Should internet porn be illegal?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BobbyBrown567, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. BobbyBrown567

    BobbyBrown567 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I definitely agree there, there is little to no relationship with governments, and I think because they deal with data and statistics etc, it takes away the sentimentality of problems. Like I could read all about, say, heroin addicts, but it wouldn't be the same as somebody taking me to go and talk to one and really getting that personal account of things. This I think is something governments should strive more to do and you're definitely right about the power stuff, I mean what is a government if it can't control it's people? I suppose the solution is to put people in place who will handle that power the best.

    I don't know if you've heard of a guy called Michel Foucault but I think he'd be right up your street as he talks all about power and institutions etc.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  2. Goldenlion7892

    Goldenlion7892 Fapstronaut

    God yes I wish and have wished since I was in my teens that it was illegal. I now know that this will probably never happen though.

    Sometimes I feel like if I had enough money I’d just fly over to one of those countries where it’s illegal and just live there for the rest of my life. I agree North Korea would not be worth it, all though sometimes after a relapse it almost seems like it is (am I right? Lol). However I would gladly live in Turkey or somewhere else in the Middle East if it meant no porn and maybe even perhaps less technology.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I haven’t heard of him, but I’ll definitely check him out.
  4. brfreedom

    brfreedom Fapstronaut

    It should be illegal or at least some explicit control to avoid material that go beyond boundaries.
  5. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut


    That's the basic idea of free countries, do anything you desire as long as it dosen't hurt someone else.

    And speaking from no experience, I think people should have a will to improve if they wanna. It must'nt be imposed.
  6. Silver36

    Silver36 Fapstronaut

    Also the amount of rape cases would skyrocket
  7. No, but it should be regulated (don't know how that would work) but nonetheless I started watching P as a child--who effing knows what kind of damage I've inflicted upon myself
  8. ?????????

    That is one hell of a slippery slope, man. People don't need porn to masturbate and the majority of human beings follow what we'd call the non-aggression principle. You can still be addicted to masturbating with porn being completely exempt from the equation.

    This also assumes that everybody that is successful with staying away from porn, masturbation, and sex as a whole becomes, or has temptations to be come, a rapist.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  9. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    There's also a shitload of psubs for people to fap to. I'm pretty sure most people would go to those if porn became inaccessible.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. And this addresses two things. It addresses that people will always find something else to masturbate to because thanks to our creativity and imagination, almost anything can be a psub. And it addresses that we can't realistically say we can ban porn because, as stated earlier, what can be called "porn" can be referencing many different things. From that sex scene you like in that movie to a gif you know about or could find.

    Now I will say that porn, in the common form (videos and pictures) enables our addictive, self-destroying behavior. But it's us that has to choose to be or not to be (no Shakespeare pun intended) like that.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  11. I am partial to the claim that porn should be regulated so that children can't stumble onto it, but how could this actually be executed is my question. Porn is still literally (not figuratively) everywhere. And how would websites identify that the individual viewing porn is underage? The most pornsites use is an "only enter if you're 18" message. This obviously wouldn't stop every child (it didn't stop me) and is a very half-assed attempt to prevent children from viewing explicit material, assuming it even was much of an attempt at all.

    I mean, right now, unless you actually attempted to prove your identity to me, I don't really know who you are, nor do you know me, right now. Your profile states you're a male 27 year old, but for all I know, you're a transgendered 47 year old pedophile that collects headless dolls. (highly improbable, yes, but not impossible nor do I actually think you are that :p)

    How would we employ a mechanism that confirms you are who you say you are while keeping your anonymity and provide a barrier against children?

    I agree with the claim that we should limit it, but how would we do that without enforcing things onto those who may not choose what we choose?

    Until somebody can argue otherwise, I'm of the stance that we should be attempting to spread the wisdom that porn is not worth it as opposed to restricting personal freedoms.
  12. FrankMartin

    FrankMartin Fapstronaut

    The thing is that tweens get addicted to porn at an age where they really can't be expected to see the long term consequences of using porn. All governments as far as I know already bans child porn. I'm sure we could find some child porn on the deep if we really searched and then we would probably end up in jail. The nice thing is that with all my time on the internet I have never stumbled upon child porn, because it's banned. Banning porn would not make it impossible to get hold of, but it would make it more difficult and porn usage would go down. That would be a good thing.
    Liv4ever likes this.
  13. Liv4ever

    Liv4ever Fapstronaut

    I agree... The cyber crimes ,Sexual offenses can all be lowered if Porn and its accessibility to the general public is highly moderated... But VPN,torrent sites nd all sorts of crap wld still find a way to get it...
    Technically porn was banned in india +-+ months ago... Bt with VPN its futile.

    Ppl fight fr internet privacy nd fail to understsnd nd this "virtual invisibility" is actually fking our brains up
    As a teen i just Got curious nd puff .. Got hooked...
  14. Goldenlion7892

    Goldenlion7892 Fapstronaut

    The only reason porn sites have an enter your birthdate or don’t enter unless you’re 18 is so they can cover their own asses legally. Should something go down like a parent upset about their child spending time on a porn site the company that owns the website can use this as an excuse to as why they shouldn’t have been there in the first place, they had been warned etc.

    The companies the own the porn sites don’t care about children visiting the websites or the countless people that get hooked on it every day. I think our government needs to step in and they should have stepped in a long time ago. Why they’ve ignored this problem for so long boggles my mind and it almost seems like they want people to be miserable.
    Liv4ever likes this.
  15. I can't tell if this is sarcasm or something you actually think. Assuming it's the latter, why the hell would you expect the government to "solve" our problem and why would you think they'd want people to be anything but miserable at all?
  16. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I think it would be more effective to teach people that porn is addictive and has negative effects. If you told teenage me that porn can give you erectile dysfunction or hocd I would have avoided it like the plague.
  17. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Child porn is banned because it’s nonconsensual, not because it’s porn. CP is the opposite of free speech due to its nonconsensual manner. Porn, meanwhile, is connected to the idea of free speech.

    It’s up to the parents to raise their children, not the government. Government raising people creates slavery. Parents raising them right creates liberty.
  18. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    How about not making porn in the first place?
  19. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Sure, that’s always a possibility, but that’s something the individual should decide and not the government, because “porn” can be anything depending on who rules. In Iran, they censor women’s feet if they’re exposed. Yeah, their FEET, because it’s too porny for the men. Incentives like this can give government too much control. This is why porn is, in a sickening way, connected to free speech, as are every other idea.
  20. BobbyBrown567

    BobbyBrown567 Fapstronaut

    As nice as an idea as that is, I can't imagine them ever just stopping. It would almost be a bit rich for the P industry to start waving the ethical flag.

    Unfortunately one of the effects of capitalism is that if people can sell something, they will, regardless of the consequences. If coke and heroin were legal, no doubt a market would spring up overnight for it. A great example is meat, dairy and eggs. They all cause catastrophic animal suffering, but it's legal, so sell away!

    Shame really, makes me loose faith in humanity but then again organisations like this restore it!