Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Tt1000, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    It feels so great to be able to write on the success stories forum and share my own account!
    My utmost gratitude to NOFAP forum which has truly been a blessing for me and spending time here really helped me keep my mind in focus and to not lose touch of reality, which is that PMO is detrimental to ones life.

    Some differences that i noticed in these 30 days:
    1. My face looks more alive. My eyes shine more and the lethargic symptoms on the face have reduced considerably.
    2. I feel way more confident than before. My flow of speech is so much smoother.
    3. I hardly have the feelings of being inept or inferior to others in any sort of way. I feel like i can take on anyone and i dont know why but i have this amazing sense of security surrounding me which was damaged by nofap.
    4. I spend way more time improving myself: Exercising a lot, eating better, getting an awesome haircut, developing healthy habits etc
    5. I dont care what others think about me because deep within me i feel im on the right track and getting better gradually
    6. Very positive mindset and all the doubts and negativity that plagued my mind are reduced. I see a lot of things that bothered me in a new light and gradually getting answers to a lot of my problems.
    These are some of the few important ones and its safe to say that just 30 days have improved my life a lot!
    Now, time for the the things that helped this journey possible:
    1. NOFAP definitely was the game changer. In the past, i had no content that could tell me for sure that PMO was bad for me, even the few sites that did werent that convincing. But now seeing the contents of 1000s of people everyday sharing their stories of how PMO is like cancer, it really boost my motivation and removed all the doubts. Also, I always felt motivated when i am around you guys. Everyone focused on a single goal and helping each other out made me want to do it even more for you.
    2. The biggest reason that led me to PMO in the past has always been casually watching some erotic content and then never being able to put in the breaks. Thats when i realised the urge should be killed then and there.
    3. I replaced my habit with exercising. I used all of my pent up energy lifting weights and tiring myself out and feeling the dopamine rush afterwards. Kind of sexual transmutation
    4.COLD SHOWERS WORKED AMAZING. Whenever i have even the slightest urge i take a super cold shower and then im good to go for hours.
    5. Blocking tools such as K9 and nortan family(comment for more info)
    6. Deleting insta, snapchat,twitter, i would even delete fb if i had a choice. These apps are the worst trust me on that. I relapsed 80% of the time because of these.
    7. A really amazing tip that id like to share is that i wrote down all the reasons why i want to quit PMO, and can you believe it, they turned out to be 50 reasons!!! I read it once everyday and that really makes me never want to go back at it again, for sure! Whenever i feel like PMOing i have the weight of these 50 reasons on my shoulder, that too in writing! Just my journal sitting there on the shelf is sometimes enough to remind me of the life i want to get out of.
    Ill be posting all these reasons so that you guys can all benefit from it!
    Sorry for the long post but success stories have always helped me keep on track so im just trying to give back and show a little gratitude to the community thats been of so much help. Love you all and hopefully be posting soon when finish i 45, 60 and 90 days :)
  2. dangon master

    dangon master Fapstronaut

    this was amazing man i will waiting for yourr 50 reason bro and you are going great
    j_pwc_bat, Kabeer Khan and Tt1000 like this.
  3. This was very motivational succes story bro, thanks!
    j_pwc_bat, Kabeer Khan and Tt1000 like this.
  4. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro. Will be posting it soon
    j_pwc_bat, Kabeer Khan and sumersingh like this.
  5. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    Hope it helped :)
  6. Hey dude Thanks for this I am determined to join you as well in 17 day's time.
    j_pwc_bat, Kabeer Khan and Tt1000 like this.
  7. Adil safi

    Adil safi Guest

    BRo, you notice any difference in hair thickness or stop falling out and hair regrowth?
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  8. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    Minor difference...although the quality of my hair has improved they aren't that dull. I know what you're talking about and in the past my hair started to regrow after a couple of months . So If any such thing happens again I'll be posting it
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  9. tIoD

    tIoD Fapstronaut

    This is very motivating, thanks for sharing your progress dude. I'm on 12th day and already feeling those benefits you listed, can't wait to reach 1 month and so on. Good luck!
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  10. Hey Broo Great Post....U Wrote It very Well.....
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  11. Point 8 is a big one. Instagram was a major PMO trigger for me - getting rid of it was a good step. I want to ideally live without FB and Twitter as well, but Instagram was definitely the worst.
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  12. Looking forward to that 50 reasons list.
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  13. TheFlash123

    TheFlash123 Fapstronaut

    It's just an awesome. Keep it up !!
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  14. Tt1000

    Tt1000 Fapstronaut

    You said it! Insta was by far the biggest trigger...ive deleted the Facebook app as well and only use the website version of fb so visit it as minimum as possible. I'd say try to let go of Twitter too because there's a lot of porn content there
    j_pwc_bat and paradigmshifter like this.
  15. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    Dude that is awesome. 30 days is amazing and keep it up!
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  16. Betakerotin

    Betakerotin Fapstronaut

  17. Luke96

    Luke96 Fapstronaut

    You are determined, congrats!
    j_pwc_bat and Tt1000 like this.
  18. LonelySunshine

    LonelySunshine Fapstronaut

    How to deal with flatlines? I don't find them so bad since I don't have any urges at all but I am really feeling down. Since I had psychological problems in the past I fear that strong suicidal urges might arise from this flatline thing.
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  19. Sebby83

    Sebby83 Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! I just reached that 30-day mark and have also noticed lots of positive changes! I identified the most with #3, I can now walk around with my head up, smiling at everyone that comes across and not feeling any sort of shame or inferiority. It feels great being able to look at random people in the eyes!
  20. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Well done
    But believe me 30 days is a very short period
    You should be more careful day by day
    j_pwc_bat likes this.