What is the best Porn Blocker?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Guys I'm looking for your input on the BEST porn blockers for Windows, Android and Apple. It might be a different one for each system, but what are your suggestions from experience. Please no "I heard that..." only REAL experiences please.
    I used to use Open DNS but that was 5 years ago. What's the best current blocker?
    Master Chips likes this.
  2. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    K9 is the best for PC. Make a fake email and use a randomly generated password for it, and then use the same password for your K9 account. Once you're done setting up your program, toss the password away.
    You got many settings you can edit, block every porn site and even normal forums like reddit where there might be sexual content and NSFW sections via URL block. You can even block keywords in URL.
    Be warned - if you try to uninstall and put in the wrong password, it will shut down your internet access.

    That being said, it's not going to completely block everything. You might stumble things on sites that are not categorized as pornography sites. Like twitter, imgur, reddit and some other forums like these.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  3. Want to stop 656

    Want to stop 656 Fapstronaut

  4. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    K9 is OK, but it's very easy to bypass in safe mode if you have little IT knowledge. It didn't work for me. Basically no filter worked for me. They all have back doors and lost password safeguards you can bypass. I don't believe in filters. World is full of sexualized content, you can't filter it all. You have to learn how to live with it.

    But if you insist Qustodio is probably the best and hardest to bypass. Here's the full list with reviews: https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2346997,00.asp
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  5. This is to help the guys who need to make a couple months without porn to see the benefits, to get them off on the right foot. Long term they need to learn to reject sexual content on their own.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  6. These are the most effective blockers in my experience :
    For pc :
    • K9 web protection
    • Clearbrowsing DNS
    For firefox extensions :
    • Siteblock(blocks sites as well as words).
    • Fox lock (to lock the extensions).
    • Image blocker
    For Android:
    • Stay Focused App block.
    • Adaway (ads blocker(I used it also to block the sites i don't want) >>It requires Root.
    • Adguard (same as Adaway but no root required.
    For Chrome:
    • Siteblock
    For Iphone(I don't have IPhone but I heard this is a good app) :
    • Blocker

    Note: In my experience, I used to believe in blockers, and used all methods to block every triggering thing on my phone and pc. Eventually you will find a way to penetrate it. What I noticed is that blockers make me target them instead of porn. So my mind keeps working on unblocking them. My phone even ones was broken yet i used to fail to keep a good streak. This won't be for everyone, but in my opinion, target your mind and keep persistence to be discipline to a strategy that keeps us away from any triggering material instead of tools that put a barrier which makes us keep trying to penetrate it.

  7. If you keep trying to crack the blocker it might be because you're not totally decided to quit porn. The idea is to make it harder to see porn and to give you those extra few seconds to change your mind.
  8. Wrong judgment, but anyways this is your perspective.
  9. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    It was right the opposite for me. When I used no filters, it was only my conscious mind that could block me from visiting porn sites and that helped me to break the circle. Mental effort is essential to reengage prefrontal cortex (PFC) in deep pre-learned behaviors. When you have to incorporate logical thinking (PFC) into autopilot behavior loop between midbrains and striatum, loop weakens and breaks over time. When you use filters, your PFC is not engaged in prevention (filter does that) so you never weaken neuropathway which is your compulsive behavior. Addiction is deep learned behavior which excludes logical judgement (PFC). The only way to brake the circle is to use conscious thinking, so behavior stops happening via autopilot route.
    Master Chips likes this.
  10. Please don't overcomplicate this...Let's be honest it takes a considerable amount of time to change these behaviors. So, in the meantime, use a blocker to prevent accidental contact with porn. Let's stick to the thread subject :)
  11. Not a judgment, just speaking from experience.
  12. This is a scientifical justification! I agree with u buddy
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  13. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    I made a small porn blocker for myself. It's for linux but it may work with Apple. Basically it retrieves a list of porn site and add it to the host file. One can easily adapt it to any system (but there is little geek work to do ;))

    wget --output-document=/tmp/porn1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rsnitsch/antiporn/master/lists/porn.list.txt
    wget --output-document=/tmp/porn2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rsnitsch/antiporn/master/lists/porn-wwwprefix.list.txt
    wget --output-document=/tmp/porn3 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r...porn-only-canonical-blogspot-domains.list.txt
    wget --output-document=/tmp/porn4 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/r...efix-only-canonical-blogspot-domains.list.txt

    cat /tmp/porn1 /tmp/porn2 /tmp/porn3 /tmp/porn4 | sort | uniq > /tmp/porn

    sed -ri '/^#DébutBlock$/,/^$FinBlock$/d' /etc/hosts
    echo "#DébutBlock" >> /etc/hosts
    while read ligne
    if [ "$ligne" != 'yourbrainonporn.com' ]
    echo " $ligne" >> /etc/hosts
    done < /tmp/porn
    echo "#FinBlock" >> /etc/hosts

    rm /tmp/porn*
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. K9 web proteccion, works with a white list of aproved sites.
  15. beachbumb

    beachbumb New Fapstronaut

    I use it, it’s prertty decent. If you sign up for a free account, you can do an upgrade after for $12 a year.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Bflataaron

