All about Dopamine and PMO!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by msfreedom, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow fapstronauts.

    Here's a bit about myself: I recently joined NoFap and I'm on day 10 hard mode, on my way to a reboot of 90 days. I think I have made a meaningful connection between a few things. I'll also talk about the habits that are helping me in this journey.

    I'm making this post about my opinion and experience on how dopamine and PMO affect us.

    For those who don't know what dopamine is, it's one of the hormones our body generates as part of the reward system. In simple terms, if you feel satisfied/very happy, it's because of the dopamine release in our body. Dopamine is generated whenever we finish any pending tasks, workout, smoke a cigarette, kiss someone, or orgasm. You see a pattern? It's all about those bursts of happiness.

    When we PMO regularly, our body keeps on generating dopamine, and after a while, since it gets used to PMO it generates a smaller amount as time goes on. Now we like this happy feeling, and we always want more (seems like addiction??). So that's why many of us face the irresistible urge for masturbation.

    As we are used to getting this dopamine every day (or several times a day), it's really difficult to let go of orgasms. This is also one of the reasons quitting smoking is difficult. Normally we should be rewarded (with dopamine) when we do some task and are successful, but with easy access to porn, we are hacking ourselves to get that dose of happy hormone without having to work for it. I'm sure many of you might have also felt a bit of shame after orgasm, and I think it's because of that. Now let me tell you where I'm going with this.

    If we want to successfully quit PMO, we have to replace that dopamine triggering act with something else (if that makes sense). One of the best things to do (which is healthy too) is doing some form of exercise. For most people, starting the exercise is the most difficult part; and almost everyone feels much better after a workout even if it's a 5 minute one. That sense of accomplishment gives us the necessary happy feeling and we're less likely to resort to masturbation.

    I hoped you liked my reasoning and explanation. I am currently on day 10 hard mode. Let me tell you the habits that keep me off PMO. I am waking up a little bit earlier than I used to and actually getting a bit of work done in the morning. I do little 5-20 min workouts every day and I can see my body changing. I am a bit more conscious about what I eat (I already was) and I'm eating a tiny bit more healthy. When put together, all these things make me really happy, and I don't feel that compulsive urge to masturbate. I believe that if I continued living the way I was (lazy, procrastinating the tiniest task, and unmotivated in life), I wouldn't have been able to stay off porn for even 2 days.

  2. Do you know how long it takes for our dopamine receptors to recover? I feel like that’s not even half of what recovery is. If the receptors recover, then are we just waiting for our reward circuits to be unhacked? Because I’ve been told that it takes only a few weeks for dopamine receptors to recover, what do you think
    hsb0617 and msfreedom like this.
  3. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately we do not know as no studies have been done regarding this. The best we can do is abstain from all unhealthy dopaminergic activities (fapping, excessive video games, excessive sugar, drugs) and our dopamine receptor sensitivity will recover. On top of this, do activities good for our dopamine reward system. So exercising, chores, etc. Between 3 months to a year, and you should recover
    hsb0617 and msfreedom like this.
  4. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    What you are saying is similar to a video called your brain on porn. Then the comments of replacing bad habits with good habits is explored in a book called the power of habit. In this books it states good habits beget good habits. So working out will start you to eat better. Also, in this book it talks about understanding what you are really seeking from your bad habit, then get that need by replacing it with a good habit.
    Tonytone and msfreedom like this.
  5. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    I do not know how long it will take. I believe it'll take at least 3 weeks for one to take control.
    And as Address007 said, it's also about dopamine receptor sensitivity. It'll take a bit of time and effort, but it's definitely achievable.
  6. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    I think I've seen some video similar to that. The general idea is that it resembles the brain activity of an addict.
    There are many resources online which talk about these things, and I just made this post about what I experienced. A lot of things are obviously interrelated, such as PMO, working out, dopamine, eating better, better habits, procrastination, etc. I could talk for hours about it :))
    Tonytone likes this.
  7. What do you mean by "hard mode" ?
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  8. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    I think I used the wrong term there. Hard mode means in addition to PMO, you don't have intercourse with a sexual partner. I meant PMO.
    BestVersionToday likes this.
  9. Cheers
  10. m@fia

    m@fia Fapstronaut

    great post
    and also about the days to recover , I don't know the time but all I know that the 3 months or 90 days challenge will make us ofcoutrse better people in all of our life .
    but the question is as my post

    shall 3 moths enough after long years of addiction.
    All I know I will struggle to achieve no PMO , I need it quit it seriously , I know my brain can do better , I know my body can perform better, I believe my whole life ISA will be better if we quit .
    msfreedom likes this.
  11. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    Your reasoning makes sense and I am thrilled to see what an informative member you are. Thanks for sharing your insights. By the looks of it I can say you're going far. Good luck.
    Tonytone and msfreedom like this.
  12. In case of true dopamine receptor dysregulation, 3 months is a joke...

    If you've been really addicted and have severe withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety or depression, 3 months is when delta fos B starts leaving the system. In case of severe addiction (daily pmo sessions for about a decade), it can take a year before the brain returns to a somewhat normal biochemistry.

    When you have real problems with dopamine receptors, you won't fail to notice. It's hell.
  13. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    The extremely lucky ones recover in 3 months. I'm 1+ year in and not even close to being cured.
  14. So true, I’m struggling big time. Still weak erections, lifeless small cock but my mental symptoms seem to be calming down a tiny bit. Recently im finding activities like playing guitar a bit more rewarding and what have you.
    Tonytone likes this.
  15. I also think it takes longer than 90 days for most, just look at Gabe Deem's story, he took 9 months and he was rebooting with his wife
    Tonytone likes this.
  16. drkarim

    drkarim Fapstronaut

    U think yes much longer
    Tonytone likes this.
  17. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Thank you!

    And yeah maybe it'll take more time, but you need to start somewhere.. so I am going for 90 days. I have realized the changes that I want to see in myself, and it'll take some time to rewire the brain.. but I think I can do it :)
  18. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Wow, thanks!
  19. msfreedom

    msfreedom Fapstronaut

    Congrats on making it so far! What are the most drastic changes you can see in yourself?
  20. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    • Girls notice me more
    • Easier talking to girls
    • Better erections (when not in a flatline)
    • More confidence
    • Feeling better about myself
    At the moment, I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms so I feel like shit..
    Tonytone and msfreedom like this.