

    So, that's the pushups down, what other exercises would I suggest? Well, pushups mostly work your pecs, shoulders, and triceps - which are the muscles on the back of your arm. A lot of people do pushups because they want big arms, but of course the main muscle most people associate with big arms isn't the tricep, but the bicep. To work the bicep you need to include some pulling or lifting exercises.

    You said you have weights at home, if they're dumbbells then just do bicep curls (for your biceps) and hammer curls (for your forearms). Proper form for curls means keeping your elbow in the same place, your elbow shouldn't move at all during the exercise, so just focus on keeping your elbow in place while you curl the weight up to touch your shoulder, then gradually all the way back down to rest at your side.

    Again, just like the pushups, do each set to breaking point when you feel your arm can't continue any more - HOWEVER, unlike the pushups, you SHOULD be counting reps if you're using dumbbells with one arm at a time, just to make sure you do an even number on both arms and don't end up having one monster arm and one tiny one. Do 3-5 sets of bicep curls and 3-5 sets of hammer curls.

    Now you still haven't worked your abs, back, or legs much. Remember the planks I mentioned earlier? Those are great for working your core muscles, especially your abs. Unlike crunches or situps (which can cause spinal injury) they're also super safe to do, and they actually work your abs much better than situps/crunches, and much more evenly too. The key with planks is once again to reach maximum intensity, and you do this by holding the position for as long as you physically can until your body cracks and gives up. Do 3-5 of them, again with 45 second breaks etc.

    For your leg muscles there are bodyweight squats, or you can also hold a weight with your two hands to increase the difficulty a little bit. Squats are great not just for your legs but also for testosterone release. The more muscle tissue you work with an exercise, the more testosterone is released, and since the muscles in your legs are the biggest muscles in your body, squats == lots of testosterone. Again, do them until you can't do any more. 3-5 sets.

    Now you just have your back. Grab yourself a pullup bar, or failing that you can use a climbing frame or set of swings in a kid's playground somewhere. Do a combination of pullups and chinups, 3-5 sets again. You'll also be working your biceps here with chinups especially so try do this on days where you're already working your biceps so as to ensure they get proper rest on other days.

    If you can't get access to a pullup bar, find two sturdy chairs and a sturdy pole, and make yourself a home-made inverted row station like so:

    Inverted rows work similar muscles to pullups. Just make sure to do both overhand and underhand to work the different muscles, and try relax your arms and allow your shoulders to take most of the weight. Again, focus on form, and on doing it until breaking point, for 3-5 sets a piece.


    As for your workout regimen and how often to do these, IMO there are two real ways to workout efficiency: Doing all your exercises in one day, and then taking off days, or splitting your exercises up by muscle group and only taking one full rest day a week.

    For example, you could do all of the above exercises on monday, rest tuesday, all the exercises on wednesday, rest thursday, all the exercises on friday, rest saturday and then do some cardio (running/swimming/etc) instead on sunday.

    Or alternatively you could do say: Both types of curls + pullups/inverted rows + squats on monday, pushups and planks on tuesday, and repeat that - with sunday being your off day.

    Rest is important, since your muscles don't grow during workouts, but in the rest period afterwards. If you feel like you don't need a rest day for those muscles after a workout, then the truth is you're not working them hard enough, and should increase your number of sets and the intensity, rather than working them out multiple days in a row. When your muscles are still sore the day after workout, that's a good thing and means you've pushed them a good amount.

    Also, if you want to add in more exercises - check out calisthenics routines on YouTube. Calisthenics == bodyweight exercises, so you don't need any fancy equipment, meaning even if you don't have access to a gym there are tons of great exercises you can do.

    Last but not least, make sure your diet is in check. If you've never worked out before, you'll have a newbie advantage to working out that allows you to do interesting things like lose fat *while* building muscle, but later on this won't be as easy.

    When wanting to put on muscle, you'll need to eat slightly more than your body needs, to provide enough energy and protein for your body to create new muscle tissue. At the same time as doing this though, you'll put on some fat - so don't overeat either if you want the muscle gains to be more prominent than the fat gains. After you've gained enough muscle or too much fat, you then go on a calorie deficit where you eat 300-500 calories below what you need to maintain your weight, and you continue this until your body fat % is in the range you want it. During this time you should also eat lots of protein, as eating lots of protein tricks your body into thinking it's already broken down muscle tissue - so instead of losing all that muscle to conserve energy, your muscle remains where it is, and only your fat disappears. Then you can repeat these two cycles.

    Alternatively, you can do what's called a re-composition if you don't want to constantly yoyo between calorie excess and calorie deficits. A re-composition or recomp involves you eating close to maintenance calories (the amount your body needs to maintain its weight) while working out heavily - this should result in fat loss and muscle gain, although the fat loss will be slower than on a calorie deficit, and the muscle gains will be less than on a calorie surplus - some people prefer doing it this way. Search for "leangains" for some ideas on good recomp strategy.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2016