    Bflataaron Fapstronaut

    One app that's worked pretty well for me in the past is an app called ever accountable. It takes a different spin on filtering. It doesnt actually block porn, but it sends a detailed report to anyone you choose of all of your activity. That means every app you open, every site you visit, how long you've been in each app, and everything you type on your devices. This thing literally reports everything you do! I had my pastor listed as one of my accountability partners and it worked pretty well... that is of course until I decided I didnt want to do it anymore. But if you list enough people who you would hate to see all the "bad" stuff you do on your electronic devices, then it can be pretty effective. https://everaccountable.com
    Davikch and (deleted member) like this.
  17. diep

    diep Fapstronaut

    I block porn sites at router, laptop and iPhone. For router, I install openwrt and use dnsmasq to block every unsafe search engine (only allow Google Safe Search), social media sites (which has lot of triggers and consumes time) and force every device to use DNS OpenDNS Family. I also block some streaming service and file sharing sites as well. For laptop, I use the hosts to block known porn site (https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts) and also use a separate standard account which enables Software Restriction Policies to force me using only Google Chrome to browse the Internet plus using Privoxy to block unknown adult sites (it can filter sites by keyword) . And for iPhone, I enable Content Restrictions to limit adult websites.

    No system is perfect however it buys us time to think carefully before relapsing. In Mac, there is no Software Restriction Policy. However, using a standard user account is sufficient for this setup. Just need to hide your admin password somewhere else.
  18. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Blockers are very overrated. We humans operate primarily on belief not on enforced behaviors. The belief comes first. If you don't change the belief you can try to weaken your pathways all you want, you're fighting an uphill battle.

    If you have to install a porn blocker you're proving to yourself that you haven't changed your belief. You're telling yourself that you don't trust yourself and that you may do something that you say you technically don't want to do. So why do you do it in the first place? Because you're used to? No, because you secretly believe in it.

    Quitting porn is not like learning to ride a bike, where you can do it with training wheels for a while. Quitting means untraining, leaving behind, it feels shitty like a breakup, the result should be a void that is filled with normality, not with a screen in your browser that reminds you every day that you can't visit some random website because you're an addict.

    Also when you block all porn sites and you start to embody the horny monster, what's the first thing you do? You go to Youtube, because it's FULL of soft porn. And that soft porn gets you so horny that you try to find loopholes around the blockers. And there are many. So you still do the same thing as you did without the blockers, you just waste more time on it and make it more annoying to get there.
    What's the next step? Block Youtube! I've been there! IT SUCKS! Restricted mode on Youtube? Yeah it's like eating a cake without sugar...

    The answer isn't blockers and avoiding triggers. The answer is inside you. Understand your unconscious beliefs and change them. Become aware of your decision making power in life. You're not the puppet of your neural connections, you ARE free will.
    Basilio likes this.
  19. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Altough what you say is sound, I feel like you're kinda missing the point. Of course, changing our believe system is what we have to do. But you make it sound so simple. However, most people struggle tremendously with just that. It's just not so easy to change a life-long believe system.

    That is just an assumption. I don't do that for example, and I'm sucessfully using blockers for quite a while now. But still, you can block Youtube for a while, if you have to.

    Maybe. But for every loophole, there is a solution as well. You only have to find it. I'm confident, that the system I set up is pretty solid at this point. Of course, it took a little bit of patching, but eventually I closed all the loopholes I found through intense testing. That doesn't mean there aren't loopholes anymore, but in case I find another, I'll just fix it.

    If that is, what it takes, until you figure out how to change your believe, it's very well worth it. What value does the restricted content bring after all? (side note: There are cakes without sugar, that taste absolutely fantastic).

    Very much true. Blockers are tools, nothing more.

    True. But this is a long process. It takes time and effort. I prefer to block things until I figure out which believes to change and how to do it.
    diep likes this.