Got my testosterone blood results on NoFap day 214. Not what I expected!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by mgz069, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I've been on Nofap for 214 days as you can see.

    I took the matters in my own hand and decided to take some bloodwork done without a doctor. Interestingly I got them results today:

    Vitamin Β12 (Serum) 1341 pg/mL
    Zinc (Zn) (Serum) 86.0 μg
    Vitamin Β6 (Serum) 27.2 μg/L

    The above are in the high-range of normal.

    Testosterone (Serum) 273.0 ng/dL
    Free Testosterone (Serum) 15.2 pg/mL

    T-levels appear to be on the lower level of the "normal" range. Imagine how low they were before.
    I almost FELT i had low-T..

    So.. What do I do now?
    Any proven testosterone boosters? Or should I even visit a doctor?
    FX-05 likes this.
  2. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  3. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    jorg78 likes this.
  4. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I would try to address these points first:

    -Activity Level (Exercise included)
    -Negative Factors (Environmental, plastics etc)
    horny nerd and jorg78 like this.
  5. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Cruciferous vegetables!!!
    jorg78 likes this.
  6. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    How much fat do you have in your diet? Fat impacts testosterone.

    My advice:

    Vitamin D (2500 to 7500 IU per day)
    High Fat diet (75-100 grams of fat)
    High intensity intervall training
    Heavy weight training
    Lots of vegetables, about 400-500 grams per day (Broccoli, spinach etc)
    Reborn16, ZelCikal, Baldur and 2 others like this.
  7. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    I second this. A low-fat diet just makes me feel like crap and have constant cravings!
    Baldur, Address007, Bman101 and 2 others like this.
  8. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    I never noticed my fat intake but its about average. I never go on strict diets.
    I have been going to the gym for 3-4 years.
    I expected my T to be around the high range.
    This sucks and I must fix it!
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  9. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    How do you know that it is above average? All fats are not good for testosterone production
    Bman101 likes this.
  10. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    Because i dont follow a strict diet. My diet is mainly mediterranean. Meats dairy salads olive oil pasta etc. I dont avoid certain foods nor i overconsume others.
    jorg78 likes this.
  11. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    Okay. Good luck on your journey, let us know how it goes
  12. Dead lifts

    This book which I may buy right now

    Eat a small handful of nuts at night. Salted cashews are tastiest but go easy because its fat but the good fat and you can over eat those so Id go with Walnuts instead which are good for the brain.

    Your testosterone is fine. Its in average range. Its up to you if you wanna increase it

    This gets good reviews, I'm eye balling it for the Gym but I don't wanna lose any more hair.

    If your zinc and magnesium are good I don't think they will help, only in a deficiency they will help

    Squat man, dead lift, bench, military press. Weight training will help, particularly those exercises.

    Fuck it, I'll get that book now.
  13. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    I dont know man. A guy at my age with 3-4 years in the gym shoulda had ar least somewhere in the middle range.
    Borderline low T is not normal.
  14. There's a dude who's been diagnosed with low T at age 25 and got it treated with TRT. He speaks about in on his Youtube channel, bignoknow.
    mgz069 likes this.
  15. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    I have low testosterone levels since my early 20s. I am in my late 40s now and have been taking prescription testosterone since around 23 and inject myself about once a week. It helps build my bones and obviously keeps my testosterone levels where they are supposed to be. I would see a doctor, I believe there are other prescription forms of testosterone besides injections, but injections are fast and it is the best testosterone and real, not some crap that is over the counter if you want testosterone, you take testosterone.
  16. "Normal range" is "Normal". You're on the lower end of normal. It may just be genetic. Some people produce shit loads naturally, others not so much. When its below normal range according to the doctor he would have told you you have low T. Whatever man, I gave you some suggestions, it's up to you if you wanna do something about. Your best option would be diet (get that book I suggested) and do deads and squats. With supplements it will only increase while you're on. Either accept it or do something about it but there's no need to worry about your test levels. You see yourself as less of a man? Nah, what your body produces is out of your control. Your character, who you are, is in your control. The question is why do you want high test? The main thing is you don't go wasting it into a tissue. Take care.
  17. If you mean before NoFap, there's really no real evidence NoFap boosts testosterone. The couple of studies out there are inconclusive at best, and go against the numerous studies out there that have found the opposite, i.e. that people who masturbate regularly have ever so slightly higher T.

