Why do women use nudity and sexual related triggers to get attention from quality men?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Krillin1993, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    I dont get that. Why do women do this? Showing themselves halfnaked with deep neckline or showing their asses just for attention on social media?
    Do they think all men become weak just for a one-night-stand? Are they just so desperate and lonely to use their body just to feel themselves worthy?
    It is also really difficult these days to trust woman, when it comes to a real relationship. You will never know if a woman loves you just because you stayed who you are as a person and your charakter is on point or just because you can offer her alot of things. By that means you could be the men, who is the reason for her selfenrichment and this makes me sad that this happen to alot of men.
    Maybe I have to deal with it to be single for the rest of my life. I am not a good looking men, I couldn't make the woman of my dreams any happier by sending them gifts, I can't even believe that, when it comes to a date, a men should pay everything. I am not stingy but paying 50:50 for the bill is enough to know she is not after your money. Using sex for paying her bills or buying her gifts all the time can't be the reason for a real relationship. It is easy to pretend woman and men are equal until you are not living it. And you doing all the tings as a men for a woman all the time just to get sex from her? Is this justified? Are men just playing the slave role or is it love?
    I thought love means sharing? I thought love means honesty and to be there for your partner even if you or your loved ones are suffering? I am not sure if real love exists.
    I see just selfenrichment. I have never saw real love. If you dont want to have kids, woman will not chase you. If you dont have enough money or a good paid job, they will not chase you. If you are not looking good enough or you are not tall enough woman are not gonna chase you. Why are woman so superficial?
    I am so sad and lonely.
    I miss the female energy, I miss the tenderness and being close to woman but at the same time I can't stand woman and dont trust them. I have experienced enough disappointments and dishonesty wether it is comig from my family, from school or from work. It was always the same. I am really confused about what I should think about woman.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2019
  2. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Because men like sexy women, but they forgot we don't love then for it
  3. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Women use there body to have power over men. They know exactly what they are doing because men respond. It is very much a self worth / self esteem thing.

    See, a women appearance to men is her greatest asset, so she's basically saying look how awesome I am, drool over me, give me likes, leave me comments, it fuels them, and you'd probably do it too if the rolls were reversed. Its just up to us men to look past the body and see what's between the ears, then were equal and she doesn't have power over us. This is the secret. Women have a lot of power over men and that's how hollywood wants it. In my opnion women should be like Muslim Hijabis, submissive, because its the perfect relationship. Men should lead, and women want to be lead. Its the man that looks past the physical the succeeds. the guy pulling his dick to her insta pics is the loser because she has something he wants. That's why, don't be so certain with chicks, looks are NOT enough.
    Hold it in and cr7da8055 like this.
  4. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    They do? You must visit some dodgy places on social media.

    Oh and please use paragraphs. It's rather exhausting to read your posts without any gaps.
  5. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Yeah I didn't read what he wrote
    onceaking likes this.
  6. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    To be fair I used to write like that. It wasn't until I went back to school that my teacher pulled me up on it and help me understand how to write paragraphs.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

  8. Definitely not all lasses do this and secondly, what makes you think the way they dress is apparently always for men or attention in general? I dress however I want to dress and if clothes are comfy to a person, do they not have a right to wear them? Since some people apparently can’t help themselves, why do they get to dictate what’s allowed and not allowed to be worn? Yet men can wear whatever bloody well thing they please, and we have to be “careful”.

    There are more natural/curvy women, should they wear potato sacks because if they wear anything it could potentially “show off” her body? I never understand these rants, then find someone who isn’t “superficial” then, not all women are the same...
  9. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Maybe the posts on Social media are not about you. Maybe it’s them wanting to feel sexy for themselves.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Always? You sound like you think that universally every single woman is constantly showing off her body. Which obviously isn't true.

    Social media is propably the reason why this has become more common and why it seems like it's even more common than it is.

    If you're bothered by this kind of behaviour, no one is forcing you to associate with women who do it. Although I would suggest you shouldn't be so hasty to judge people with little to no understanding of their personalities. Sure sexy clothing etc. might be a sign of superficiality or low self-esteem or something like that, but that isn't always the case.

