Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Aug 30, 2017.


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  1. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hey buddy,
    If you're having relapses , you will suffer sometimes the "chaser effect": your brain wants more dopamine ! (that's the addiction speaking ofcourse) You just don't give in, and the effect will lessen
    after a few days (not everybody experiences the same time period however !). So, by sititng this out , you will get that counter up ! Stay strong bro, you can do this !
    Icematey and Love369 like this.
  2. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 5/14: More than 1/3 this challenge, another way to look at it positively ! :)
    Feeling strong, just going forward day by day :emoji_relaxed:
    Stay strong !
    John1964, Love369, Iridium and 2 others like this.
  3. TotalAlphaMale

    TotalAlphaMale Fapstronaut

    I've been away for a couple days and its been going pretty well, but today the urges are something else. All i can think about is sex sex sex and masturbating. I want to so bad but i know that i need to heal so i'm hanging on. Wish me luck fellow frapstronauts. Day 6/14
  4. memyyokeandi

    memyyokeandi Fapstronaut

    On Day 1/14. This morning I woke up to some strong urges, but I got up and was able to get rid of them. Sometimes the hard part is just the getting up and getting out of the situation, but today I succeeded.
    Beamer likes this.
  5. KZX

    KZX Fapstronaut

    Day 2
    Beamer likes this.
  6. gdaym8

    gdaym8 Fapstronaut

    day 9 completed, but it is getting progressively harder to resist. I will keep trying.
    Beamer and Love369 like this.
  7. Iridium

    Iridium Guest

    Day 8 of 14 completed

    Had some dream last night, about MO. I had sexual dreams before, but never about MO, rather about intercourse with a person.
    It just felt like a nightmare and I thought I would have relapsed, but than I woke up and nothing really happened, it wasn't even a wet dream.
    Strange experience, but I will obviously keep going. Urges are there, but resistable. Feeling good overall.
    Nature_Calling, Beamer and Love369 like this.
  8. rockstarpsr

    rockstarpsr Fapstronaut

    Day 12 almost done! So near yet so far! Will keep the same vigil and momentum to ensure I ace this challenge.
    Victory to us!
    Nature_Calling and Beamer like this.
  9. Struggler05

    Struggler05 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 complete... I am in control
  10. bloom

    bloom Fapstronaut

    Never been in a challenge but after this big relapse I need to start with something small.
    So I'm in.
    Today is 0/14
    Nature_Calling and 2525 like this.
  11. Steve32

    Steve32 Fapstronaut

    Reached Day 4 so far with no problems
  12. Arc12

    Arc12 Fapstronaut

    Day 8... Full day was busy.. Was easy!! .. :D
  13. d00r

    d00r Fapstronaut

    I'm in! Day 1. I'm excited and scared at the same time. First time trying to reboot. Longest streak is maybe 5 days a couple of times in the last 16 years.
    Nature_Calling and 2525 like this.
  14. Icematey

    Icematey Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 1/14 Done
    Iridium likes this.
  15. Oliver Christensen

    Oliver Christensen New Fapstronaut

  16. youliveyoulearn

    youliveyoulearn Fapstronaut

    Day 7

    It's getting harder but my balls know they would get kicked if they're not disciplined. fuck yeahhhh!
    Beamer likes this.
  17. The_Old_User

    The_Old_User New Fapstronaut

    Going to have to reset. After 4 successful days, I PMO'ed again on the 5th...sigh.....
    Icematey and Beamer like this.
  18. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    ay to go buddy, tomorrow you reach a week ! No time forgiving in now is it ? It never is ofcourse :) ! Stay strong, urges pass, always , just sit it out ! You can do it !
    TotalAlphaMale likes this.
  19. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hey buddy,
    Been there, i know the feeling,... But hey, tomorrow you can start over and break your record, 4 days is something, you can use this to know where you were weak and avoid it ! Learn the lesson and get back
    i the field buddy, your counter awaits you to go up :) Stay strong !
  20. Yesterday was day 6 but I wasn't able to type it in so that's today then I guess.
    Beamer likes this.