Anyone miss life before smartphones?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kman20, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    I remember hanging with my two older brothers in front of one big screen tv playing games or watching anime together. Socializing without any of us disconnected from the experience. Having fun and everything was so simple. We were more open. Anyone miss life before smart phones? When we were more social. More present. More (ironically) connected ?? Simple times.
  2. I miss it. It is painful nowadays because everyone is at their own room or has already their own personal life in their smartphone and we all had no choice, the smartphone life was imposed on us. I dislike that I have to depend on a phone to lead a normal life nowadays.
  3. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Same. Remember when you’d get together with your siblings or a good portion of your family to just sit and share one tv. We’d all be talking about what we were watching too and feel much more connected. Ahh what’re we doing to ourselves socially. We’re missing out on one of the best things of being human, being connected and experiencing the moment with each other.
  4. Peace467

    Peace467 Fapstronaut

    I have friends who will be on their phone the whole time, even when you’re watching something with them! I even had a friend who asked me to rewind becuase he eas to busy on his phone to see the cirical moment.

    Yeah, Im ok with them, but we definatly dont need to have them on us all the time. They can be really useful (I work outside a lot so its good to have a phone with maps etc) but at home I try and leave my phone on DND and stay off it!
    horny nerd and Kman20 like this.
  5. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Wait 8-10 years until brain and colon cancer rates start to mysteriously spike in frequency.

    Sit back and watch the world then :)
  6. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Yep, I remember the time, when I meet friends for playing videogames or going outside. Now they are focused on their mobile-shit.
    I am one of the last people, who avoid using such a thing because I want to see, what happens around me. And it makes me sick, that some people use this just to share to the world, where they are at the moment and what they do at the moment.
    I guess I am also one of the last people who create sometimes a private photo-book for oneself (with friends, on vacation etc.) - no facebook, no instagram, no twitter etc..
    Sacred Fire and horny nerd like this.
  7. This social media stuff has twisted everyone's relationships and also friendships, I dislike people that stay on their phone when we are in a group of friends that barely see each other on a daily basis.
    surtennis123 and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  8. Dimmed_haze

    Dimmed_haze Fapstronaut

    Yep, definetly. People are living fake lives on social media, smiling and unknowingly or knowingly being extreme attention seekers. Meanwhile in reality most people are depressed and lonely.

    All we do is consume, want more money to consume. So we can share it on the internet where nobody cares.

    Everything is dumbed down, look at modern architecture for example. God forbid we talk about main stream media.

    Personally what I hate most is having to act fake. You can't say what's on your mind because you might offend easily offendable people. Even having a conversation nowadays feels boring, fake and shallow. Always the same topics when speaking with people etc. etc.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  9. Definitely. The number one reason todays kids/teenagers/adults have one, is to show off their latest gadget. It was interesting to get my first smartphone, to try out some new fancy technology. But how shallow did I and other people became since we got those things.

    It's always the same thing. Showing off what your smartphone is capable off to others. Getting the same calls or messages on WhatsApp all the time. Hey how are you doing? Hey do you have time? What are you doing? Look what I've got. Why didn't you call back? I called you 5 times.
    Then you have 6 people in the same room "spending time with friends". 5 are with their head downs looking at a goddamn smartphone all day. God knows how much I hate that ****.

    Give me any other reason people have a smartphone other then to show off their latest gadget? I admit it, it was cool to have these things for a while but 80% are attached to these things it's ridiculous. Plus they are quite pricey.

    Like a previous poster said, alot of stuff is imposed on us. Look at the TV. Every 15 min you get bombarded with visualizations and audio telling you to buy something....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
    horny nerd, Beingpure, Kman20 and 2 others like this.
  10. Oh and I don't own any phone anymore. Call me lame. But I don't need one. People only call when they want something from you. I'm done with that. Don't get me started on girls. They are addicted to the dopamine hits they get when they take a selfie and post it on social media and get instant compliments from the other sheeps: you are fabulous! girl ! You look so good!! Like it's some major achievement. Everyone can take a picture. Ridiculous.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
    Klenton, JB333, horny nerd and 8 others like this.
  11. Wladimir

    Wladimir Fapstronaut

    Yes women and social media= dumb bitches not worth my time. I find myself using my Phone less and less and I actually feel better without it, Kinda funny
  12. I never thought of it like that, but that must be true. Great insight.
  13. It's sorta funny. I didn't get a smartphone until I was 16. It was during this period of my life when loneliness and depression started to spike like crazy. I miss being on my 2002 verzion mobile phone playing virtual poker waiting for my mom to come to pick me up from school. Good god, people were so much more social back then. Even in 2006. I miss those days. The smartphone is way too addicting. Especially when you start searching for music on YouTube, god forbid my 4,000 song playlist.
  14. Don't get me started on Twitter. Quitting Twitter was the best thing I did. That site is filled with so much negativity.
    horny nerd likes this.
  15. Social Media is the illusion that everyone is having a good time. I know I paraphrase that, but it's true. It's the fakest thing out there. Not to mention it causes FOMO. Which can be really bad for your mental health.
    horny nerd and Deleted Account like this.
  16. You speak the truth. Great post!
  17. A normal smartphone costs around $650. Crazy.
    horny nerd likes this.
  18. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    horny nerd and SaveMeBeforeIFall like this.
  19. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Everything definitely is dumbed down. People are less creative and innovative. Hollywood is a prime example. The past like decade we've just been recycle old classics and remake them. When was the last time a completely original idea was put out there? Something that had the risk of failing. Something that you knew people didn't already like? We're all over stimulated, depressed, and tired. We need to go back to our old energized social selves. Our real selves.
    horny nerd likes this.
  20. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut
