Just want to meet an anonymous woman for sex

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Krillin1993, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Since I thought that this post can't belong to any thread, I've chosen this off-topic section.
    I simply ask this question to myself: Why is it not possible only to meet a woman only for having sex? I think that sex shouldn't always have to with deep connection or any dogmas what religions tells us. If you act carefully, that means you as a men use a condom and be respectful to woman,then there is literally no problem to have that fun act.
    People who are coming from a religious background, who dont have sex before they get married are mostly feeling insecure with their bodies or with the body of their partners.
    They feel emotionally like a wreck. This is actually what alot of men and woman from a muslim backround especially the middle eastern are reporting, the same goes with people who are from the catholic background from all over the world.
    I have heard alot of stories, especially a men who was talking about his "first time" with his first wife he has married with mid 30. He came after 5 minutes and his wife laughed him out. She made fun of him. He thought that this woman liked him but he felt miserable. Not because she laughed at him because but because he came too early at that moment.
    But lets pretend this isn't the case for middle aged men, it is mostly a shame for them to come after 5 minutes. They did everything what their god has said, but inside they felt only emotional pain and they can't be happy at that very moment.
    That is what I also felt for the last days. What is when I also experience the same? Why should I not experience sex only to know that my insecurities aren't there? Are you living a life only to make babys or do you live a life because you want to have the most fun before you die. Everybody has to die, so why are you sacrifice yourself for such an ideology?
    You can only know a person when you had already "contact" to that person.
    But when you are already married, you can't go back to the past and act like nothing has happend, you know what I mean?
    Just be good friends first OR NOT, talk about anything else, kiss each other and have some good amount of sex.
    Some might say that sex is not the most important thing in life (others saying the opposite) and it is forbidden for them, because it is holy or sentences like you wont miss it (Sex) if you don't do it are all rubbish thoughts from the middle age. And thats why I said on the other hand, for myself "fuck it!", should I wait and be unlucky about my situation for the rest of my life, that I never found a girl who will adore me?
    Or never said that I had sex in my life only doig it for a god?, who is not fully scientifically prooven?, who is not supportive during my (our) hardest times, who is not there when woman are raped and children sexual abused or even killed?..... A god who is not supportive and against having fun is not my path, my friend nor my life. I don't want to die before I had never sex in my life.
    For one or another it might sound stupid, but you can't be lucky if you always act against your senses, your deep wishes.
    I really would like to have sex right now. And if I had the oppurtunity that a nice girl ask for a sex relationship I would say Yes lets do it.
    You dont have to fell in love me but having sex with me is better than having sex with your vibrator or dildo, isn't it so?
    You want to feel the real thing and not your hand or any device.
    I am not an ugly person only a short guy with 1.65m.
    And I dont care who woman looks like, she should only be clean.
    We dont have to feel a companionship or any deeper connection than that, we can just count this as sex buddys. And there is nothing wrong with that. I would rather have sex for the rest of my life than masturbating for the rest of my life. Even when my neighbour say "Krillin come around lets have sex". I would simply say "lets do it" I am not afraid of any stories about hell. My life was a hell. The earth can be heaven or hell, only when you help yourself. And if a god is that sadistic that he put me in hell than he never was my friend or my savier in the first place. He was more worse than the devil. The devil at least did nothing wrong. The most ignorant creature in my life was god for me. Always. Because I have believed i him.
    That was my biggest mistake I did. I am not his friend and he is not mine. I did alot for him in the past (by the way). Today I am an Atheist and abit happier than before.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2021
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I didn't read the all thread but as someone who has done casual sex for a while, not anymore is that usually the women who are into casual sex are damaged and the energy and emotional state of their minds is messed up. So casual sex has a bad vibe that can contaminate your mind and overall well being, you are being used and using someone else.

    Even do you both agree to it, it's not how sex works. Specially for a woman she needs to have feelings to have sex.

