Correlation between Instagram models and pornography addiction effect on dopamine levels.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by NegligentRelic*95, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    I am currently on day 50 of my PMO reboot and haven't had a craving for porn in a while. However I do enjoy browsing Instagram and looking at girls in bikinis. My question is does looking at girls in bikinis have an effect on your dopamine receptors, because people say NoFap increases confidence in real life situations and I do have confidence, but not so much when it comes to meeting girls. Does looking at instagram models damage my dopamine receptors?
  2. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I treat Instagram the same as porn. It’s receiving some kind of gratification watching fake girls.
    domsi, Gorgewalker, takezawa2 and 6 others like this.
  3. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree, I have removed Instagram and will be focusing on real relationships. Thank you for your answer.
  4. At first, it was hard for me to believe that nonporn sights could be such an impediment to a guy's success in beating PMO. Now I feel in some ways they are as bad, if not worse, than the porn sites. Always learning...
  5. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your insight. I agree with you especially on the part that they are much worse than porn. With social media (SM) we usually lie to ourselves by saying its not that bad, so I believe it would be beneficial to kick SM to the curb for a while.
  6. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    It 1000% has an effect on your dopamine receptors. It may not make them go insane like hard core and soft core porn but it definitely sets them off. Many times when I have been trying to be sober (but I figured out not really) I would look at Instagram Models or stuff on YouTube and all of a sudden my brain would feel better. Shocking. But the reality was that it was just keeping me addicted.
  7. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your answer. I agree with that, I think I am going to delete all forms of social media just for safety.
    Arnuld and Ogikubo like this.
  8. I believe it can speed up your progress, but just like with the porn, you may suddenly find yourself "checking." How many times has this happened to me? Too many, friend...
  9. For me Instagram is shit, but normally also other social media. When i understand Porn was bad i also understand Memes and other kind of shit were bad too.. I mean, memes are good for laugh etc... But i was so tired to see these kind of trash to every single shit... Baby Yoda, Joker, they rape everything and when start to be boring and old rape the next one.

    Anyway people on instagram are fake, share their ass and body in internet just for show other people are better than you and only for get like and in reality are depressed and take drugs and other things.
    Metis07, Indurian and RAXVIK like this.
  10. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    Instagram is for follow friends and share things with them. Not for follow random people in my opinion.
    Arnaldo Castro, LEPAGE and En?gma like this.
  11. I use facebook only for my cousins in America! I don't really care of it anymore.
  12. Today I relapsed thanks to instagram and decided to delete my account I think that is a great progress
    Sagerok, LEPAGE, dzigi and 1 other person like this.
  13. Doing anything, even moving around has effect on your dopamine levels.
    There is too much weight given to this terminology, dopamine id not the center of the universe, it has been misrepresented.
    Humans and animals in general are more motivated by pain and fear than pleasure.

    We are much more likely to do something to avoid pain than we are to get pleasure.

    Are you more motivated to avoid getting hit in the face with a brick or are you more motivated to experience pure bliss? You tell me.

    Pleasure is not as motivational as people think, and we humans are in constant state of discomfort and pain. The entire motivational system is build around keeping us safe and healthy and neutral not around keeping us blissfully happy 24/7.
    We actually aim for neutral state most of the time, best body is one you do not notice - it means you are healthy.
    Any expert on non-verbal behavior will point out that large portion of out physical movement is to pacify or calm us down. We constantly touch, stoke and pacify ourselves in order to maintain normal mood.
    This is especially evident when we experience stress.

    So normal human condition is not happiness and joy, instead normal human condition is mild discomfort (physical and emotional) with some happiness and stress sprinkled in.
    Psychologically it makes perfect sense as discomfort forces us to find ways to reduce it and therefor motivates us to act.
    We have to start out feeling bad in order to be motivated to feel good and partake in behaviors that do that.
    If we always felt great - why would we do anything?

    If you disagree with me, just sit down and do nothing for 20 minutes, see how good you feel. You will get a glimpse at how miserable you are by default. Boredom is a form of misery.

    This is exactly why I always point out that pain drives abuse, not pleasure.
    When people do not develop complex lifestyles, they tend to look for simple ways to cope with pain of being alive.
  14. NegligentRelic*95

    NegligentRelic*95 Fapstronaut

    Awesome reply. And that makes total sense, because everytime I relapsed it was not because I was in a happy state. To the contrary I was miserable, down and in situations where stress was high(exams) so yet again awesome reply and gave me a perspective that I have not considered. Thank you
  15. I think its mixed opinions, it could make you eventually relapse , but girls in bikinis is pretty normal. But your probably better not to and just focus on Wats actually in your real life , but who knows ,
    NegligentRelic*95 likes this.
  16. Looking at pics of girls is a porn substitute. It keeps you in the cycle of addiction. Delete instagram it’s not worth it
    NegligentRelic*95, Ogikubo and LEPAGE like this.
  17. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I just went back on Instagram an hour ago after 2 weeks without and couldn’t even watch who I was following. It felt really different than the last time I was there. I felt actually sad when cute girls had to show their body, using it as a tool to make money or gain fame.

    So I decided to look at random profiles, not girl in particular, it can sometime be really fascinating to see the glimpse of a very different life.

    But anyway, was time for me to close the account.
  18. Yeah. Not all, but enough women (and guys, let's be honest) have no problem showing off in pics that wouldn't look out of place on a porn site. The last straw on instagram for me was a really enticing shot by a young woman I know. Everyone knows she is gorgeous so I am not sure what she was trying to prove, but maybe she did me a favour!
  19. Social media even without porn can have a determinedly effect on productivity, concentration and even create depression.

    I would say looking at beautiful '10s' in bikini's often would create a false sense of expectations the real world might look disappointing...

    I use instagram only for inspiration for hobbies and interests.
    NegligentRelic*95 likes this.
  20. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    So the real answer to your question is this.

    you should avoid behaviours that mimick your P use. The key here is searching and clicking.

    doesnt matter if its hardcore P or facebook or instagram, if you’re actively searching for girls it is reactivating those same pathways in your brain. Your brain doesnt determine between instagram or P. It is the same thing