100 DAYS OF NoFap. Seeing life different

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Osl0, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Osl0

    Osl0 Fapstronaut

    Hi, everyone, I hope you're doing well in this mad world we are suffering because of the pandemic.
    I'm here today to tell my 100 days experience and how it changed me. I'll start at the beginning of day 30. ( If you wanna know how I was before, my 30 days experience, check it out here https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/nofap-while-lockdown-mental-clarity.285719/)
    Days from 30 to 60
    Everything was going great, I was on vacations at this time, so I didn't have pretty much worries about studying life and because of the lockdown, I hadn't had the opportunity to see my friends, but I was happy as a clam. Every aspect of me that I saw changes, were about myself and only myself, I could see how my brain and my life's perspective were turning to an optimistic view. This was the changes:

    - YOU CANNOT IMAGINE HOW NoFap ATTRACTS GOOD THINGS TO YOUR LIFE, SUCH AS MEDITATION AND EXERCISE ( This is very important and I know everyone will have the opportunity to see it, you spend more time searching about good things for you like introspection, you experience calmness and enjoy more and more little things in life)

    - INTENSE SOLILOQUIES ( I've found myself speaking out loud with me, about life, important topics, how I feel, what's happiness. And like that, you start to see the beauty of being alone)

    - MORE CONFIDENCE AND YOU FEEL PROUD ( Internet is full of porn and hot picks, as everybody on this site knows, because of that, you say to you "OMG, I have the courage to say no to this, even if I like it, this is neither the time nor the way I want to see a woman", and that really touches you, is like you have the power to rule over you, and that, my friend, is pure fire)

    - SERENITY WHILE SLEEPING(You experience the calmness in your brain while darkness, is just silence and freedom)

    Of course, NoFap has a bad side, so... Here it goes

    -URGES WERE OUTSTANDING ( I had to go outside because of the urges. Quitting hours of daily youtube and Instagram checking helped me)

    - YOU SEE WOMAN AS OBJECTS ( I gotta say that this one is true for a few weeks, at least for me were like 3 weeks. Every woman which were walking around me, I must say that I started to watch her in a very rude way, like meat, even, something I gotta fuck and run away, and this was really tough for me, I'm not that kind of guy, I cried long those weeks, I felt like garbage, I didn't know what was going around on my mind, but I clarify it when it went away. I blame on porn for making me that way, but I'm never feeling that shit again)

    - DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND MOOD CHANGES ( WERE BRUTAL, in one time I was feeling happy, then angry, then sad, then feeling that the things I was doing for myself were bullshit, then thinking about leaving NoFap, then encouraging myself to go on on this, and like that for about 2 months. I WAS GOING CRAZY. This was the worst one of all, I cried quite long because of this, I really felt like nothing, like shit. At this very moment, an idea came to my mind, "I'm finding my true self" because I was just hiding my necessities through fapping and pornography, FOR ONE TIME ON YEARS, I was listening to myself and being a therapist to myself, I was showing my real emotions, and that, pretty confident, IS THE BEST OF NoFap)

    Days from 60 to 100
    I chunked all these days because only one AND ONLY ONE thing was good, everything else was horrible. I started university (I'm studying Geological Engineering), also started to chat with a girl that was on my school promotion, I graduated in 2016, and besides, I could see my friends.
    So, here we go. Bad things:

    - HORRIBLE HUMOR CHANGING (Every time, and even now, I'm having difficulties to calm down with exams, works, and even little essays. It's really sad to see myself like a dumb, it's really frustrating)

    - I MADE SOME AWKWARD MOMENTS ( I knew was gonna take time my new social behavior, but I gotta say that sucked, I was the same as ever. But I must say something, I was MORE awkward than before, and that was weird, so I started to see why, and I found the reason, and till today I'm working on it. Frankly, It's that I have like a new way to communicate, of course at the beginning I'm gonna be a complete failure, but by spending time on it, I can make it work and see how I'm actually am at speaking. I've had 1 date since Nofap and was really great, without awkward moments and I felt really calm and smooth while speaking, how I did it? Seeing that I had a new way to communicate. But of course, I'm working on it, it's really hard. And yes, I liked her, she told me she liked me, so, I'm waiting till her birthday to confess, it's like in two weeks, wish me luck, I AM EXCITED!)

    - NOTES GOING DOWN (I thought I was gonna be like a robot and very concentrated, but I'm a simp during an exam, all that anxiety, stress, and depression ( that went momentarily away with porn and fapping) get together while taking any test, I'm still working on it and this is the worst one. But I know I gotta keep strong)

    - LACK OF MOTIVATION (Having serious troubles finding some motivation while my semester, with works and essays)

    Of course, everything is not bad, this was the only thing that was good for me

    - HAPPY (Even though the things are not going well, I'm happy, I know I'm gonna pass through this and gonna win. I really can tell you that I'm a nice guy, with total honesty, that just wants to find his true self and to enjoy every slice of life.)
    This is my definition of Happiness:

    Imagine that your mind is a deep ocean, at the surface, it might be raining, because of a sad or a bad moment you're experiencing during the day, but at the bottom, the ocean is calm and quiet. That's how I am at this very moment.

    That's pretty much it. Again, thank you to take the time to read me and I hope you can pass all the tough moments in your life. I know that you too are a nice person who just tries to have a calmer mind and life. Greetings from Colombia and stay safe.

    "Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you"
    this is my quote for today. BYEEE
  2. VanDarkholme

    VanDarkholme Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. Good luck bro.
    Osl0 likes this.
  3. Lucid111

    Lucid111 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing!
    Osl0 likes this.
  4. I admire your streak and hope I can also reach one like it
    Osl0 likes this.
  5. New Art3mis

    New Art3mis Fapstronaut

    That's really deep, literally.
    Happy for you, I'm also 20 years old and trying to get rid of these addiction.
    Let's do this.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
    GreyApe and Osl0 like this.
  6. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    Good job. I think it takes 3 months to a year to give up a habit replaced with a new one but you already see and share benefits that dopamine rush has to be healthy like eating a mango in hot summer or sipping hot herbal tea in winter keep it up and thanks for sharing
    Osl0 likes this.