    So it's not very pleasant sex. I find less harmful if you just go to a prostitute, even do it's not the best choice they are less weird, better energy to an extent than a hook up girl.
  3. An0nym0use1234

    An0nym0use1234 Fapstronaut

    That's why no sex before marriage is bullshit
    Grovald likes this.
  4. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    why so?
    Think it's a good thing
  5. An0nym0use1234

    An0nym0use1234 Fapstronaut

    What if you end up with a woman who is zero percent compatible with you in bed? Also why would you want to wait so long to have sex? I am against addiction like lots of casual sex hookups but waiting until marriage just makes prudish women and neurotic men in my opinion.

    Also I am not religious, just spiritual, so I don't look at this from a religious point of view.
    ndaty likes this.
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    One good thing of having sex with a girl you are dating and not delaying it very much is that sex reveals what the person is. In a way after sex you see the person for what she really is you take lust out of your mind, this is post nut clarity. Also how a person is in bed it tells tons of who a person is even subconsciously you understand the person more.

    after sex you decide if you want to continue being with a person or not. It's a very powerful experience.

    And obviously if she is just bad in the bed you see it there, even do one can tell how a person is going to be in bed by the way they talk and behave, who you are as a person is how you behave in bed and vice-versa.

    A good character, attraction, combatibility and good sex are all important aspects in a relationship
  7. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    well i think it's the thing we saw, we as p addicts, that shapes our view of sex and our taste and makes us think later that our partner isn't compatible with us in bed
    In my ideal point of view, if both are virgins then get committed to each other (means fidelity), i don't find any reasons why their sex life wouldn't be great;) they can explore together!
    at least i wanna believe in that:)
  8. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Right and then you say
    It's even worse, in this situation you are openly proclaiming the woman as a purchasable sex object. For someone who isn't fond of casual sex because it implies using people and being used by them, it is weird to make this comment since women involved in the sex industry are equally damaged as those who do casual sex, if not more considering the reality of their lives.
  9. refreshed323

    refreshed323 Fapstronaut

    So you are pretty much saying based on your text, is you want to have sex without any emotional attachment and without experiencing the dating the process. You just want to have sex the with girl. Nothing wrong with that. Just have to meet enough of them to get what you want-not talking about sex workers. It is your life your choice. Just make sure this is really what you want.
  10. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Yes and No! When this sex relationship can create a good friendship then why not? But it is not my goal to search for any good friends in the first place. And I also never said definetly no. The difference between a sex worker and a sex relationship with a woman is the money! If someone likes you but wants to be alone and only wants to have sex with me, so why not? She accepts me as I am and my body and I accept hers. So whats the Problem? Nobody must learn about this sex relationship. It is more like a little secret with someone you like to see. It is not a sexual abuse but only an agreement between two. I really like to have sex with someone. Religion determines people to stay away from any sexual acts. It is only used for making babys and it is not mean as a lustful act. This does count as a sin. It is indeed a shame eben to talk about it. Something what people in religious communities never dares to talk about. This is an middle age problem what we still can see. I want to live my life to the fullest. And wants to have sex in multiple positions just like it is shown in the Kamasutra book. Then my dream would come true. :)
  11. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    There are definetly nymphomaniac woman out there especially older woman between 40 and 60. Who even like to have sex with multiple men. But this is definetly not my taste but the age is okay for me. There are woman who can feel Lust for at least 12 hours a day. They need sex like the air they breath. It is definetly the minority of woman I know but I am searching exactly this kind of woman. Her Size her body shape doesn't matter for me. I want to have fun in life until I die.
  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    They are and just want to fuck but I tell you is bad sex, they can be domineering, yell, they drain your energy. Sex with a nympho is not fun even do they can do as many crazy things you imagine.

    Casual sex sucks tbh. Because their emotions are messed up. At least with a prostitute she has a more calm mental state, she enjoys it and knows it's a job so even do love is not part of the menu they are not so many disturbing emotions as with casual sex.

    If you don't believe me go and try it and stop overthinking it and talk with experience.

