***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Well done my friend, i'm happy to see you doing so well ! :) Keep up the good work, you can beat this addiction ! :):):)
    Robbo-seeking-life likes this.
  2. I am grateful for comedy shows.
    I am grateful for hot water.
    I am grateful for relaxation CD.
    Robbo-seeking-life, Beamer and db001 like this.
  3. potato bop

    potato bop Fapstronaut

    For not working too late

    For picking myself back up!

    For the plushie pillow that helped keep my neck comfortable
    Robbo-seeking-life, Beamer and db001 like this.
  4. db001

    db001 Fapstronaut

    I’m grateful for all the information available on porn addiction.
    I’m grateful I live in a safe, stable country.
    I’m grateful for the people who care for me.
  5. James0224

    James0224 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for having a relatively stable childhood and upbringing - it can give me the strength to deal with hard situations

    I am grateful for lovely food

    I am grateful for a beautiful women I saw today

    I am grateful for no PMO after a relapse
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  6. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for having good friends living in the same building.
    I am grateful for having found my way back to this forum.
    I am grateful for a new opportunity to improve my life.
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  7. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Day 19 of 30
    1. I'm grateful to be considered handsome by women.
    2. I'm grateful that I know to flirt now.
    3. I'm grateful that I can deny myself small term pleasure to avoid later grief.
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  8. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I am grateful for the weekend to come
    I am grateful for my reboot going well
    I am grateful for medecines
  9. potato bop

    potato bop Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for my arm no longer feeling as sore

    I am grateful for me mum

    I am grateful for getting plenty of sleep.
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  10. James0224

    James0224 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for someone being inspired by my journal

    I am grateful for rain!

    I am grateful for where I live
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  11. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for an amazing day
    I am grateful for inspiration
    I am grateful for good weather today
    Robbo-seeking-life and Beamer like this.
  12. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for the rain outside after a very hot period.
    I am grateful for the good friends I have.
    I am grateful for having an amazing mom.
  13. Robbo-seeking-life

    Robbo-seeking-life Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 8

    I’m grateful for weekends
    I’m grateful for techno
    I’m grateful for hot dinners
  14. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I am grateful for Chinese food :)
    I am grateful for airco in my car
    I am grateful for music, it can always lift me up when i'm feeling not so well
    Mirach, perseverence24 and potato bop like this.
  15. potato bop

    potato bop Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for this being my last day!!!!””! At work

    I am grateful for feeling great!!

    I am grateful for feeling good :) lol jk for taking a cold shower
  16. Future role model

    Future role model Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for having my arms and legs. I'm not in wheelchair.
    I am grateful for the fact that my family has enough money to pay the bills, so we have water and electricity.
    I am grateful for not being poor and hungry as the kids in Africa.
    I am grateful for having normal family. They aren't abusive, nor alcohol/drug/sex addicts.
    I am grateful for the food that I ate today.
    I am grateful for my PC, even tho It's not the best one, it still works, many people have the worse or don't have computer at all.
    I am grateful for my sight, hearing and speech. I'm not blind, deaf nor dumb.
    I am grateful for the house I live in. I'm not homeless.
    I am grateful for the library in my town, so I can get books and learn from them.
    I am grateful for having internet connection, so I can use it for new knowledge/opportunities/friendships.
    I am grateful for my clothing, it's not marked but it's still good, I don't need newest $500 Adidas/Nike hoodie.
    I am grateful for the piece in my town, there aren't any gangs in here.
    I am grateful for my town's gym, because I have a place to workout.
    I am grateful for my health.
    I am grateful for the fact that I've always been a kind and open minded person, and I've never let my environment change my outlook.
    I am grateful for having this life.
    I am grateful for Jesus's sacrifice.
    I am grateful for wise people, because I can learn from them.
    I am grateful for this community, because it's full of open minded and wise people.

    Will continue tomorrow...
  17. James0224

    James0224 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for having supportive people around me

    I am grateful for seeing a fox

    I am grateful for taking the decision to clear up some rubbish
  18. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for the beautiful weather in the last 2 months.
    I am grateful to have found this website.
    I am grateful to have found meditation.
  19. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I am grateful for my willpower keeping me on the right track and rule my feelings
    I am grateful for all the support i get here from so many people, thank you !
    I am grateful for being blessed with so many good things in my life
  20. James0224

    James0224 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for being able to get some dinner

    I am grateful for having a nice room to stay in

    I am grateful for the opportunity to go out and shop tomorrow