Post published by InGodItrust

Quick questions guys! i just want your opinion. Is Christianity about love and forgiveness or about power? I dont mean power in terms of this futile world but spiritual power. That's what I really want. The power that carry's boldness and firm standing no matter what. That's the power I want. The power to stand by your word and actions even if everyone in this world sins. The power of our manhood to take responsibilities and courage. The power to resist and kill tempetations and never give in. The power peter and the apostles had when they said to the pharisees “We must obey God rather than human beings!. The power to be bold as a lion. The power over the demons and principalities that torture us and make us fall into sin. The power to put them under our feet. Where can I get that kind of power and boldness?
Foxislander more_vert
Through the love of God and the grace of Jesus Christ that's how
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Slipkid16 more_vert
Its not our power. Its the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and killing our passions.