Need a Female perspective

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Onehope, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    Before nofap I would always settle for less with women. Didnt matter if they didnt really love me, all that mattered is that they stay with me so I wouldnt be lonely.

    Settling for less is the old me, the new me is about giving it all but also getting it all in return.

    I will never settle for less anymore.
    bluejay805 likes this.
  2. bluejay805

    bluejay805 Fapstronaut


    Hire a girl to pretend to be your date. Pay her, yes. Then tell the girl you like about it (since you guys are in the friendzone). Her reaction will force her to confront feelings for you, so a) she will get sad and then desire you or b) she'll keep talking about other men she likes, verifying that indeed, you are just a filler for a gay guy friend
  3. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    Difference is that my friend actually gives a crap about me, she just doesnt like me like a man.

    A hired actress would pretend to care.

    Im already over the fact we will never be anything more than friends.
  4. bluejay805

    bluejay805 Fapstronaut


    Giving up so easily eh? Then move on. You must trust the universe. You cannot have what isn't destined for you, and no matter what if something is destined for you it will happen. Maybe now, maybe later. You have to suffer before you have bliss. Trust me...Have faith.
  5. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    I do trust in the universe, and I didn't give up easily, I wasted two years of my life hoping for the impossible, but it taught me a lot.

    Having genuine feelings, being true, faithful, loyal, loving, caring, means absolutely nothing when it comes to love.

    All that one needs is that spark, if she wanted to have sex with me, thats all it would take to be her boyfriend.

    Its a hard life lesson, but I wont make the same mistake twice.

    If a woman doesn't want me, I'll just accept it and move on.

    Life's too short to waste time in a place where you are unwanted.
  6. bluejay805

    bluejay805 Fapstronaut


    You don't seem to come off as a mature man, you're wallowing in your own despair and it won't get you anywhere. You're in love and infatuated with someone who isn't giving you the time of day. Have you ever wondered that maybe you're not the problem, and she is? You can't expect to be treated with respect if you don't value who you are. I'm not saying you should be arrogant, but you should be humble. Never run after those who avoid you. Run after those whom you have hurt and who love you
  7. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    I don't particularly think theres something wrong with me, but I am fully aware of my efforts and the result was the same, so it didn't really mattered what I did, her priority was attraction, and she didnt feel it for me.

    Perhaps here is we I seperate myself with her in persoective, I don't need to be sexually attracted to someone to find them appealing, but perhaps her thoughts are one dimensional as in "If this guy doesn't make me horny then he's not worth it for a relationship".

    I on the other hand can change the way I look at someone if I get to know her enough, changing my perspective.

    If she doesnt deem me as worthy I simply wont waste time hoping she changes her mind, she had plenty of time to get to know me and nothing changed.
    bluejay805 likes this.
  8. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    Well, so I guess I have an update.

    Last night I was talking to her and she started to joke around saying what it be like if we were roommates.

    During the conversation she mentioned that she would cook in her underwear in front of me because she knew I wouldn't do anything to her since we're like "Brothers". I guess at this point I got tired of hearing that, and this is what I said...

    "I feel great about being your best friend, and I think we can have a great friendship for the rest of our lives. But what you said, about is being like brothers, I need to tell you that despite you seeing me as a brother, I do not see you the same way, I see you as a man would see a woman. I just hope that you understand that even if were just friends, that doesnt take away the fact that I'm a man."

    She basically said Im right and apologized.

    It feels good to be honest for once.
    Warrior mode likes this.