***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful that I feel rested and recuperated. Yesterday was a Day of Recovery for me. I didn't drink a single cup of coffee or consume any ADHD medication. I slept .... a lot. And, based on the way I feel today - i.e. rested and recuperated - it was worth it!
    2. I'm grateful that it isn't absolutely sweltering heat today. I was expected to die from the heatwave today, but there is a tiny bit of a cool change. Phew!
    3. I'm grateful that I have freedom of the will (repeat). Every moment is a new moment, every second is a new second, and in the moment in which I am alive, I have absolute freedom of choice. That is a beautiful thing which I must never take for granted, for it allows me to veer off the road to self-destruction and embark on the rightfold path instead.
    Jodokus likes this.
  2. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

  3. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut


    I'm grateful that I had a really encouraging email from a friend.

    I'm grateful for an amazing workshop on non violence I participated in tonight (Alternatives to violence program)

    Very happy to have people being open enough to receive acts of kindness without suspicion... and to have one day finished with no PMO.
  4. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for Manolya Rostenkowski (fake name). She helped me get a year's extension on my Youth Allowance when I was not sure if I was able to continue my studies or not. This resulted in three extra scholarship payments! It helped me get Christmas presents, pay my bills, replenish my 3-month contact lense supply, and enjoy freedom from poverty for a little while. Grateful!
    2. I'm grateful for my counsellor. She helped me get special consideration for a bunch of exams so I could resit them. Without this, I would have had to leave university years ago.
    3. I'm grateful for my family. They supported me all throughout university. They loaned me money when I needed it (or gave me money, I should say). They have been awesome, and have provided me with far more than I deserve. I can never, ever repay them for their kindness.
  5. Drift

    Drift Fapstronaut

    Tonight I'm a bit burnt out again. Long day of conferencing.

    I'm very grateful for an opportunity to learn how to be a better listener and diffuse violent situations.

    I'm grateful many strangers have been able to come together in a quiet space as friends

    That I live in a place with a great diversity of ages, incomes, races, religions, and experiences that people are willing to communicate about.
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  6. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for this thread :D
    I checked out that link (first post) and I'll quoute something from it:

    1. Keep a gratitude journal
    Sit down, daily, and write about the things for which you are grateful. Start with whatever springs to mind and work from there. Try not to write the same thing every day but explore your gratefulness.

    2. Remember the bad
    The way things are now may seem better in the light of bad memories. Don’t forget the bad things that have happened, the contrast may encourage gratefulness.

    3. Ask yourself three questions
    Choose someone you know, then first consider what you have received from them, second what you have given to them and thirdly what trouble you have caused them. This may lead to discovering you owe others more than you thought.

    Number 2 struck me. Number 4 is praying by the way, the best way to do the full grateful-thing for people who like to pray :D
    ronswanson and BushidoWarrior like this.
  7. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    1)cold shower
    3)of the knowledge that brushing with left hand exercises the brain n may make new synapse connections
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  8. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for

    - that I have tea (Earl Grey) to drink in the morning and that there is a varity of tasty teas in the world
    - that I can cook something today and have some fruits too
    - that I woke up in time and that I still have most of the Sunday to do my tasks

    EDIT: one thing more for today:
    I'm grateful that I'm able to change my behaviour and that I am able to seize the day
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  9. Im grateful that im starting to understand addiction and neurochemistry, taking a much wider view and being able to change more than I thought possible.
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  10. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for

