Let Talk about History (past study)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by jk243, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Ummm, today is perfect. Just distance from bad habits, social media and a lots of idiots and you will live greatest live possible. We have music within one click, same with movies. We have so much! Of course, the idiots are really messing up a lots of things, but mainly we are living a good life.
    jk243 likes this.
  2. JustAVenezuelan

    JustAVenezuelan Fapstronaut

    before the Independence war and after the 3rd Columbus travel (Colon in Spanish) the colonial era in Venezuela and Latin America in general was known because its class jerarchy:
    • Peninsulares: Spanish people born in Spain but travelled to Venezuela to make the political issues in name of the King. The Pinnancle of Classes and the 1% of High Class
    • Criollos: Spanish or European people born in America. Normally there were rich people but they don't have the privilege to stay in the politics. The 99% of High Class.
    • Canarios o de Costa: People from Canarian ancestry or Jews expelled from Spain. they made the commerce but they don't have privilegies like be Rich people or Politics. the 80% of Middle Class.
    • Indios or Indigenas: Amerindians with a strange relationship with Spain: Some tribes granted Autonomy and freedom and some tribes were slave from Spanish People. Without Privileges in Spanish cities, economy or politics 50% of Poor Class
    • Negros: Africans made slave and without any privilege. Some slaves escaped from slavery and made groups (Quilombos or Palenques) or join to Amerindian tribes.
    • Mestizos: mix of an European and an Amerindian. they composed 20% poor class and 20% middle class. Without privileges in Politics or Economy but they were granted the rights to stay in Cities, be in the army or go to public areas like Churchs
    • Mulatos: mix of an European and an African. 20% of Poor Class. a Tip: The American version of Coloureds in South Africa and Mestiços in Portugueses African Colonies. Same privileges like Mestizos but faced sometimes slavery because their similitaries with Africans.
    • Zambos: Mix of an African and An Amerindian. 10% of Poor class. Without privilegies and normally into in Slavery or live in jungles like Amerindians but without granted Autonomy.
    • Castizo: Castizo people were a Mix of a Mestizo and a European. It was believed the castizo was "purificed" from Amerindian DNA and he could be "White pure" he/she and they descendients.
    jk243 likes this.
  3. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Dang that makes a lotta different people of different races.
  4. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    You guys just don't know or understand anything. I don't mean to insult you, but the overwhelming majority of people are completely clueless about the world around them. You probably think that wars, diseases, rape or some kids starving in Africa, is the worst shit out there.

    It's much, much worse than you could ever imagine. So sick, dark and disturbing.
  5. JustAVenezuelan

    JustAVenezuelan Fapstronaut

    Tecnically unlike in Africa with the Apartheid or the Racism during Africa's Colonial Era. There are not a Racism, but your economic or social past. And that is because the Independece war started in Latin America.
    Criollos wanted the power but they were discriminated by Peninsulares and Peninsulares wanted be the new aristocracy but they were discriminated by Criollos. Criollos and Peninsulares were like Cats and Dogs. The rest of people were focused in their lifes: Canarios like officers into Spanish Army or Merchants, Mestizos and mulatos in low jobs like janitors or soldiers into Spanish Army, Amerindians and Zambos in th jungle calmed and Negros into slavery.
    There are few exceptions like Zambos being soldiers, mulatos being officers or Priests, mestizos being rich class like a Criollo. Amerindians in the cities like normal people. African Mercenaries into the Piratecy, Poor whites being in worst jobs like mulatos or mestizos. All depend your incomes and your parents' origins.
    Race here there wasn't a problem (Except in some areas like Argentina where European Inmigration was high), the problem was the ineffective Jerarchy created by Spain.
  6. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    The media is feeding the mass with bullcrap and fake news. The media will talk more about LGBQT rally then the war is going on in the world. Trust me , I came from a country where there is war, rape and corruption in a massive scale, and the truth is ... people are not even bothered. People rather talks about music and fashion then real problem. I don’t also mean we need always to worry and not enjoy life, but sometimes, we need to get serious and talk about what really matters.
    Xexos likes this.
  7. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Remind of what happened in Rwanda, Tutsi and Hutu, 2 tribe that were friends but after colonization, killed each other. I always wondered if the Spanish colonization in America was a success, but after hearing the death of 80% of native , I guess he was not. I heard about a civil war in Paraguay that have a large percentage of casualties, never really understand the problem that caused it...
  8. JustAVenezuelan

    JustAVenezuelan Fapstronaut

    The Spanish Colonization if you comparate with English, French, German and Belgian Colonization, of course it was a Success because many historical cultures, tribes and history conservate during the colony. Guatemala and Bolivia is Examples from Amerindian Mayority countries. But Spanish colonization the mayor mistake it was the social jerarchy. The death of 89% Amerindians it no was by Spanish conquistadors, but the diseases like Smallpox and Pestis came from Europe, Even Spanish People made Alliances with Amerindians to destroy Aztecs and Incas (that because Aztecs and Incas put into slavery and Human Sacrifices these amerindians tribes). The Triple Alliance War it was a Continental War between Paraguay vs Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and Happens 50 years after the Independence.
    Tecnically Spain politics was poor and Ineffective comparate with England or France where colonies has "certain" autonomy while Spanish Colonies (Provincias, Virreinatos, Capitanias generales) need to wait months to an Order from the King or Queen.
  9. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah I see,but we envy y’all. In Congo, we were a property of the king Léopold 2, and we lost half ouf our population... I’m not of the the people who said that colonization was bad ... it was good and bad.
    JustAVenezuelan likes this.
  10. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

