Weird and annoying symptoms due to withdrawal or anxiety?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by mockingbird39, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. mockingbird39

    mockingbird39 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, i'm new on this website. I'm currently on my 6th day of NoFap (also my first time).

    On the past days i've been feeling kinda weird and i don't know exactly if is it because of the withdrawal or because of generalized anxiety (i have pretty bad anxiety and i hope i can help cure it with nofap). Since i woke up today i feel awful and i feel like i'm having balance problems.

    The symptoms are:

    - Tired limbs (today i've been feeling pretty bad due to weak legs and arms. I feel like i can't even walk properly without losing my balance)

    - Dizziness, lighteadness and nausea. I know these symptoms are sometimes related to emotional and mind factors but i'm still having suspicious on the withdrawal.

    - I feel very, very irritable. I was having a cup of tea alone in my living room and some relatives came to my house and i had to go to my bedroom because i couldn't stand it.

    - If not irritable, i feel emotionally numb.

    - I have terrible urges to PMO.

    - Sometimes i can't think straight. I have difficulty thinking about stuff and concetrating (like a brain fog)

    - I feel pretty down, like the whole world hates me.

    - A terrible pressure on the head (tension headache).

    Has anyone felt any of these symptoms due to withdrawal? (or even flatline)
    Hope to get an answer soon!

    Thanks for reading.
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  2. Paramajic

    Paramajic Fapstronaut

    Your are not a lone in those symptoms. I still have a lingering tension headache but it’s been a few days I went flatline Valentine’s Day after having sex. It’s when I really started to notice the changes happening in me. Good news I actually felt semi erect with just kissing my girlfriend today so that means recovery is working. Stay on course it gets harder. I gave up porn in December and have been having relations with my girlfriend so NOW it finally gets to flatline hopefully it doesn’t last long. I stay busy.
    kaylee time likes this.
  3. mockingbird39

    mockingbird39 Fapstronaut

    Today i also woke up feeling weird. Like, my limbs are still weak and i feel kinda nauseous
  4. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    Probably withdrawal. Using pmo avoids the real life issues you have been hiding away so now they come out. Itll get easier with time.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  5. Fapstronaut

    Bro it is a withdrawal symptom it means your recovery on progress so complete NoFap and doing it NoFap on one time .
  6. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    This is two things happening: placebo, and you are just more aware of how you feel in general. You probably have depression, or you live an unhealthy life
  7. skibum71

    skibum71 Fapstronaut

    It maybe withdrawal from pmo maybe not. I would say the more severe your pmo habit the more likely it is a pmo withdrawal. But it may well be an entirely different issue altogether. I really wouldnt get your hopes up that nofap will magically cure your anxiety. Im not saying it doesnt happen but this site is full with posts about people on a whatever day streak and they still feel like shit, its becasue they have anxiety/depression issues unrelated to their porn use.
  8. mockingbird39

    mockingbird39 Fapstronaut

    I'm back two years later lol
  9. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Are you healed now?