    The benefits of NoFap are far more likely to be related to both D2 receptor availability, and androgen receptor availability where that testosterone actually binds - rather than levels of T themselves.

    So your levels were probably the same before. NoFap is amazing, but for different reasons to that.

    Now as for how to treat your issue. A friend of mine had similar results to yours, and he started TRT and it worked wonders for him. So it may be worth considering if you have access to TRT where you live, and can afford the treatment. Even ignoring what he himself said about the treatment, it was obvious just from spending time with him how much TRT helped him. He's much more alive, outgoing, himself etc.

    If you don't want to go down the TRT route just yet, the main two things to look at are diet and sleep. Diet and sleep are the two most important factors influencing your testosterone levels. Hands down.

    Take a look at this graph:

    This is from a study on how sleep affected testosterone levels. Look at the levels of people getting 4-5 hours a night vs those getting 8. Their testosterone levels are basically halved. It really is as simple as more sleep == more T. So if you aren't sleeping 8+ hours a night, get on that right now. I know some people can function okay on 5-6 hours or whatever, but if you have low T, you're not one of those people. Get more sleep.

    Also, even if you ARE getting enough sleep, don't rule sleep out as a factor. You could have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, meaning that you're not actually getting fully restful sleep. So you might only really be getting say 4 hours of sleep even if you think you're sleeping for 8. If you can afford it, getting a sleep study done would be worthwhile, especially if you have any of the symptoms of sleep apnea.

    Diet is the next most important. Rules of thumb for diet are as follows: Ensure you're getting at least 0.4-0.5g of fat per lb of bodyweight. Get however much protein you need for your fitness goals. Most of the rest of your calories should be carbohydrates. The only exception to this is if you're eating keto. If you're not eating full blown keto, you should never go low carb, since carbs are your primary fuel source when not in ketosis, and carbs MASSIVELY impact your testosterone levels. Plain and simple, the more of your calorie intake is carbs, the higher your testosterone usually is.

    Don't overdo the protein either. Some studies have actually found too much protein leads to lower T. 1g per lb of bodyweight is plenty for any fitness goal, so if you're going far beyond that, re-allocate some of those calories to carbs, and your T will go up at least a little.
    rewiring4good, Lions and Nugget9 like this.
  18. GrenadierRed

    GrenadierRed New Fapstronaut

    What are you doing in the gym exercise wise? I am a bit of a gym monkey myself.
  19. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    @JesusGreen to be honest ive been having problems with sleep the last couple of years. I usually fall asleep at 12 and wake up around 4. From 4 until the morning I basically toss and turn in bed. I don't remember when I got a good nights sleep and felt rested. The 4-5 hour sleep from that graph reflects my T levels!
    And the issue is always the same. I dont get morning wood and as soon as I feel the urge to pee I wake up.
    So yeah it makes a lot of sense that this by itself affects my T levels.
    @BestVersionToday Jesus's green response pretty much nails it. If somehow I manage to fix my sleep i could test my T again for any improvement. About accepting or not.. I dont really care that the number 273 ranks low, but I do care when I wake up the morning and my dick is dead and I walk around with a floppy dick. It does affect me! If I had morning wood and spontaneous erections daily and I also got decent sleep I would never care about my T levels or even better I would have never go test them!
    On that same subject, most T boosters (supplements) out there are focused primarily on giving you deeper sleep.
    So the sleep/testosterone co-relation makes sense. Maybe that's why many guys report having increased T levels, even though the supplements do not affect T levels directly.
    The question is do i fix my sleep to raise my T? Or do I make TRT to fix my sleep?
    The first sounds more appealing.
    @GrenadierRed I basically do weights and machines. Only 5 minutes cardio. 4-5 times per week.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Dude try zma (Zinc, mag, b6) for sleep, its marketed as a natural test booster but I sleep great with it.

    Also try some other supplements like melatonin (very low dose), gaba, phenibut (also low dose) - rotate them as you want to avoid building up tolerance.

    This podcast taught me a lot (presenter is annoying but Dr Bruce knows his stuff):