***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. av_2905

    av_2905 Guest

    1. I am grateful that my wrist ligaments are healing.
    2. I am grateful that I've lost a good amount of weight over the past 5 months.
    3. I am grateful that the weekend is here.
  2. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for my parents.
    2. I am grateful for my growing body.
    3. I am grateful that my cousin sis didn't come to my place. Thank you god.
    4. I am grateful for not giving up.
    5. I am grateful for not 'M'ing for 27 days.
    6. I am grateful for being in abundance and prosperity.
  3. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful today I was concentrate to study
    I am grateful tonight I was able to complete writing thesis
    I am grateful for reading today afternoon in the park under trees, that was so relaxing
  4. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    1) I'm grateful for friends to work out with to stay in shape
    2) I'm grateful that I won't M in the shower I'm about to take
    3) I'm grateful that the hurricane currently coming into the south USA isn't worse than it already is.
  5. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for work.
    I am grateful for the book i read. And Ill take action on it.
    I am grateful for sleep.
    I am grateful for my hard working girlfriend.
    I am grateful to be where I am today.
    I am grateful to plan and set new more specific and clear goals.
    I am so grateful for life :)
  6. mhanson1984

    mhanson1984 Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. Bad things that happen that lead to something better.

    2. Second chances.

    3. The hope and endurance of the human spirit.
  7. mybirthdaypresent

    mybirthdaypresent Fapstronaut

    I'm so grateful that I reach day 30 today.

    I'm so grateful to eat healthy for breakfast (red rice and vegetable with scrambled egg).

    I'm so grateful for life, and all the chances that have been given to me.
  8. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for starting healthy diet.
    2. I'm grateful for completing another day without PMO.
    3. I'm grateful for being alive and well.
  9. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for spending time with friends yesterday.
    2. I am grateful for making it through some serious urges last night.
    3. I am grateful for the love of my family.
  10. vyndaloo

    vyndaloo Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for peanut butter, thank you mr. Carver (the inventor of peanut butter)
    2. I am grateful for refrigerators for they keep stuff cold like nothing else (except winter)
    3. I am grateful for bananas – refrigerated bananas with peanut butter are the best!
  11. Grow_out_of_it

    Grow_out_of_it Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful that god has given me the opportunity to restart my no pmo journey and has given me the chance to prove myself.
    1. I'm grateful for being back to this community.
    2. I'm grateful for reaching 30 days free for the very first time after years of struggle.
    3. I'm grateful for feeling in control of my life.
    4. I'm grateful for my motivation to improve myself even more.
    5. I'm grateful that a new chapter of my life is about to start.
  12. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    Oh man did I enjoy me day, today.
    1. I am grateful for my body.
    2. I am grateful for my height.
    3. I am grateful for getting out of the house after 2 days.
    4. I am grateful for women.
    5. I am grateful for having a great time with a girl. Just talking and nothing else. This happened after a long time.
    6. I am grateful for the aunt who told my mom that I did gain some weight and was looking much better now. Considering that I didn't have any conversation with her in the past, she thought I was a stoner, which was partly true.
    7. I am grateful for having a great time with my best friends, had drinks and dinner.
    8. I am grateful for having an awesome day.
    9. I am grateful for being in abundance and prosperity.
    10. I am grateful for all the glares that I got. I am pumped up.
  13. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    1) I'm grateful that no one I know has gotten bad flooding or anything yet, what with the hurricane down south where I live
    2) I'm grateful for days off where I can get done just whatever I want to do
    3) I'm grateful to live in a country where everyone has the opportunity to make an impact in the world around them
  14. Uke

    Uke Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for my relapse.
    I'm grateful for what it offers.
    I'm grateful for the repeated lesson.
  15. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for being part of Russian School of Math
    I am grateful for having a TV in the house
    I am grateful for my incredible willpower to keep fighting
    I am grateful for the freedom to make so much of my choices
    I am grateful for the fact that I see some change within me!
  16. mhanson1984

    mhanson1984 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for:

    1. Being creative.

    2. Having a high copacity to love.

    3. Having not watched porn for a week!
  17. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for relapse after 22 days of no PMO.
    2. I'm grateful for my body.
    3. I'm grateful for my education.
  18. Valhal

    Valhal Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. 50 days of NoFap!!!
    2. Generally being incredibly happy at the moment
    3. Having friends and family
  19. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for making it this far even with my failures God has been extremely good to me.
    2. I am grateful for the beautiful day today.
    3. I am grateful for the person I am and the people who have contributed to that.