Anyone notice weird shit going on during a long streak?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. I’m not on a long streak currently, but weird shit starts to happen when I am. I’d get a lot of random texts and phone calls in the past from people who I haven’t talked to in months and I want to convince myself this is bullshit and voodoo type shit, but it’s just too weird to explain. Maybe it really is merely a coincidence, but I’m talking about things that have never happened to me before in my life (aside from the random contacting). It’s probably just bullshit but feel free to chime in and share any similar experiences you’ve had!
  2. Hmmm very interesting post. I just had a relapse after 70+ days. Had several other long streaks as well.

    I met a woman two years ago and tried to be closer as a friend, to no avail. I sent a couple dozen emails to her versus her two short, disinterested replies. I was really stupid. I shouldn't have emailed her so much when it was obvious she was no longer interested.

    So I finally stopped emailing her when I realized what an idiot I was being.

    Well out of the blue she emailed me last week after a two year period no contact. I replied to that email but haven't heard back from her. I'm smarter this time. I'm not going to email her again unless she replies to the message I sent. I'm also meeting other women instead being focused on one.

    But it is strange that she'd write. There's no way her knowing that I'm working on improving my life.

    It's just a coincidence.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  3. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    must be something in the water
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  4. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid.
    Can the people of TV see me or am I just paranoid?
    I always feel like somebody's watching me and I have no privacy.
    I always feel like somebody's watching.
    Who's playing tricks on me?
    Deleted Account and {Ananta} like this.
  5. zakes

    zakes Fapstronaut

    Woman miss the attention when you no longer give it to them..
    This one girl showed me no interest.. But suddenly started shwing more interest when I got a girlfriend
  6. Oliver777

    Oliver777 New Fapstronaut

    Will you actually get more girls with nofap? And why!?
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  7. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    i use to be paranoid the tv connected to my thoughts, and played comercials relating to what im thinking or feeling, kids like when your online an cookies sends you ads related to what your searching, but when those things took place i smoked tons of marijuana, do you some the ganja??its possible spirits are watching you,i often have dreams where i seem to be hovering and watching people but the people are doing crazy things ,bad things or scary things, either im watching on a survallence camera or im astral projecting
  8. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I am an skeptic so I do not believe in spirits or astral projections, but someone watching you all the time is not an insane paranoid thought anymore, it could be happening.
  9. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Yes this is real. When I meditate and turn my phone off there will be a bunch of messages from people on it I have not heard from in a long time.. Its like as I pull away it sends a signal out that calls them in. Also women are phycic intuitive and are more attracted to a guy who is getting sex from other women or have a girlfriend. When you are single and do pmo they dont notice you as much.
    Just stay on the path.
  10. The same happened to me too. Around day 20/25 of this streak a past friend (who friend-zoned me when I was doing that bs) said "Hey I was just thinking about you, etc." You can be as pragmatist about this, but I think there is something more esoteric and metaphysical going on.
    Fixmybrain and IbrahimViking like this.
  11. Discouraged

    Discouraged Fapstronaut

    once you learn how these psychic connections work.

    it is a pallete of magic to paint and create the world as you desire, to live the dream with others in a shared dream reality.

    rho and ohr, rho rho rho your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily life is but a dream

    but when your consciousness gets too bogged down, and you become 'mentally ill', chaos creates evil, a bad trip. a bad dream.

    send me your positive thoughts, energize me. pray for me with your penis power, or vagina power and I will overcome everything for you, i am almost there , the closer i get to becoming the timing crystal, the more weight my every word and thought has, the more crushing and dangerous it becomes.

    try to understand, when you can manifest your thoughts, you can ge tthis or that girl, or become rich, live the dream but what if

    you are controlling the whole blessed thing? THEN what are the consquences of your thoughts? it's maddening, it's like juggling 10,000 bowling pins at once. and if i drop them, it will be total disaster.
  12. Discouraged

    Discouraged Fapstronaut

    the potential for 'weird shit' is actually as infinite as your imagination.

    what is yer sex anyways? it's the power to create a child. what is a child? it is the re-creation of the entire universe, from a point of view.

    sex IS the creation of the universe, for that new person. think about it.

    but you dont just create a child with it. you are creating the universe, we ALL are, together.

    the more positive creative power you are feeding into the system, the higher your social status, which will usually bless you with wealth, or at least enough to get by. by positive energy i mean, you are giving life to others, if you dish out death, then be very careful you who dish it out to

    the relation between the male/female sex energies, is symbolized in St. Peter's square, the VAtican, the obelisk in the circle. the seed in the egg.

    this is why you see the obelisk in the circle, in every great city on earth. it is a symbol of the TRUTH of your reality

    sorry for promoting this video which portrays it as something evil, it is of course NOT evil, it is the greatest good you have to guide you as to what exactly the hell you are, what you are doing here. but it just happens to be the greatest most elaborate collection. Fear can be a great motivator to achievement
  13. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    we could go to the next theory and say we are in a matrix , that we are in is a computer simulation ,also theres things out there that back up that theory also ,ive had personal experiences backing up the matrix theory
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  14. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Where's my tin foil hat?
  15. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    I have to say, that i am struggeling since 2017 with NoFap. My highest streak was unfortunately only 14 days. I had a lot of restarts and allways failing after 7-8 days; especially in the weekend.
    But during this time, I recognize big social difference. Allways starts after 4-5 days:

    • Women attraction: Women in my work start suddenly to flirt with me. They smile, laugh about my jokes, start initial conversations with me....touching my arms..have a special "look" in there the years before NoFap there was no reaction like this.
    • My boss and my Co-Worker starts to respect me. They are more friendly to me and i personally have the feeling, that there are a little bit afraid of me. Also customer are more convienced of my arguments.
    • Family: Better relationship to my parents and my brother.

    I know there is no science evidence for this, but this is so far my personal experience.
    My goal is real 365 days, but the urges are so extremly strong that i am allways relapsing.
    hsb0617 likes this.
  16. Mithras

    Mithras Fapstronaut

    Maybe the universe is rewarding us for living in symbiosis with it. Or it is just placebo as we tend to be more attentive of what's going on and then developing an increased awareness on things we would not care to pay attention before.
    But I tend to believe that we become magnetic and some things are coming from nowhere: more attention from women, more respect from other males, the information you were looking for all your life suddenly come to you naturally, synchronicities seem to happen more often...

    Maybe it's just a matter of personal beliefs, maybe it's the alignment with the rules of the universe that make all of this happen.
    Fixmybrain likes this.
  17. This universe is fuckin weird. No one knows wtf is going on or knows the answer to anything. During rough times I also want there to be a God, where as during easy moments I don't 'need God's help'. Makes no sense really
    Mithras likes this.
  18. and here you are still on day 0 it looks like by your counter. its 2022. Not saying this to disparage you, but more of as a wakeup call. Why do you still do what destroys you, when you know that if you stop, these good things you mentioned in the bullets happen. Its self sabotage
    {Ananta} likes this.
  19. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunetly you are right. 5 years past and allways failing. The problem is lack of discipline. The desire is greater than my willpower.
    I've read many books, watched many YT-Videos and still failing. And i know, that my life would be much better. I see unbelievable results in minor streaks. What would be happen, if i could go up to 1 Year?
    But I won't give up.

  20. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    i keep my schedule full