The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
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  1. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

    Day 12 starting to feel the benefits of the road
  2. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    it seems that you´re still feeling that pmo is a pleasure. that why there´s a conflict in you. "i want to do it, but i can´t". brother, you got to see that pmo is not actually a pleasure, you´re not giving up on anything. pmo gives you anxiety and stress, there´s no pleasure involved.

    if you stop during a pmo session, really stop, and pay attention to yourself, you´ll see that you´re not feeling pleasure at all. what you´re feeling is an extreme bout of anxiety and stress that partially fades when you enter the trance. the trance of searching for videos, scenes and actresses.

    if pmo was a true pleasure you´ll watch the first video, do your fapping and be done with it. but no, you need the trance, you need the search. that´s how the addiction works.

    then, after a period of continous stress, when the perfect scene is found, the stress seems to be relief through the orgasm (which it never totally does - that´s how the addiction keeps alive for the next session), you feel relief and think: "wow, this was great". but that was not the case.

    pmo is like banging your head against the wall, and feeling relief because you have stopped banging.
    on other words: it creates a deceitful solution for a problem that is made by itself.

    it hope this helps to clarify things brother. you´re not giving up on anything, just stress, misery and illusion. keep going!!!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
  3. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    Just finished day 1, onto day 2
  4. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Check in Fellowship :)

    Let´s welcome the new members of our Guild ;)


    The following brothers have upgraded an reach places in Middle Earth. You rock!!! ;)

    @Onan the Barbarian - Uruk-Hai

    @BrotherHal - Buckleberry Ferry / Shire

    @crazyhorse11 - Lothlórien / Wilderland

    Have a great day dear Fellowship!!! :).

    copyright infringer and spammer: take it from here ;)

    "Chapter 3 Why is it difficult to stop?

    All users feel something evil has possessed them. In the early days, it’s a simple question of “I will stop, just not today”, but eventually we progress to believing we haven’t got enough willpower to stop or that there’s something inherent in porn we must have in order to enjoy life. Porn addiction can be compared to clawing your way out of a slippery pit: as you near the top, you see the sunshine – but find yourself sliding back down as your mood dips. Eventually you open your browser, and as you masturbate, you feel awful and try to work out why you have to do it.

    Ask a user, “If you could go back to the time before you became hooked, with the knowledge you have now, would you have started using porn?”

    “NO WAY!” would be the reply.

    Ask the confirmed user, someone who defends internet porn and doesn’t believe it causes injury to the brain or downregulation of dopamine receptors: “Do you encourage your children to use porn?”

    “NO WAY!” is again the reply.

    Porn is an extraordinary enigma. As said previously, the problem isn’t explaining why it’s easy to stop, it’s explaining why it’s difficult. The real problem is explaining why anyone does it after getting insights on neurological damage. Part of the reason we start is because of the tens of millions already into it, yet all of those wish they hadn’t started in the first place and tell us it’s like living life in second gear. We cannot quite believe they’re not enjoying it. We associate it with freedom or being ’sex-educated’ and work hard to become hooked ourselves. We then spend the rest of our lives telling others not to do it and trying to kick the habit ourselves.

    We also spend a significant proportion of our time feeling hopeless and miserable. ’Educating’ ourselves with the supernormal makes us prefer and long for these cold images, even when warm, real ones are available! Through the constant surge and fall of dopamine induced by PMO, we sentence ourselves to a lifetime of irritability, anger, stress, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. Using porn, with its absence of the best parts of sex and connection, we end up feeling miserable and guilty.

    In fact, reading about internet pornography’s addictive and destructive capabilities here and on other sites makes us even more nervous and hopeless! What sort of hobby is it that when you’re doing it, you wish you weren’t, and when you aren’t, you crave it? Users despise themselves every time they read about hypofrontality and desensitisation, every time they use behind their trusting partner’s back, every time they can’t bring themselves to exercise after a daytime session. An otherwise intelligent and rational human being spends all their days in contempt. But worst of all, what do users get from having to endure life with these awful black shadows at the back of their mind? Absolutely nothing!

    You might be thinking “That’s all very well, I know this, but once you’re hooked on these things it’s very difficult to stop.” But why is it so difficult? Some say it’s because of the powerful withdrawal symptoms, but as you’ll soon come to learn, the actual withdrawal symptoms are so mild that you should be aware of PMOers who have lived and died without realising they’re drug addicts.

    Some say internet porn is free and hence humankind should claim this biological bonanza, but this is untrue—it’s addictive and acts just like any drug. Ask a user that swears they only enjoy ’erotica’ like Playboy magazines if they’ve ever crossed the line to ’unsafe porn’, and if completely honest they would confess about the times they had unwittingly rationalized doing so, rather than not use anything at all.