    1. A great weekend with friends and family
    2. Second chances
    3. That I can keep reminding myself that I am in full control of my life
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  11. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    I've had quite a few days off, but I'm back. I've returned. Where were we?
    1. I'm grateful that I can fail 10,000 times spectacularly, get up, try one more time, and succeed on the 10,001st attempt. I need this knowledge in my life right now, because it is one of the few things keeping me going at the moment. Rough times, but they could be worse.
    2. I'm grateful for the impermanence of cravings and discomfort (repost). It could be otherwise. There might be a possible world in which cravings, suffering and misery all have the potential to be permanent and immune to adaption. That would be nasty, and I'm very happy that's not my world.
    3. I'm grateful that there are people out there who like me for who I am. I'm not very well known. I have fairly low social status. But that does not detract from the fact that there are people out there who do like me, and do appreciate my company when I go and visit them. I'm grateful for those people. And I'm grateful that my personality is such that it attracts the warmth and friendliness of those people.
    Happy gratituding everyone!
    ronswanson likes this.
  12. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Gratitude is one of the greatest human emotions there is. Honestly, the more I learn about it, the more I wish I'd known about its powers earlier on in life!
    1. I'm grateful for free educational podcasts. I listened to an episode of All in the Mind on ABC this morning. It was very useful, and very informative. I learned heaps from it, and will be quoting some of the stuff I learned in my next journal entry.
    2. I'm grateful for Thomas Bergersen and Ivan Torrent. They are my two favourite composers in the 'Epic Music / Trailer Music' category. I fucking love their stuff. The more tunes they make, the happier I am. It's all free on Youtube, and it is really good for getting yourself pumped up and motivated to do just about anything.
    3. I'm grateful for the perfect temperature and the perfect weather today. It's so good not having to stagger about in sweltering heat or shiver through blistering, frigid ice cold climactic conditions. Today, I have been blessed with a temperature that resides within the Goldilocks Zone: not too hot, not too cold ... but just right.
    Come and be grateful you critical fucks! :p
  13. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful that, despite life's challenges, I'm still standing. Whatever the world hurls in my direction, it shall be faced. I will swim the rough seas, march through the hellish blizzards, trekking the lonely and empty deserts, carried on by pure, unremitting resolve. And, when is all said and done, I will emerge victorious. I, BingeArousalAddict, will overcome this. They say that it is impossible until it is done.
    2. I'm grateful that I'm not dead yet. A former classmate of mine recently died in a football accident. It really brings the reality and immediacy of death home in a way that is difficult to describe. Appreciate the moments you have, for they could be your last. You just don't know when the end of your timeline has arrived.
    3. I'm grateful that we live in such a large and majestic universe. Have you taken a moment to appreciate it's size and beauty? You should. Here's a link to help get you started :).
    Article of the day ~ 20 Ways Gratitude Improves Productivity.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  14. intxsoda

    intxsoda Fapstronaut

    1. im grateful to be alive
    2. im grateful for good people
    3. im grateful that i can eat
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  15. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful to get the chance to learn an new language, which is so awesome. That I've got other people who are learning with me. That I'm able to motivate them and not letting them down. And that I know there's still something like... a curtain in my life, behind which is hidden a not-yet discovered dimension of life, which I will be able to open one day through (among other things) this very new language.

    2. I'm grateful that I still have time to work on myself and suck sometimes without grave consequences. That everything is working out somehow even if I suck. I'm grateful for every day that leaves of this year of self-finding, self-improving, self-work, 'cause I can still make it better and better and prepare for the next year.

    3. I'm grateful for every life-lesson which helps me growing.
    Recently I was going by bike in the night while talking on the phone, overmore I hadn't taken the time to put on my lights. It was utterly stupid. Police caught me and fined me.
    It made me think about it: although I'm not the person that uses the phone all the time, in that situation I've been so careless I could have caused an accident. I was simply not seeing what was around me.

    So in short, I'm gratefully for the policemen that fined me :D
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  16. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that the consciousness which is aware of my present emotional torment is not itself in any kind of emotional torment. Consciousness functions as the receptacle in which all the contents of the mind arise and fall with time. Consciousness is intrinsically undisturbed, empty, free and tranquil. Thank god it is this way.
    2. I am grateful that we have the capacity to be kind to ourselves. We do not have to be tough, unforgiving taskmasters if we choose not to be. I am grateful for the option of kindness. We can be as loving to ourselves as we are to our good friends who are going through troubled times.
    3. I am grateful that I ... am... ALIVE. No matter what happens, I know that I have been given the gift of life. The probability of me existing is unfathomable. May I never take the preciousness and value of life for granted, even in my darkest hour.
  17. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for running (same as Alys) and nature inmidst the city

    I'm grateful for my computer and internet

    I'm grateful for my flat and a fast metro-connection
    BushidoWarrior likes this.
  18. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that human beings are, at heart, social creatures. It is not just about 'me'; it is about 'we'. I have spent too much of my life focused on 'me', thinking that that was the right way to live. I am glad that I'm finally starting to discover the truth. We are one, and we are part of something greater than we could ever possibly imagine. George Carlin called it the Big Electron. I myself am not sure what to call it. But it is majestic, and it is grand.
    2. I am grateful for human empathy and kindness (repost). This is loosely related to the abovc. Without empathy and kindness, the world would be a cold, mean and nasty place.
    3. I am grateful that it's never over (repost). There is ALWAYS a new opportunity to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, shed the ties that bind you to the past, and seize the present with the vigor of someone who knew it was her last day on earth. Let's never forget that. This abundance of second chances is a wonderful gift which must never be taken for granted. Ever.
    CARPE DIEM! May we all succeed this day brothers and sisters!
  19. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for Worry Appointments. You can't really suppress your worrying, but you can delay it and allow yourself to only worry at a particular time in the day. I'm grateful for this. It is FAR better than having your worries running completely amok, not able to be controlled at all.
    2. I'm grateful for being able to smile. It lets others know I am happy.
    3. I'm grateful for laughter. It is the vehicle by which I can express how funny I find something.