30 Days, Never thought this day would come.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Der Drachenkönig, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    For the first time not only have i surpassed my previous 9 or 10 days streak of no PMO but i also made it to day 30.

    When i first begun this journey this seemed as something tough or close to impossible to achieve for me, as i didn´t last more than 9 or 10 days before relapsing. I seeked professional help from a counselor, currently in my 4th session and i'm also taking anti depressants (though this will only be for some time). This has helped a lot since it's helped me control anxiety and depression, which were some of the main reasons for me seeking out PMO.

    While the medicines have helped, i've also made efforts from my part to combat this addiction problem. I've made use of Neuro Linguistic programming in order to counter the unhealthy ideas which may come to my head in order to adopt healthier alternative to those thoughts. Keeping myself busy and going out more have also helped as well as mindfulness meditation.

    All of this has worked wonders because while there still are things which make me feel bad they don't affect me to the level they did anymore, and i also control anxiety and irrational ideas better. All of which has removed the need for P.M.O to a great extent and urges appear less. Another improvement i've seen during these 30 days is that i'm more capable of thinking of others and getting closer to them as well as forgiving myself more for any mistake and being flexible.

    I know the process is far from done and i don't want to let my guard down, as i still need to work in areas like self esteem and polarized thinking as well as improving my social skills. I'm aware this will be a long process but so far things are going really good, and i have no doubt that along with making it to day 60, 90 and so on my life will keep on improving and becoming what i want it to be.
  2. Well done man, good to hear you are experiencing some of the positives of NoFap. All the best in making to 60and beyond!
  3. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, now its day 41 and feeling the benefits. It hasn't been an easy fight because there are periods where i'm at risk, but so far i've managed. I truly hope i go beyond day 60, 90, and so on.
  4. Yes indeed, it’s risky when no one is home and in the early hours of the morning, these are the times I need strategies to feel safe. Hope is good and I think we need to combat this PA one day at a time, to avoid dropping our guard and to remain consciously competent.
    Right behind you.
  5. congratulations
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Glad you're doing better. As you leave porn behind you may find your depression naturally fades, and that you didn't really need the meds. Google this page: *Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/OCD worse?* (on YourBrainOnPorn website)
  7. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    You're absolutely right, there are specific parts of the day or the week when one is more at risk. In my case that would be the weekends, starting from fridays (i don't work that day), reason why i try to be alone the least amount of time possible, and if that's not possible at the very least stay as far from monitors as possible. Thanks for your support man. Really means a lot. I trust i'll be able to keep it up
    Deleted Account likes this.
    Woodcutter74 and Son of shiva like this.
  9. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    Just took a look at that page and what i read has been very helpful, Thanks for that. And now that you mention it, there have been instances in the last two weeks when i forget taking the meds. The last week i went through 4 days straight forgetting it and i sensed little to no difference, in fact i felt really good and was able to keep my emotions in check and didn't struggle much with urges and stuff. I also don't really feel the need for PMO as before so there's that.

    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  10. Target365

    Target365 Fapstronaut

    Meditate daily brother, it helped me control my anxiety very much and try not to be dependent on anti depressants in a long run.
    Der Drachenkönig likes this.
  11. This is so great to hear. Also you are self-aware and humble enough to know that this will be a long term process. Continue to keep your guard up...this addiction has a way of fooling us into thinking it's no longer a problem and then it pounces on us.
  12. Leftrightgoodnight

    Leftrightgoodnight Fapstronaut

    well done brother, I hope to get to this streak at some point with hard work.
    Der Drachenkönig likes this.
  13. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    That is a good alternative. Normally my week is busy, with work and study on my master's degree but i believe if i organize and find the space to meditate it'd help a lot. The meds my therapist said would only be for like 3 months time, and even so there have been succesive days when i forget taking them (4 at most) and i still feel no difference. So yeah, even though meds have helped in some degree i don't want to keep consuming them in the long run. Thanks for your suggestion.

    Our brain, emotions and everything related can be really treacherous. For quite some time i haven't felt the need to seek out PMO, even more i find porn repulsive now that i'm aware of the damage it causes and how it distorts one's view of sexuality and other human beings. However even with all of this progress i don't rule out the possibility of the monster coming back to pounce on us, so that's why i still keep my guard up and avoid overconfidence, because in some cases either the addiction hits you unaware with full force or start "playing with fire" thinking it won't be a problem because you're no longer addicted and then you get burned for it.

    You will, it won't be easy but with enough hard work, determination and being honest with yourself you'll succeed. I'm sure you can do it.
    RockCloud and Leftrightgoodnight like this.
  14. Leftrightgoodnight

    Leftrightgoodnight Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much!
    Der Drachenkönig likes this.
  15. Brijendraa

    Brijendraa Fapstronaut

    Good one bro.
    Der Drachenkönig likes this.