Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Address007, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

  2. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

  3. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

  4. ola501

    ola501 Fapstronaut

    Hey Friends,
    Checking in.
  5. ola501

    ola501 Fapstronaut

    Congrats to everyone who stayed clean for almost 30 days. Lets do another one after this?
  6. My last checking in this thread
    @spaces @Back_in_Charge^^ it has been wonderful share this experience with you it really doesn't matter what will be the final outcome of this challenge
    and thanks to everybody that participated, we're human and of course we can fall. But we tried and after this we will try again and again
    doesn't matter how many strikes you got, it matters the lesson you learnt and the friendship you made
    love to all of you
  7. spaces

    spaces Fapstronaut

  8. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    We are near the end of the competition. I hope a new challenge arises. @ItsSeal you have done an excellent job!
    That would be great!
  9. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Checking in.

    Thanks for helping make these 30 days go by quickly :)
  10. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

    Check in for last day....
    I have learnt a lot of stuff about nofap during these days and also about myself...
    So I think I'm ready for next 30 day challenge so @Andrey1024 please organise one more challenge like this I'm in....
  11. Checking in and checking out. Made it the whole 39 days and I’m glad it’s over and another month is behind me. It’s been fun. Thanks for doing this with me. @ola501 @Ulysse
  12. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

    Check in
    Well done everyone :)
  13. ola501

    ola501 Fapstronaut

    I would also recommend slightly changing the scoring system if we do another challenge. Preferably with points awarded for every day you stay clean, instead of points subtracted when you reset.

    This way people could track their progress, see the days count behind them, and feel like their are moving forward, rather then feel like their are on the same spot and only penalized every time their reset.

    Would it help counting every day you stay clean as a +1, and every time your reset as a -1?
    What do you all think?
  14. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Its more fun but also more difficult to keep track of everyone. Especially when someone does not check in. But also for the person who made this topic, for him it is gonna be kinda a big project and i am not sure it is still fun for him/her.
  15. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Haha your the real hero here mate, very nice discipline. Keep it up!
  16. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Challenge is officially over! Great job everyone.

    Congratulations to Team 8. @ItsSeal @newtry You guys win!

    I wish you all the best of luck in conquering this addiction. Thanks to most of you for participating and checking in regularly. Hopefully another competition like this gets created soon.
  17. Hey, man! Firstly, I am not creator of this thread, I am just a participant. Secondly, I don't have enough time to organize and track as @Address007 was doing. I'm so sorry, if you have hoped I'll do something like this, but I'm really busy for this. Hope you'll find someone, who'll organize something like that journey.
  18. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Address007 for this competition, where the goal is to find motivation to resist the enemy (PM). I had the best partner in @ItsSeal
    I look forward to the next team challenge.
  19. ola501

    ola501 Fapstronaut

    Not necessarily, everyone's score would just be s = n - #relapses, where n is the number of days that passed, and it gets updated only when you check in. A more simple tracking version would be to use a google spreadsheet, where every team (or the captain) logs their results whenever they check in. Should take 10 seconds, and no need for the moderator to keep track of everyone.

    I can take care of the spreadsheet, if people are down for another challenge. But we need a moderator to keep the list updated on NF. Who is interested?
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    control your life, letter and spaces like this.
  20. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

    Okay buddy and thank you...