  11. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Ross Kemp did a documentary on it a few years ago. According to him Western people are fueling the war by buying tech.
    (Contains graphic images)
  12. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Having said that I heard that aid agencies get the media to exaggerate how bad it is.
  13. JustAVenezuelan

    JustAVenezuelan Fapstronaut

    Neither is bad or good. Do you know about our African Spanish Brothers? Ecuatorial Guinea was worst with Macias Ngnema. 100 years of Spanish legacy destroyed by a Schizo dictator in just 10 years and an Economy destroyed.
    Here in Venezuela we have 3 Etnic Cleansing:
    1550 when former Slave and Self-Proclaimed "King Miguel" lauched a Black rebellion agaisn't Spanish Empire killing "all whites". Finally 60% Black population and 10% White Population was killed during rebellion and with starting of colonization, that was high numbers to a few colonies and people.
    1790 a Zambo, Jose Leonardo Chirinos made a Black Rebellion agains't Spain Empire, Inspirated in Haitian Revolution. They killing many white people and he want to Establish a pure Black republic in Venezuela killing all White people in the, then, Capitania General. Many Black people and White people were massacred and Jose Leonardo Chirinos was executed by the rebellion.
    1840 a Castizo called Ezequiel Zamora call a White Genocide with the motto "Tierra y Hombres libres" (Land and Free Men) killing many whites (Criollos and Canarios, even some castizos). Zamora was killing during Federal War (Venezuelan Civil War between 1859-1863) fighting in the Liberal Side.
    1821 Simon Bolivar, our Libertador, ordered the total expulsion of Peninsulares and Spanish Nationals of Criollo and Canario ancestry. Bolivar was a Criollo like all Republican leaders and he hated Peninsulares because Political Privileges.
  14. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    As long as you're not a Jew, LGBTQFDKNSN, a woman, White, then the world really doesn't care about you. I'm the same as you, a north African and i know how it's like.
  15. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    This guy's coping hard. I mean if he really thinks that the people who control the banks, resources and wealth of the world would never interfere with history and common knowledge, then he's just beyond stupidity.

    The proof is simple, read the history books before the rise of those (((people))), and the history books after. Did you know for example that giants were a really common thing in history books back then? And from all different religious and nonreligious authors, so the author didn't have a "Biblical agenda" or something. Also the stories of Nimrod, Babel, the fallen kingdoms like Assyrian, Sumerian, Babylon, the real history of Egyptians (i'm Egyptian btw), the fall of Europe, etc. Nowadays history books don't have anything but mainstream garbage that the masses are taught since they're kids, and if someone tried to reveal the truth, they and their book would never see the light again.

    I researched history for like 2 years, real history i mean. And the world we're living in is absolutely nothing like the world we know. It's much more stranger than fiction and it makes me pissed how the truth is hidden from us and makes me even more pissed how people don't mind or care.
  16. Abzu

    Abzu Fapstronaut

    Gandhi ruined the whole nation.
    He was the main reason behind partition of India and majority of the population hates him it's just that our sold out media that praise him and hide his truth.
    He declared Kashmir a free state and due to that we still have dispute regarding it with Pakistan.
    He also delayed the independence of India and he always wanted to take all the credit.
    He didn't defend Bhagat Singh from being hanged and even called him a terrorist as he was dealing with Britishers the same way they were to Indians.
    Subhash Chandra Bose mysteriously disappeared, him and Nehru were the main reason behind it as Nehru wanted to be the 1st president of India and did succeed in doing that and his policies only took India downhill, he also was the main reason behind India losing war against China in 1962 as he ordered soldiers to capitulate.
    jk243 likes this.
  17. I've always been really careful when buying this "saint mans" shit. I can't prove anything, but most of the times everything is just too good to be true.
  18. Did you just said that world cares about white people? Sorry, but it's not true. Maybe I misunderstood you, but no, man - the world has never gave a single shit about anyone. No matter the color of your skin you will always be in some shit or connected to success. Yes, black people are doing worse than white people are - of course, but not like all white people live good lives. We are fucking rats trapped into this 9 to 5 working chains and we are as much as slaves as black people used to be. Now it's just something a lots of us don't realise.
    Of course, shit we go through ain't nothing compared to what africans, asian people go through but still, it's not like we live that premium life ;)
    JustAVenezuelan likes this.
  19. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    While white people aren't so special in the west, on the contrary they're now getting blamed for everything, but in Asia white people are viewed as kings.
  20. JustAVenezuelan

    JustAVenezuelan Fapstronaut

    @grungeisinfinite Cuba and Argentina are White Mayority countries and:
    • Cuba is a Shithole
    • Argentina is being Venezuela 2.0 (Venezuela has 43% White population casually)
    While Bostwana is Black mayority and It's the Africa's Poland.
    Race is nothing with Intelligence, just the problem in Africa is when 95% of your population never received an Education and still with Tribalism and Ignorance about the modern world.