Making It Out The Jungle

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. Hello there! Just a short background into my pornography addiction: I've looked at pornography since I was 13 years old, got to my early 20's and my addiction was impacting heavily on my life (in a serious negative way) so I decided to quit. Last 10 years I have been attempting to purge myself of this horrible, destructive habit. Having runs of a few days up to 100+ days.

    I have found a really easy way for me to help myself quit: I call it "Success"

    1. I will never look at pornography ever again in my life, PERIOD.

    2. When the idea of looking at pornography comes into my mind, I will:
    a) See these feelings for what they truly are: NOT MINE
    b) Remembering WHO I AM and how much that means to me
    c) Relishing in the TRUTH and PLEASURE that I am free from pornography and its negative effects on my life.

    2. When the negative effects of pornography come into my mind I will:
    a) Cold Shower
    b) See these feelings as a passing, fleeting moment in time
    c) Relish in the TRUTH that in going through these feelings, I am purging myself of pornography's effects on me, and in doing so it is making room for ME to flourish.

    This is my plan. I call it "SUCCESS" because I feel like there is no bigger achievement and reward in life than purging myself of this addiction.

    I hope this helps anybody out there reading!
  2. Day 12: Easy as, just have these impinging feelings of the porn monster within me dying. Feelings of powerlessness and anger, but nothing I can't handle. Anybody else know what I'm talking about? Anyways, I WILL NEVER LOOK AT PORNOGRAPHY EVER AGAIN IN MY LIFE. PERIOD! This statement is so powerful for me because it proves that pornography is not a part of my life. This means that I am free from this fucking disease that has haunted me for years. I AM FREE!!!!!! Much love to you all <3
    Xue Hua Piao and Casserole like this.
  3. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    Victory_Victory likes this.
  4. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    Good luck in your Journey , want to add ,more time to improve self , lots of time on that loathsome screen,also feeling guilt free cause your not looking at that yucky stuff,also be grateful cause you don’t need to look at it !
    Victory_Victory likes this.
  5. Perfectionst

    Perfectionst Fapstronaut

    Victory_Victory likes this.
  6. Thanks bro <3
  7. Day 15: 2 weeks done and dusted, a lot of big feelings came up over the weekend but I got thru them. Still affirming the statement in my mind "I will never look at pornography ever again in my life, PERIOD", and it really helps to affirm that looking at porn isn't an option, no matter how difficult things get.

    As the effects of porn leave my body/mind/spirit, I am finding I lose my discipline, I get weak, and I forget my reasons to never have pornography in my life ever. So I have also been reaffirming the statement, "When the idea of looking at pornography comes into my mind, I will:
    a) See these feelings for what they truly are: NOT MINE
    b) Remembering WHO I AM and how much that means to me
    c) Relishing in the TRUTH and PLEASURE that I am free from pornography and its negative effects on my life".

    I think that these things will help me into ascending who I want to be and transforming into someone I thought I'd never be. Much love <3
  8. I have just had a realization that I feel like I just had to write about! I realised that there is NOTHING to gain from indulging in pornography. I always felt like I was 'giving something up' and 'sacrificing', but in reality I am losing nothing and gaining so so much!

    Porn is this trickster who wants us to think we are losing something by not looking at it, but in fact it's just an illusion! A trick that I have solved, like realising the magician who has 'superpowers' is nothing but a fraud and a fake. It feels really good to realise this! I don't want porn, porn wants porn!

    The other thing I realised (which isn't as big but still a great breakthrough) is the fact that NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is as important as realising porn is non-existent in my life and maintaining this. I feel maintaining my freedom from porn's trap is the ONLY thing that matters; not job progression, not relationships, not hobbies, not friends, NOTHING!! The only thing that matters is maintaining my freedom from porn; everything else is 2nd Place.
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  9. So.... I relapsed. Which is fine. What caught me out is the fact that when I get a couple of weeks into my run, I start to believe the voice of pornography telling me that "Porn is okay, it's okay to look at porn". So with this being said, I have altered my plan slightly (a plan that is working so great so far!):

    1. I will never look at pornography ever again in my life, PERIOD.

    2. When the idea of looking at pornography comes into my mind, I will:
    a) See these feelings for what they truly are: NOT MINE
    b) Truly understanding that porn is a disease and an addiction that must be broken in order for me to live my life
    c) Remembering WHO I AM and how much that means to me
    d) Relishing in the TRUTH and PLEASURE that I am free from pornography and its negative effects on my life.

    2. When the negative effects of pornography come into my mind I will:
    a) Cold Shower
    b) See these feelings as a passing, fleeting moment in time
    c) Relish in the TRUTH that in going through these feelings, I am purging myself of pornography's effects on me, and in doing so it is making room for ME to flourish.

    This is my plan. I call it "SUCCESS" because I feel like there is no bigger achievement and reward in life than purging myself of this addiction.

    "Truly understanding that porn is a disease and an addiction that must be broken in order for me to live my life" is what I have added to my Plan of Success. I also plan on memorizing this whole plan, so that I will never ever get caught out the way that I did this morning. Much love to you all <3
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  10. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I find the one thing that can break me during my longest and strongest reboots is this voice. When I begin to reconsider my recovery plan and reasons for NoFap, things start slowly breaking down. I swear that the last time I relapsed after 90 days the relapse started a few weeks before the actual pmo session. I started to let lust take over, fantasize, crave sex, and view social media. Then one day I decided that porn's okay and everything fell apart. The temptation of abandoning your recovery plan is the strongest urge of all and can ruin streaks with 100s of days. If you can prevent these thoughts and control them when they occur, you should be fine. Good luck with your journey! You got this!
    Victory_Victory likes this.
  11. Wow that was really well said! "The temptation of abandoning your recovery plan is the strongest urge of all", I think I will add this to my Success Plan. Thanks for the luck, much love to you brother! <3
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  12. Day 3: Just going thru the emotions of dopamine withdrawals (irritibility, insomnia, 'something-I-must-do' feelings) lately. These will pass, as they always do. Porn has trying to get me back into bed with it, but my Plan of Success is working well.

