RANT about woman attraction during Nofap

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deleted Account, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Judas Johnson

    Judas Johnson Fapstronaut

    Totally agree with this
  2. But you talking for every girl on the planet is completly fine on the other hand i guess. Correct me if im wrong but you said several times here on the forum that you are introvert.
    So how do you even know what others girls want and how they behave.

    Because woman brain is wired like that, you may not even realize it but every girl is looking subconsciously for the best genes possible, they try to ensure the best conditions for their future offspring. If guy can't attract girls, then can't and that's all. Confidence can't beat the nature. I've seen plenty of attractive guys who aren't confident get attention from women. The whole 'just be confident' thing is bullshit, like 'just be yourself'.Self-confidence is a facade to cover up how insecure and doubtful we are inside. Looks are a pre-requisite for a women to even consider you at all.

    I absolutely agree with this part.

    I dont drive a Bentley, i dont have fame/status and believe me there are girls who literally dont see a guy if he is not popular enough.and ultimately i dont even look good.
    so yeah i can say why i have problems.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. [​IMG]

    @Aventus get off the black pill mane.
  4. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Gender generalizations...

    If you really believe that you need great wealth, fame, and looks to have any worthwhile relationships, then that's exactly the type of people you'll meet. That's the type of men you choose to compete with and aspire to become.

    You can talk about nature or evolution all you want, but every individual is not the same. Just as none of us are the same as each other here.

    I love ballroom dancing and if I had a limiting belief that women only go for basketball players, then I would live a very sad life trying to compete in basketball (something I have no interest in) and trying to convince the women who love those type of men to be interested in someone that I'm not.

    So no. I'm not like every other men despite nature or whatever generalization you have. Just as @Ginny Weasley isn't the same as every other women out there.

    Generalizations are for people who can't handle uncertain and complex things in life. They need to shove everything into 1 category to make sense of the world and be less afraid. Did you know that there's 31 legal genders in New York? Try generalizing all of those as well.

    I'm not saying that your experience with women is wrong, but don't pretend to know that we're the same or that all women are the same just because you believe your experience is the truth for everyone.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    No offence, I am not the right person to say this, but what is the point to this thread if all what you are going to do is to drown on your own misery?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Original point of my message was, dont do nofap because of vision of woman attraction but for yourself.
    u376 likes this.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Ah, well then yes, you are right in that aspect.
  8. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Confidence -

    There's a difference between pretending to be someone that's confident (fearless / indifferent) and someone who has earned real confidence.

    Brad Pitt... since we're using him as the main example in this thread lol. He wanted to be an actor. He took risks and worked on being an actor. He has made mistakes and failed many times. Eventually he gained skills. He gained a lot of experience with many different circumstances in that field. So he knows that even if he were to fail at something, he can handle that outcome. So that allows him to take even more risks and eventually gain even more skills. That's confidence. It's not the absence of failure / mistakes / doubt. It's knowing that you can handle whatever the outcome is (positive or negative). He worked for and earned that confidence. He developed skills and overcame lots of adversity. That creates character in a person.
  9. I_am_cosmo

    I_am_cosmo Fapstronaut

    I thought the same dude. But it doesn't explain how I get many random calls & texts from girls. I get attention too when I feel tired and lazy with zero confidence in flatline. Believe me, There is something more to it that science haven't figured it out yet
  10. Give that person a medal.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. To everybody. You are right about the variety of people. That we are not the same. Though I believe, there is nothing bad in striving to be more spiritual orientated, more intelligent, more muscular, while being humble!
  12. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Dipping into spirituality, one concept of humanity is that we are spirits who inhabit a soul that is held in a container of flesh. Put another spin on this and call it by different words, we have a consciousness and subconsciousness.

    No matter how well we control our souls/consciousness, parts of our spirits/subconsciousness are always leaking through. And to go a little further into spirituality, if our core being is really a spirit wouldn’t it stand to reason that our spirits wouldn’t be bound to the confines of our bodies? Haven’t you ever sat beside someone and just all of a sudden felt better about everything? That person may have a peaceful spirit within them that extends past themselves which you enter into by proximity.

    Putting spirituality aside and looking at this from the subconscious angle if, like Ginny said, you are angry people can tell no matter how you may try and cover it up. There is only so much control you can have over things that are beyond the reach of your consciousness. You can only truly appear to be not angry by getting rid of your anger, not by controlling and hiding it.

    So, ofc, fear, shame and guilt and the opposing forces of love, joy and peace manifest themselves through this in various ways because these are parts of the spirit/subconsciousness.

    Semen retention making this stuff happen...? I don’t buy it because it is something that occurs in the most basic form of our existence. While taking care of our bodies and the beneficial things that can do for us is huge, they do not in themselves change the deeper narrative of our existence. It may make it easier for us to change said deeper narrative, but changing our spirits through our bodies just makes no sense.

    It’s like no matter how you clean and paint your house & no matter how you arrange the furniture within it...it’s all about the music that is playing. Is the deepest you singing a happy song within the walls of your “home”? Because if there is one thing that will travel beyond the confines and reach others in a visceral manner, it is the sound within breaching out. No matter how good things look, if what is playing inside sounds like violence...people will stay away lol

    What an excellent discussion this is :)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
  13. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    But what if Brad was pmoing simultaneously
    Did he loose his confidence and charm
  14. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Confidence and charm are skills that are developed and practiced.

    Like I said earlier. Even if nofap attraction was real, people will eventually get to know you beyond the initial attraction.

    I would rather have developed those skills that keeps people around than have some sort of superficial magical attraction.
    Coffee Candy and u376 like this.
  15. I_am_cosmo

    I_am_cosmo Fapstronaut

    Guys, I am Cosmo & I want to create a little WhatsApp group So I can constantly remind myself why I started NoFap before quitting. You can text me on Whatsapp no: +918689841576 .
  16. I_am_cosmo

    I_am_cosmo Fapstronaut

    Random messages means the people who thought I was dead are now calling & texting. Ex started calling again. People want to know what I am doing, How I am & all. It only happens when I am on good streak. There is a magnetic force that attracts people online too.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    Judas Johnson likes this.
  17. Well said, i certainly agree
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. I switched from drinking diet coke to water and now I attract super models whever I go;)
    Deleted Account likes this.