Help Its very hard to control myself

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by yogesh kr, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. yogesh kr

    yogesh kr Fapstronaut

    I stopped porn and wank for 3 days after 3 days i saw something after that I can't control myself now i started fapping again. It's almost ruining my life physically and mentally both i wasn't imagine that this addiction causing me such problems

  2. liveclean

    liveclean Fapstronaut

    Same for me man. Only thing you can do is try again.
    yogesh kr and Arez01 like this.
  3. remove everything that triggers you. in order to have a peace of mind you have to sacrifice alot so no social media no youtube invloving chicks, no stories that invovle sex, no movies that invovle sex or hot chicks ( you get the idea) and whenever a thought comes try to interrupt it and stop it right there if you cant let them come they will eventually go.
  4. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    when i get the urge i stop, realize what im want to do next is wrong, and then try to keep myself busy doing something else. watching some non sexual videos on youtube, start gaming on my pc, etc. or do push ups, anything to get ur mind set right in that moment
    yogesh kr likes this.
  5. listen man if you want to succed you gotta focus on attaining your goals and become somebody not just a statistic in a sheet. gaming and push ups are fine but you have to find what you love (how do you find what you love?) keep trying things, new things everyday and whatever clicks go with that, master that and become the best, thats the point of all this and if you cant become the best well you wont live your life regreting and keep telling yourself why didn’t i just stopped watching porn, why didnt i do this or that and die filled with regret like alot of men. remember, the time is now! dont become a pleasure seeker cuz pleasure never equals happines. achieve something and the pride, honor and happines you’ll feel wont fade within seconds like porn happines. thats for life my man. GOOD LUCK!
    CaptainFranklin likes this.
  6. SaraSahara

    SaraSahara Fapstronaut

    You got this! You are brave!!