    I have a major childhood crush on Emma Bunton (Baby Spice from the Spice Girls), but in my image search engine searching for her pictures online, I am finding is a trigger into my addiction again, so I have decided to give that up. And this also includes giving up on looking at girls on Facebook. This will be done by no longer scrolling in Facebook, just going there to check my notifications and meesages, then I'm off. So, all in all, I will give up searching for "electronic women" (women in pictures online). If a picture of an attractive girl appears in my browser (as it does sometimes) all I have to do is scroll past, and this is sticking to my Plan of Success!

    Was tempted very much by the IDEA of looking pornography this morning after my wife left for work, stuck to my Plan to wrestle these destructive ideas into submission. This proves that my Plan of Success is working! I am very proud of myself for sticking with the Plan, regardless of how strong my emotions were telling me to pull up some porn.

    I think overall, my Plan of Success is very strong, it is covering all the little holes that this addiction takes advantage of. I am beginning to feel the POWER of being FREE from this disease. And it feels better than anything I could ever imagine <3
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2023
  13. ThePeacocksTale

    ThePeacocksTale Fapstronaut

    Keep going brother, you're doing well.
    Victory_Victory likes this.
  14. Thank man, really appreciate the love <3
  15. Day 4: Feeling like there is so much to write about, sitting here in front of my laptop with a cup of coffee, ready to write it all out. So where do I start? So just over 3 days ago I relapsed. Tricked again mentally by porn that, "looking at porn is okay". It sounds dumb, right? Falling for it, god damn it! But it's okay! I rethought out my Plan of Success, added a few things, moved a few things around. And now this Plan of Success is being memorized by myself, everyday, so that when the idea of pornography comes into my mind saying stupid shit like, "It's okay to look at porn", I am READY!!!

    My Plan of Success starts with:
    I am a non-user and I will never ever abandon my Plan. Not now, not ever, for there is nothing more rewarding in life than remaining free of this addiction! This means that I will never ever look at pornography ever again. PERIOD.

    I don't know about you, but damn that's some powerful shit. The mental affirmation that: I don't use porn, I will never abandon my Plan of Success for anything, that freedom from this addiction is the be-all-end-all in my life, and that I will never look at porn again? I'm not sure there is any holes or weaknesses in such a powerful paragraph of words.

    Yet, it has taken me 10 years to get to this stage, to learn about not only myself but about how this addiction works within me to control, manipulate then finally abandon me with nothing but regret, anger and sadness within. I have been on this journey to learn how to literally ANNIHILATE this evil within me, to see it for what it truly is and what its true intentions are. I thank my wife for helping me along this journey, I literally could not have done it without her love and patience with me during this time.

    So all in all, what am I trying to say? Finding and maintaining my way out of pornography addiction hasn't been easy, but with a Plan of Success to guide me along day in day out, it has given me a greater happiness than I ever thought possible. And I think that's the way with this disease, it's that you don't realise how amazing things are until you truly exit out of the prison that is pornography. You think it's gonna be great when you are free, and these things keep you motivated when your weak etc. But when you really realise that you are free and you can see and feel that porn is non-existent in yourself and in your life, this blissful feeling of jubilant happiness is better than anything you can imagine. And that's just facts.
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  16. "Electronic Women" put me into a place, a slippery slope, back into pornography. So not actively searching for any woman is what I will do.
    Returning Rebooter likes this.
  17. Hello! Just sitting here with a lovely cup of coffee, just finished work. Wet day outside so it's very cozy in my little home right now, went for a walk in nature after work and went to the library. Was lovely to be 'out and about', doing things like work and nature walk and getting books to read. Was also nice to come home and have time to myself to do whatever, reflect etc.

    I am still feeling the illusionary thoughts and emotions of pornography; things like, "It's okay to look at porn", "Just today and then start tomorrow", "It's good (believe it or not!) to just get it out your system and start fresh". These thoughts and emotions tend to get my attention, which is normal, but BELIEVING this brainwashing has become so redundant. I don't fight these feelings and thoughts, rather I hold myself while it tries to sell me something stupid: porn. I feel sorry for it, and kinda embarrassed, to be frank.

    I have been remaining firm in the TRUTH that there is no genuine pleasure in pornography. And it's true, and pornography tries to trick me into thinking this isn't true. But would I have been attempting to remove this addiction from my life for 10 years if there was any pleasure in it whatsoever? Of course not! So where is the pleasure? WHERE IS THE PLEASURE?
  18. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

  19. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    Be careful not to peek, food is a need,porn is not a need but a poison!it’s much better to feel guiltless in present moment than feel yucky in front of browser! I can communicate more effectively with people and presently feel good because I haven’t watched porn today! I have managed to stay away from porn so can you !porn creates more stress to problems, doesn’t make it better
    Victory_Victory likes this.
  20. Last voluntarily masturbated to pornography: Sunday 12th February
    Last Slip-up (rectifying weaknesses in plan): Tuesday 21st February
    Last peeked at Porn (rectifying weaknesses in plan): Monday 27th February