    Better live than fear

    And wear a condom bro
    Krillin1993 and silex_jedi like this.
  13. ermia

    ermia Fapstronaut

    The basis of pleasure is abstinence, the more abstinence a person has, the greater the depth of that person's pleasure.
    On the other hand, human resources are not endless and enjoyment can not be endless.
    Of course, you can finally experience, but every experience has a price that not everyone can afford.
    It is Finished likes this.
  14. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Based on stats, the women who turn to prostitution are those who come from the most disadvantaged backgrounds, suffer from drug addiction, or experienced past sexual abuse.

    You should consider this since you attribute choices like casual sex on psychological damage and 'messed up emotions'.
    Right, didn't you quit casual sex because you experienced the emotional attachment of a long term relationship ?
  15. Rafafa

    Rafafa Fapstronaut

    If you really knowed God by Jesus Christ grace you never be the same person.

    The experience with God forgives you is the most pleasure thing in this world.

    And even people that have sex if dont wins agains PMO will go back to masturbate.

    So sex is not the only thing that can gave you pleasure. Is one of them. But you can go to a prostitute and see what they are telling to you.

    Your mind is so full of pornography and dopamine that you think that sex is like in this movies, but is not this, and even if your wife is not good in bed, she can change.

    And i can die by my ideology because i know heaven is so much better than anything in this life. I know because when i do good things like helping people i have so much pleasure, this is altruist love.

    And religious dont tell sex is evil, some religious do, but in the holy bible sex is an commandment to wife and husband, and is the first commandment, even before the first sin.

    I too have been dissapointed by God in some times, but our suffer made us better people, made us think more in life, and in your friends and family and even in other people that we can give helps.

    You have food you can share to others. God make some people rich for they to help others, all our life and money and everithing is of him.

    And all people in the world will go to judment. The goods to heaven and the evils to hell. But with Gods grace we can be better. Jesus can change ours hearts.

    Try to be more grateful to things that you already have, and try to improve your life, get a better job, better body (training in Gym), make more friends, help more people. And God will send a girl that see you with good eyes.

    Think when you are a children, you are pure and inocent, and much more happier than now. The real joy come in the living the good moments, not only in pleasure, but in all moments.
  16. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Women are complex and also female prostitutes. A woman won't change who she is because of a job and how a woman is she will act similarly in the bed.

    That is why there are forums dedicated to analize the performance and the way prostitutes treat their clients. And it's not easy task to find a good prostitute. But you can find them and they are very special women, With no prejudices, happy and with a special energy about them. They help men in need and that is a very good deed and as prostitutes say most men who go to them are regular, respectful, with good hygiene men, not weirdos. Some are but are the minority.

    Some prostitutes really love their jobs, write books about it, are well educated and those are the ones the experienced, serious men like the most.

    A good man, won't go to a prostitute that is not enjoying it, gives a bad attitude, it's on drugs and dislikes her job because a sensitive man will notice her bad attitude, crazyness in the bedroom.

    Also the money helps them to raise their family, if they study to pay their careers.

    So to generalize prostitution as saying all have suffered trauma, are junkies or things like that and it dehumanize women is not accurate.

    I prefer to remain detached of any mundane activity everything in this world is changeable and more the heart of a woman.

    I quit casual sex, because usually normal women are not like prostitutes if you have sex they will eventually develop feelings and become attached so is not fair and it creates bad karma and bad energy to create an illusion of love in a woman and then dump her because you don't see her as a potential life time partner. Not that I did it. I never tricked anybody to have sex.

    It's not that I consciously decided to have casual sex, I met the girls before having sex I tried to analize them to see their characters to see our compatibility and if I saw compatibility and a god girl I had sex, but several times women show a different person after they have sex and as time passes they reveal who they are more and it can be nasty that is why I left them, usually I pick up fast all those bad traits and I leave because a woman won't change. She is who she is.

    So you could say my mistake was to have sex fast also to ignore some bad things in the person character and to believe if there is sex good sex and some type of love or good feelings and respect all those flaws can be overlooked or go to a second plane.

