Lusting other women

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mojoless, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Mojoless

    Mojoless Fapstronaut

    Hi All , i have been rebooting for about 30 or so days now and have noticed some great changes in confidence and so on, but i am yet to rid my self of lusting every hot woman i see in the street . I am currently on holidays in europe with my partner and its killing me . I just find myself resenting her.because im picturing myself fucking every hot girl i see.

    Any of you guy experienced this before ?
  2. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    All the time. Everyday. Everywhere. It's not easy because women are beautiful
    Mojoless and Third_Eye like this.
  3. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I feel this way, sometimes, whenever I'd see erotic content involving a woman. Women are just extremely attractive, and arousing individuals, so I don't blame you for feeling like that.
    Mojoless likes this.
  4. Casper0n

    Casper0n Fapstronaut

    Look at it this way - when you were a regular P user, you were lusting after other women through its use. Now, as a result of your reboot, your interests are turning to non-pixelated women. Give it time and learn to appreciate your partner and you'll be lusting after her, too. Try to drop the feelings of resentment - that's a steep path to a not-so-good place.
    Mojoless and Euphorios like this.
  5. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I think it's better to develop sexual attraction to her, than to "lust" after her. It just sounds perverted to me.
    Deleted Account and Mojoless like this.
  6. Casper0n

    Casper0n Fapstronaut

    Yeah that was a poor use of words on my part. I agree with this entirely.
    Deleted Account and Third_Eye like this.
  7. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I agree. Natural is the key, not lust
    Mojoless and Third_Eye like this.
  8. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Obviously, when the time is right, though. It's better to wait than to rush :D
  9. Journeyandfocus365

    Journeyandfocus365 Fapstronaut

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how hot we're these women?

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how hot is your partner?

  10. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I'm struggling with the lecherous thoughts too. I can't seem to shake them. But I am not resenting my partner because of it. They seem like two different problems. I wish I had advice for the first one, if you do work out how to conquer it let me know! As for the second problem, it is not her fault, but I guess you know that. Do you think the resentment stems from feeling trapped by her or from transferring the anger with yourself onto her?
  11. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    I feel exactly this! I also have a partner, and this extreme lust of other women, makes me resent all the flaws of my current partner...

    Glad to hear others have the same issue!
    Mojoless likes this.
  12. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Is it that you don't find your partner "sexually attractive?"
  13. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    I think it's related to the fact of being in a long term relationship, and therefore lusting someone new ;)
    Mojoless likes this.
  14. Mojoless

    Mojoless Fapstronaut

    Well i used to and i guess its just diminished over time.
  15. Mojoless

    Mojoless Fapstronaut

    I would say the women i am looking at range from 5 to 10.
    In reality my partner is about a 7 or 8 but in my head she is about 3 atm.
  16. Mojoless

    Mojoless Fapstronaut

    I have no idea why i resent her but i guess the fact that i think i can get
    I would say the resentment come from as you say feeling trapped and always thinking the grass is greener, i seem to always put these other women on a pedestal and notice all the flaws in my partner
    Generally if i have been isolated for a while and i gave just been with my partner ( say we go camping or something ) i dont seem to think about the flaws in her so much.
  17. I think every heterosexual has to deal with this. Nothing wrong with noticing what someone looks like but lusting can be a problem.

    A great way to stop lusting is to remind yourself that these 'hot girls' are human beings too. I think when we lust we separate the womans body from her soul but the fact is every woman has a body and a soul. I've done it, I remember times when I would think to myself, Look at the legs on that thing or, Those boobs are amazing. In those moments there were no thoughts about the actual person.

    I was in my city the other day and this women with a short skirt walk past me, I was about to check her out but then I thought to myself, No this women may have great legs but she also a person too. And as soon as I thought that I stopped. I really think seeing women as people will stop our PMO mentality.
    Mojoless and kropo82 like this.
  18. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    That women in general are HIGHLY sensitive to this phenomenon of men ogling other women suggests this is a near universal behavior and has been since cave men first started ogling passing cave women who were not their partner.

    The behavior men have developed in response to this is two fold:
    1) Find ways to secretly ogle other women when your gf is not looking
    2) Imagine banging the other women while banging your gf until it's out of your system

    Getting angry with your GF - for doing nothing wrong! - is not part of the paradigm.
    Mojoless likes this.
  19. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    Well, I also think that the resentment is part of the PMO reboot. Because if your brain is used to getting new women all the time - through porn - then when you stop feeding it the sexual pleasure from other women, then suddenly you are stuck with one girl. Therefore I believe resentment is created because she at the moment (since you are not fully rebooted) can't satisfy the unnatural needs porn have created in your brain.
    Mojoless likes this.