    Just focus on yourself and doing what you think is right for you. Don't waste your time by getting upset over people doing something that - although might seem silly - doesn't really even hurt anyone.
  11. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Also stop that high quality / low quality -bullshit. Yeah yeah, I know that there are men and women who are more succesful in sexual relations or career or overall in pretty much everything, but it doesn't mean other people are less valuable. Stop looking at people as achievement machines and start seeing them as what they are: actual living, thinking, feeling inherent human beings.

    Besides what kind of quality men are you talking about considering that you seem to think women can get their attenttion solely by showing off their bodies? I don't get it.
  12. Too bad peace doesn't sell
    Saskia Simone likes this.
  13. We had this "beauty queen" in school. Posting pics like those, showing off whenever she came to school. Problem was - it was mostly make up that made her look good, not herself. Yes, body was good and all, but she was trying to be that doll and all that, and then I thought - what if someone would actually see her without a make up? What if ENTIRE school would? I wouldn't show it to everyone, of course even if I had these pics, but just to think about how... How she's not even half a girl she looks like on pics and at school. It's crazy, you know.
    I'll tell you something my friend - they are dead inside most of the times. They can't find somebody who will truthly love them. Yes, they can have daddies and all that, but whenever they turn 40 and start thinking with their brain more, there's like 2 scenarios: They will already be dead (raped by some stupid fucks or drugs or whatever) or just unhappy with everything in life. Maybe they gonna change, God knows, but doesn't quite smell like that to me tho.

    You, my friend, are a kind soul, dude from different times and I respect you for it. It's not that hard to find a happiness, but, if you're going to look for sun at night, you won't find shit. Where you find things is places that you LOVE. Don't tell me you LOVE instagram or whatever trash places where these attention digging females dwell. Go for a walk, enjoy what you like, notice people and all that sort of stuff. You will find love, no matter the looks ;) Cause soul is more than face, my friend.

    I feel like I will find whoever I have to find soon. Like, at my academy or something. Like, being in groups with people like me. Maybe at the stadium where I love to be when I run or at the gym. Chill, man. Chill. There's a lots of females, and each of them are different. There's at least one girl you would love.

    And yes, just cause instagram has a lots of these kinds of people doesn't mean that the world is full of them. I had these thoughts 2 years ago. Now I'm not thinking like it. All people have something good in them :) And even those instagram attention chasers have good emotion/qualities in them. And I believe there's more good than bad.

    Just stop that instagram crap. You're typical doomer. Let's stop this, okay? See light, not darkness. Ignore all the crap that's going on around. Our lives are too short for that :) :) :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2019
  14. One of my Favorite Megadeth albums :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. What do you mean I ain't kind? Just not your kind!
    Hold it in and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Dat bass :D
    Hold it in likes this.
  17. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    You may not like being tempted, but you and I have something called self-control. Even if the most gorgeous woman in the world walks by me, I don't have to look at her. You can be responsible by not giving a crap what a woman is wearing. There are plenty of women who dress sleazy, I will grant you that, but there are also a lot of women who dress modestly. It's not like I'm a slave to my sexual desires and that I simply must lust after these women. I am far more attracted to women who dress modestly.
    Gods_princess and recon117 like this.
  18. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Maybe in certain places on social media. When I first this thread I had just come off Facebook and I didn't see anything women in my news feed dressed half naked. I guess I'm just not friends with women who dress like that, and then that begs the question why would a guy allow a woman in their news feed who dresses like that if it bothers them?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Perhaps you were feeling a bit down when you wrote this?

    There seems to be a bit of “absoluteness” to your statements which I’m guessing were written out of frustration.

    I have been meeting many great hearted women now that I’ve been getting out and socializing more.

    Women are people just like men, meaning that there are great men and women and then there are men and women that are absolute trash. And there are those in between.

    Avoid the human trash and seek out quality people. Get out and meet people face to face in good constructive settings.

    Best wishes to you!
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.