35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Counter back to zero. Made it to 33 days, it was good while it lasted. Discouraging how little of a fight I put up that time. I guess sometimes I feel it's better to just go ahead and get it out of my system and start over again. I hope next time I'm faced with a relapse situation I will at least try to postpone it another day, visit this group and get some inspiration, or whatever it takes to keep the streak going. I personally don't think "blue balls" is a real thing because my sexual urges seem to decrease when I get a good streak going, but at the same time a lingering fear in my mind is that prolonged abstinence could be damaging or unhealthy for prostate health. Any thoughts on this issue?
  2. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Glad things are going well for you.
    persona2903 likes this.

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    I suggest you read the posts of @Bogo Biggins. He has been on a mammoth streak on hard mode and his prostrate is in good health. I think its a myth that long periods of sexual abstinence is detrimental to prostrate health.
  4. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    Welcome back! Glad to hear you’re meaningfully connecting with your wife and are not side-tracked by bikinis! That’s a very promising development! Very encouraging!
    persona2903 likes this.
  5. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    Well me too @artifact, it was just a few small thoughts and some free time and now I'm back to 0. Still, I'm encouraged that I reached 14 and I know I can do it again.
  6. 2pres90

    2pres90 Fapstronaut

    Checking in.
    artifact likes this.
  7. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    when I started this streak, I was in PMO mode for 35 or 40 days. The pressure I felt was crazy! Then wet dreams started happening and things evened out. My wet dreams are not usually accompanied by any pleasure. I see them as my body cleaning the pipes. they happen 1-2 times a month now and I do not feel any discomfort on my balls.
    GottaBFree, discovery and artifact like this.
  8. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Thanks, that is encouraging.
    GottaBFree likes this.
  9. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    That is good to know. I would definitely prefer wet dreams to porn relapses. Hopefully I will find the willpower to resist next time.
    GottaBFree likes this.
  10. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    I am noticing I fall into old habits that I kind of start following like a script. Once I start following that script I’m disappointed how little I fight too. Once I notice I’m on script it’s easier to break it early. Like @Timber was saying I often break the script by coming to this group lol.

    Not sure if that makes sense or not sure if it’s just me, but I’m going to try to look at the script I followed and try not follow that script again next time.

    I reset again yesterday. I am hoping I’m ready to start another streak again. Just going to be going 1/2 day at a time. I’m going to try to post here or in my journal daily - maybe even twice daily the next couple of days.

    Starting streaks has been brutal for me and I don’t want to lose the progress.
  11. Son of Arathorn

    Son of Arathorn Fapstronaut

    Yes, I even now have my prostate checked out regularly (digital exam and blood test both). Last check-up (November 19) I was in incredible good health in that department (basically my results showed that my prostate inflammation markers, that develop with age, are lower than a typical 25 year old and I am in my 50s).

    I also did look at the original paper claiming Ming helps reduce prostate cancer. My professional opinion as a scientist (I am a Professor of Molecular Biology for my job) is that it is rubbish. The experimental design and also the conclusions from the data presented were very poor IMHO. Probably one of the worst research studies I have ever seen - the press just took hold of this poor piece of work and made a meal of it. That's my personal and professional view.

    Now been on monk mode for nearly two years and feel absolutely amazing tbh. Will continue to get my prostate checked annually as a precaution (not a bad idea for all men 50+).
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  12. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    thanks for the input!
    As an aside, what’s the origin of the quote about pleasure on your signature?
    Taking pleasure or seeking it to be given to me is at the root of many of my desires to M.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  13. Timber

    Timber Fapstronaut

    my wet dreams are completely bereft of imaginary or feeling people usually associate with a wet dream... I am boarding the bus and the door won’t shut... I pull on it as hard as I can and boom.... or, I swim in a muddy river and going is tough... I flounder as I find I’m getting stuck, and boom again.

    so yeah, no chaser effect going to happen for me :)
  14. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Counter on 2 (in about an hour it will be anyway)

    Committed to “avoiding the PM scripts” for another 1/2 a day. Day at a time seems like too much for me to fathom right now, but 1/2 a day seems manageable lol.
  15. Son of Arathorn

    Son of Arathorn Fapstronaut


    The quote is mine alone. It literally came to me in my sleep when I was about 60 or so days clean. I like it because, for me, it sums up the root of the problem for a PMO addict. I am also very interested in stoic philosophy, and I guess I was being influenced by this when I came up with this too.
    artifact and Timber like this.
  16. Wolf2019

    Wolf2019 Fapstronaut

    Something I'm finding helpful lately is to have apps more healthy than porn on the computer and phone to obsess over when I'm bored. Lately I am spending all my free time in a variety of foreign language learning apps and enjoying seeing my progress in that. I have been using one called LingQ that is fun. I think it's helpful to have some kind of healthy app/s to play with, even if it's just a game, at those times when I'm feeling anxious and just want an escape. Several days have passed quickly now for me so I was surprised to see I'm at 10 days.
  17. Raskolnikov II

    Raskolnikov II Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Thank you for your post. I am tending to agree with you. One year ago today I started having pretty bad "taint" pain. It was very unsettling mentally. When I sat down I felt like I was sitting on a golf ball. I had been PMOing and edging for many years. My google searches led me to NoFap's forum, which was the first time I'd heard about nofap. I saw a random urologist on feb. 6 and got my prostate checked (feb. 6 just so happens to be my birthday, so happy birthday to me). He said everything was normal and the pain went away on its own. I started an account on nofap and now here I am. I have not had that pain return and I have had some relatively long hardmode streaks, although not 500+. Personally, I am not worried about having to ejaculate to keep my prostate healthy. I feel much healthier now as I'm on a path to physical and mental recovery from 20 years of this crap. I'd be more worried about ejaculating too often, as was my case.
  18. Raskolnikov II

    Raskolnikov II Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    What language are you working on? I started learning spanish a couple years ago. Have you heard of Stephen Krashen's work? Reading books is a wonderful and enjoyable way to learn a foreign language. It has helped me tremendously.
    Professor Abraham and discovery like this.
  19. Wolf2019

    Wolf2019 Fapstronaut

    Just started German. It has a lot of cognates with English so it is rewarding early on.
    Professor Abraham and discovery like this.