Do you check your counters everyday when rebooting?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by The 1000 Water Fists, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Do you check your counters everyday when rebooting?

    Hello everyone,I am struggling in my reboot, somewhat and just wanted to ask a question.Does checking your counter everyday help your reboot?Or is unnessary to monitor your streak everyday?I personally find it a chore to come everyday to this site solely for the purpose of checking your streak.Instead I like to go to other Fapstronauts posts and give some postive energy and when I have made a 1 week or so go back to my journal and talk about my experiences for the week.

    So tell me if you guys argee with or disagree.All responses would be welcomed:cool:
  2. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    I think it's individual if it helps or not... some people it helps, some people it hurts, but really you shouldn't look at your counter too much.
    I do check my counter everyday, because I keep a journal on here.
  3. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    I think it inspires newbies. But it's means nothing if you have x amount of days and you're still miserable. Recovery takes time. And it takes constructive use of that time. You just can't sit around idle and expect real change. My 3 cents (inflation).
  4. crushurcravings

    crushurcravings Fapstronaut

    I stopped counting days around 2 months in. My life quality increased significantly since I stopped counting. Personally I find counting days to be rather depressing, though that was what got me through my first month I suppose.

    I strongly advice not to dwell on X amount of days and start living life though.

    "Don't count the days, make the days count" - Muhammad Ali
  5. I do, kind of. I have made my nofap journey very public, so I have several people who ask me every time they see me how I'm doing. And it's always good to give them an accurate count of days, which makes both of us feel good about the effort. But I don't need to check the counter every day, I just keep track of days in my mind.

    I found out that sharing my nofap effort with people who know and love me made it easier not to relapse. It's like having 12 or so accountability partners, and 12-13 people who'd be very disappointed in me if I failed.

    Today I got to brag at the gym about 45 days. I'm quite proud of that.
  6. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    I don't consciously check it every day, but I'm here just about every day anyway and it's hard not to notice. I'm definitely not preoccupied by the number, though. It is what it is, and the only day that really matters is today.

    But I do have a similar concern, having to do with becoming dependent on this site. Obviously, spending time here is VASTLY healthier than spending time on PMO...but it is taking a lot of my time. And as helpful as it has been and continues to be in terms of my recovery, I also worry about it becoming in essence a substitute for PMO. And I wonder whether I will get to the point that crushurcravings reached, where the recovery has taken root to the point that I can go on and live my life and only come back here when I need to or have something significant to contribute to the conversation.
  7. Schia

    Schia Fapstronaut

    In the early stages of my NoFap journey, I was checking back every few hours - partly as a tactic to avoid masturbating, but partly in order to impress myself that I was actually doing this! "Look, six days, past the best I've done before!" I'd think, or, "Ten days! That's double figures! Did I ever think that was possible!?"

    Since the early days, I've become so comfortable with the idea of not masturbating that I only check back when I find I want to say something. Or I'm making an excuse to go online. I passed 50 days with no PMO overnight, but it doesn't feel all that remarkable in the context of 90 days hard mode or an eight month no PMO target. Or what will more than likely become a way of life, for all my living days. It's just normal now, days and targets no longer matter. This is how I choose to live. I stay in hard mode until I am reset. After that, masturbation is just something that I do not do any more.
  8. OurLiP

    OurLiP Fapstronaut

    I check it a lot, but mostly because it's in my signature and so it's almost mandatory to look at it when posting (As I will right now).
  9. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Yes I like watching my counter progress , it is part of my motivation :) but don't spend too much time here on in the forum because our goal is to use the PMO time in productive purposes .
    btw if you want a motivating eCourse you can try the love and freedom project , I haven't personally used it yet but it looks good :
  10. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

    I find I only look every 5 days. When I started it was everyday. Now I look when ever I feel a strong urge. It's still hard. It's hard in the morning especially. My cell phone, laptop, and electronic devices stay out of the bed room. The more habits that help the better and support others if you need a motivation boost. Stories of triumphs and failures on this website motivate me from relapse. I hope you succeed!
  11. Thank you guys.It's just something that bothered me when I first joined this site.Every couple of days I will check or so.Then I will use the same time that use to fap I will use it for something much more productive.I am really trying to attack this addiction at diffrent angles to ensure a reboot.Wish you all a successful reboot.