Doubting NoFap Superpowers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Anti-ordinary, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Anti-ordinary

    Anti-ordinary Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, recently I relapsed from a streak of Nofap and I am unable to get back onto a streak and quit pornography and masturbation for ever. I have been questioning myself whether nofap superpowers are real. My longest streak of no PMO was 70 days and the biggest reward from it was enjoying every little moment in life, as little as a walk in the park. I felt like I really wanted to go for a walk in the park, whereas before I would do anything to avoid it. But recently I have started to wonder that maybe that was just a placebo, maybe superpowers aren't real. I need some guidance of what to do.

    What do you guys think?
    boichy likes this.
  2. WretchedBoy

    WretchedBoy Fapstronaut

    Isn´t this already worth it for you? Moments like these make the difference between living and barely existing. You made it to 70 days. That´s huge, man. If you did it once you can certainly do it again.

    In my opinion the term "superpowers" is kind of exaggerated but there certainly is a truth to it. Today is my 111th day clean and I recognized improvements in different areas of my life: my self-respect grows, I am able to hold eye contact during conversations, I don´t feel like wearing a mask all day, I am able to show (and feel) true and unfiltered emotions now and then and my confidence is improved. Overall the feeling of living under a dome of glass that isolates me not only from others but from myself vanishes a little bit more every day. Those perks certainly are worth every single day without P for me.

    But in your case it´s probably about your expectations. What do you expect from a life without P?
    +TenPercent and boichy like this.
  3. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Dude, that's what life is - enjoying it, walking around with a smile on your face, feeling real emotions - not being stuck in your own head, surrounded by false fantasies that have nothing to do with reality.
    "Superpowers", terrible term that that is, "merely" means becoming a regular human being again. Do what you want, but in the end - is staying addicted really better than what you had going for you during your streak?
    Marik757, OddTheOodle, boichy and 2 others like this.
  4. OddTheOodle

    OddTheOodle Fapstronaut

    I tend to think of if like this (and I may be way off scientifically, as I'm no expert; nor am I a computer programer): Completing the reboot is kind of like a factory reset, after which you go back to how you should've been feeling all along. After a relapse, you start getting all that junk code piling up again, and need another factory reset.

    I don't know about "superpowers," but I do know that after I completed (and even during, as you mentioned) my last reboot, I stopped having some of the issues I was having while PMOing. And I know that after I started PMOing again, I began to exhibit some of those issues again.

    And I don't think it was a "placebo effect," because I continued to feel that positive way even after leaving NoFap and for a short time after resuming my PMO activities.

    Good luck on your journey and may you find the answers you are seeking.
    boichy and WretchedBoy like this.
  5. kruznick

    kruznick Fapstronaut

    Check out "Your Brain on Porn" and have a look at the studies cited. You might find an answer there to your question.
    boichy likes this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Enjoying a walk in the park is not a "superpower" by any definition! :confused: These "superpowers" are a myth IMHO. :(
    boichy and MonkeyDo like this.
  7. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Gaining greater self-respect; holding eye contact during conversations; showing and feeling true and unfiltered emotions; and greater confidence are not "superpowers" by any definition! You are describing normal human functioning, that is all.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, this.^
    Marik757, OddTheOodle and boichy like this.
  9. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, this.^

    When we reboot our computer, we don't declare: "It has superpowers"! :rolleyes:
    boichy and OddTheOodle like this.
  10. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    There's no super powers.

    Just the problems and reality that you've been escaping and neglecting.

    That doesn't sound like fun nor would it feel good? Not everything that feels good is good for you. Not everything that feels bad is bad for you.

    If you stop being a slave to instant gratification and numbing yourself to stimulation, then you'll see that there are adversities in life that are worth facing. Ones that don't feel good, but are good for you.
    Deleted Account and boichy like this.
  11. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    I wish there was a placebo to cancer too, that would be great. And one for being lazy. Then we could all be superheroes, eh?
    If you believe it is a placebo, then how can it possibly work? And if you still believe that it is a placebo, it works doesn't it? What else do you want, antidepressants!? If it works, just take the damn benefits! Great work on 70 days dude, that's huge. I assure you that it does not matter whether it is a placebo or not. It works and that is all that matters. Edit: Wait, listen to the dudes above me! A reboot resets us to what we should've been all along! Wonderfully stated, men.
    OddTheOodle likes this.
  12. Marik757

    Marik757 Fapstronaut

    I felt the placebo effect during my first few weeks and occasionally now from time to time. When I do feel it I reflect on my journey as to how far I've come.

    Looking back I can see how vulnerable I was falling into temptations. I dont know what I'd be doing with my life if I went back to my old ways, nor do I wish to find out.

    If you're happy with the way things are while doing NoFap, then stick to it. Fight the urges, take care of yourself, love the new you.
  13. There is no such thing as superpowers. Trust me, I know it.
    kruznick likes this.