What do you think about pickup artists? Is it helpful?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by magic05, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. Beat_Wizard

    Beat_Wizard Fapstronaut

    As sombody who was active in the pickup community for many years, I gotta say that your view on PickUp is very similar to what the mainstreem media says about it. "manipulative creeps, who are narcissists"
    Let me say this however. I agree on your line of arguments. Yes, many so-called PUA's are uncalibrated narcissists, who think having had sex with 500 women somehow makes them superior (or "alpha" as they say), but if you had a perfect date with a guy, had a great time, maybe even good sex and you felt something; then he tells you he actually does PickUp. Would you judge him? Would you feel manipulated?
    People that fit the stereotype of the creepy PickUp-Artist usually aren't real PickUp-Artists. They probably had sex with a girl in some club toilet and now they are feeding their ego with it. Modern self development (which is what PickUp has turned into) actually teaches you many good things. It teaches you self respect, acceptance and forgiveness. It gives you perspectives and pointers to hold on to when you are starting to learn how to correctly socially interact with others. It teaches you what a good man or woman is. It teaches you empathy.
    And actually the basic idea of the so-called "alpha" is somebody who can abandon his own interests for the sake of others.

    So don't judge. Judging generally is reflection of self-hate. Those aquaintances of yours don't know any better. They got stuck on a path they set on to become a better self. They haven't realised how ridiculous and pathetic they are. Pity them instead. Most people who get into "Game", rarely pull through to the end and do the hard work. Because it's hard being honest about personal flaws and making the best of them.

    You know people like that dude you described are the reason why I got out in first place (and many of my friends as well). But I'll never forget what I learned.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. You are right, I apologise for that.
    Deleted Account and Beat_Wizard like this.
  3. Shambler

    Shambler Fapstronaut

    Pick up artists are not what you want to be modeling yourself after. Concider how closely the concept of pick up artistry and the incel community have become associated and you can probably work out for yourself how having actual respect for woman as human beings and being a pick up artist are at odds with each other.
    Get on tinder, be yourself, have no expectations, be honest and you will find someone. I did.
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Sales pitch if I eva heard one. Make that quota!
  5. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Bag em gag ‘em and tag ‘eh?

    I pray you never have a daughter.
    Stroketter and Beat_Wizard like this.
  6. Beat_Wizard

    Beat_Wizard Fapstronaut

    That's not what he meant tho. Nobody likes a Nice Guy. But being respectful and listening to a woman is not the same as running after her and having disgusting, leeching white knight behaviour
    Stroketter and (deleted member) like this.
  7. horriblewolf

    horriblewolf New Fapstronaut

    Great advice! I have always been intrigued by relationships and people, like getting to know people can be tough but once you get used to the above it comes way faster!