NoFap is Pointless...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Space Panda, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. Space Panda

    Space Panda Fapstronaut

    Nofap is pointless without looking for things to replace addiction and changing your mindset. Many may already know this. I didn't. Most men developed these addictions because they feel like they dont deserve to be loved. But that's bullshit. Most men gap cause they dont know how to approach women. Or their just bored. All three related to me. But I'm not fapping because it's a waste of time.

    I have started watching dating videos because they will help with attracting women. Corey Wayne, Alpha Male Strategies and Tripp dating advice are extremely helpful and can be found on YouTube.

    I see people post here everyday about their addiction and how hard it is (no pun intended). But that's crazy because nofap is useless. It literally is, if you are not replacing those behaviors then your never gonna get better. Sex is amazing but it's not better than enjoying life and being successful.
  2. Vedas_fr

    Vedas_fr Fapstronaut

    Nofap is not useless at all. You need to start approaching people, get social, because honestly you have social issues if you cannot approach a girl (no pun intended)
  3. DeludedSoul

    DeludedSoul Fapstronaut

    It all depends on what you do with your conserved time and energy. Else it's a mental satisfaction.
  4. Light of Freyja

    Light of Freyja Fapstronaut

    Women are spontaneously divine and all the formulaic advice in the world won't help you unlock their mysteries. You simply have to know thyself and not be afraid of diving into their hearts. Women want men to be there for them in times of trial wether they are stuck on the side of the road or need emotional advice. Women are like water and men are like earth. As a man I know to be happy, if I could find a woman who would be happy with me drinking beer after putting in my work shift and giving up that pussy before going to sleep only to do that again the next day, that would seem like heaven.

    Fortunately, the wisdom of women does not permit this. The path is full of ever changing difficulty and we become more divine as a result of putting the work in.
  5. Vedas_fr

    Vedas_fr Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I don’t see how this relates to the thread.
  7. Light of Freyja

    Light of Freyja Fapstronaut

    ah i figured he wanted to make himself more attractive to women. My mistake. Nofap is pointless in and of itself like a rock without a shape. Intention and application is everything unless you're a robot following a script. But I digress.
    Woodcutter74 and Space Panda like this.
  8. Vedas_fr and Woodcutter74 like this.
  9. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    It is not pointless because many here have written touching testimonies, success stories and have a new perception on life ever since they quit P.M.O. Those positive testimonies are people who replaced the addiction with constructive things such as reading more, working out, getting out of their comfort zone, practicing hobbies, learning new things, meeting women and doing so many other things that make them happier. It is only going to be pointless to those who love to bitch, moan and criticize.
    Hitto, WanderTruth and Vedas_fr like this.
  10. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    The point is to get rid of harmful habits that aren't aligned to your well being. To create space for a better life.

    A lot of people in this community seem to think that just simply abstaining from PMO is automatically going to fix everything, but it's really just the starting point. It's getting back to normal. It's like a drug addict successfully going through rehab. Life needs work after that.

    PMO were habits that allowed escape from pain, problems, and negative experiences via easy and certain instant gratification. So it conditioned us to seek more of that. Then we see videos of "500 women are all over me and my success is through the roof after nofap / semen retention".

    After getting rid of old PMO habits is when the real work begins. The pain, problems, and negative experiences that have been waiting there ever since you've neglected them. Only now you're a lot weaker to handle them because you're not conditioned to face reality and its uncertain hardships.
  11. KillCommunism

    KillCommunism Fapstronaut

    Well I do know that my urge to fap has been replaced with an urge to approach women...

    so get on that tc. Nofap ain't a waste of time.

    At near 90 days now, fapping enters my mind maybe once every other day, and even then it's never anymore a consideration. It enters and leaves my mind quickly. It's like I've entered a new state of mind where fapping is not even a possibility for me anymore.
  12. I disagree that NoFap is useless. The longest streak I had was beyond 40 days but by 2 weeks I already felt more confident and more energetic. I could only imagine what it would have been if I completed the 90 days.
    Woodcutter74 and WanderTruth like this.
  13. Yeah, all women everywhere are one dimensional.
  14. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    Fuck... I thought that NoFap had no goal by itself but when people talk about it this point gets buried under all those positive side effects that only become relevant later in process, if ever. I think i had even given up some streaks before once i subconsciously confronted all those other problems i covered up with PMO.

    Its hard tackling this addiction now while my life is a mess but i cant get it sorted if i keep losing all my energy to PMO. Its a catch 22 situation. Fuck.
  15. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    It's like washing dirty dishes. You keep neglecting it and the dishes keeps piling up in the sink. It becomes harder and harder to do it. It's easier to neglect and escape from the problem via doing things that are more fun. You condition yourself to seek easy and certain instant gratification. You become weaker and weaker while the problem gets bigger.

    Or think of it like a garden. Each time you choose PMO you're planting a seed and you're cultivating that seed. Time passes and you suddenly realize that you have a garden full of unwanted things. You think to yourself "how did this happen?" Time can either promote you (planting and cultivating good seeds that are aligned to the type of garden that you want) or time can expose you (like in this example). A lot of people will choose instant gratification that harms them in the long run rather than delayed gratification that is good for the development of themselves and their reality. The garden you have right now is your addiction that you've built. It didn't come out of nowhere. You built it one seed at a time for a long period of time. It's hard to get rid of the current garden to start a new and better one.
    Deleted Account and DeludedSoul like this.