    But I must say sex helped me to understand the person more, to connect more easily and see who she is. But for women sex is more like a committement so I'm trying to delay sex more and to be more picky and analyse more the character of the person. Sex goes to a second plane.

    And I only did this meeting girls and have sex trying to create a relationship for 6 months of my life because most of my life I was celibate. And I refrained a lot, if I wanted to I could have sex with 3 or more different girls everyday. But I never did that.

    The girls that just want to have sex are a very small minority women are more wise and wired different in that aspect than men. I doubt a woman will post such a strange and desperate thread like this one.

    The most natural thing if you are a normal person is to have sex and create some type of relationship, pure sex is very animalistic you need emotions, respect treat the other person as a human being and not a sexual object is the best thing to do.

    Prostitution if you can avoid it better but if you can't and are desperate about sex, then go with a respectful attitude gratitude because she is giving you a gift, treat her with care, affection and the experience can be very elevating and if you are virgin or incel it'll help to ground you.

    Prostitution is more like a medecine for a sick man. That is how I see it.
  17. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    I'm just wondering if you're aware that just by touching someone, you've created karma. Having sex takes it to a deeper karmic bond, regardless of how good or bad their energy is. This is why there are many people that follow gurus and yogis that do not shake hands or hug each other because of they don't want to create Runanubandha, which is body memory with another person.
    You would create this body memory with prostitutes, regardless how they feel about the deed.

    It is very interesting that you would mention this about women as a general blanket statement after saying to someone else not to do that about prostitutes because they're all different. People are different. People are individuals. The purpose of life is to grow. If you're the same person at 40 that you were at 20, you've wasted 20 years of opportunity. Some people do remain the same their whole lives, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it only impacts one gender.

    I'm also a bit surprised at how attached you are to your body considering the spiritual stuff you've shared on here. Not saying it is good or bad. Just an observation
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    After everything you said about prostitutes I am still baffeled you categorize women who have casual sex as mentally unstable or psychologically vulnerable.

    According to stats they pretty much all suffered trauma or became addicted to drugs. The ones you speak about constitute a tiny minority. There had been a former escort here on this platform, she also confessed experiencing past sexual abuse. The same observations were made about P stars.

    Prostitution is the direct acknowledgement that women are purchasable objects, that can be bought or sold like any item on a supermarket. There is no corresponding notion to it other than absolute dehumanization and degradation. Only objects can be used and tossed aside in exchange of money, this is why doing the same to a person is objectifying them. The mindset of the buyer, responsible for the prostitute's objectification, should be addressed no matter what.

    It's not because you have sexual desire that you are automatically entitled to dehumanize others, and it's not because you have a libido you can channel it in any way possible.

    Wise because we were raised differently than you males, we learned early on that as females we need to have strong sexual restrictions if we don't want to be frowned upon and judged negatively. You men, on the other hand, never received such messages, 'boys will be boys' is the saying that summarizes this double standard. Without dreading being shamed for promiscuity, you men had no reason to form strong mental inhibitions regarding sexual experiences. No matter the type of judgment you'll receive about it, it won't involve being called 'wh*res' or 's*ts' and being bashed in this context.

    Nevertheless, I believe a man who sleeps with pretty much any woman is a cheap guy and isn't made to experience the stability and warmth of a family. And a man who slept with more than 100 in a year is not trustworthy.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2021
  19. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    For someone who doesn't like giving women the wrong idea, wouldn't that induce attachement on the woman's side ?

    Regardless of how you interact with her, if you use her body for money you are objectifying and dehumanizing her, only objects can used for money. If you considered that woman as human you wouldn't dare pay to access her body.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2021
    ermia likes this.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Another blanket statment is the one he made on women who resort to casual sex. He has no problem pinning emotional unstability on those women while telling me no to do this for prostitutes. I can't ignore the stats and the online stories I read about women who had been involved with prostitution, they are mostly disturbing. The one in this platform is only one of them, and her tale was shocking too.
    DefendMyHeart likes this.