    Enjoyment has nothing to do with it either: I enjoy crayfish, but I never got to the point where I had to have crayfish every day. With other things in life, we enjoy them while we’re doing them, but we don’t sit around feeling deprived when we’re not.

    Some say:
    “It’s educational!” So when is your graduation?
    “It’s sexual satisfaction!” So why do it alone instead of finding a partner and saving it for them?
    “It’s a feeling of release!” Release from the stresses of real life? Porn won’t remove the source of the stress, but it does add to it.

    Many believe that porn relieves boredom, which is also a fallacy. Boredom is a frame of mind. Porn will habituate you to novelty-seeking in no time, causing you to become increasingly bored until you finally participate in that wild-goose chase for just the right clip, causing you to become increasingly wired to seek anything that evokes novelty, strong emotion, and eventually, outrageous shock value.

    Some say they only do it because their friends and everyone they know does it. If so, pray that your friends don’t start cutting their heads off to cure a headache! Most users who think about it come to conclude that it’s just a habit. This is not really an explanation, but having discounted all the usual, rational explanations, it appears to be the only remaining excuse. Unfortunately, it’s equally illogical. Every day of our lives we change habits, some of them very enjoyable. We’ve been brainwashed to believe that PMO is a habit and that habits are difficult to break.

    Are habits difficult to break? Drivers in the US are in the habit of driving on the right hand side of the road, yet when travelling overseas they break the habit with hardly any aggravation whatsoever. It is clearly a fallacy that habits are hard to break. We make and break habits every day of our lives. So why do we find it difficult to break a habit that makes us feel deprived when we don’t have it, guilty when we do, one that we would love to break anyway, when all we have to do is stop doing it?

    The answer is that porn isn’t habit, it’s addiction! That’s why it appears to be so difficult to ’give up’. Most users don’t understand addiction and believe that they get some genuine pleasure or crutch from porn. They believe they’re making a genuine sacrifice if they quit.

    The beautiful truth is that once you understand the true nature of porn addiction and the reasons why you use it, you’ll stop doing it, just like that. Within three weeks, the only mystery will be why you found it necessary to use porn as long as you have and why you can’t persuade other users how nice it is to not be a PMOer!

    3.1 The Sinister Trap

    Internet porn is the most subtle, sinister trap that man and nature have combined to devise; it’s the only trap in nature whose setup doesn’t require hard work. Some of us are even warned about the dangers, but we can’t believe how they aren’t enjoying it. But what gets us into it in the first place? Typically, free samples from amateurs and professionals who share. That’s how the trap is sprung, your first ’peek’ has stains and holes with most thumbnails on any porn page being amateurish and home-made clips of unknown models. If the first timer’s gaze was filled only with angelic beauties and professional models then alarm bells would ring.

    Due to this mismatch in clips, our young minds are reassured we’ll never become hooked, thinking because we don’t enjoy them, we can stop whenever we want to. As intelligent human beings, we’d then understand why half the adult population was systematically addicted to something cutting down their very potential to perform what they’re viewing. Curiosity brings us closer to their doorsteps, but not daring to click on some thumbnails, fearing they’d make you ill. If you accidentally clicked on one, your only desire being getting away from the page as soon as possible.

    We then spend the rest of our lives trying to understand why we do it, telling children not to start, and at odd times trying to escape ourselves. The trap is designed such that we try and stop only due to an ’incident’, whether sexual performance, loss of a career or relationship, shortage of drive or just plain feeling like a leper. As soon as we stop, we have more stress due to withdrawal pangs with the method we relied on to remove that stress now unavailable.

    After a few days of torture we come to the decision that we’ve picked the wrong time to quit, deciding we’ll wait for periods without stress, which upon arriving removes our reason for initially stopping. Of course, that period will never arrive as we internally believe our lives tend to become more and more stressful. Leaving the protection of our parents, stresses such as jobs, homemaking, mortgages, babies, bigger houses and more babies crowd our lives. This is an illusion, the truth being that the most stressful parts of any creature’s life are early childhood and adolescence.

    We tend to confuse responsibility and stress. A user’s life – like a drug addict’s – automatically becomes more stressful because porn doesn’t relax you or relieve stress, as some try to make you believe. It’s just the reverse, causing you to become more stressed as you continue using, piling more straw onto the camel’s back. Even users who kick the habit (most do one or more times throughout their lives) can lead perfectly happy lives yet suddenly become hooked again. Wandering into the pornographic maze, our minds become hazy and we spend the rest of our lives trying to escape. Many do succeed, only to fall into the sinister trap at a later date.

    Porn addiction is a complex and fascinating puzzle, and much like a Rubik’s Cube, practically impossible to solve. But if you have the solution, it’s simple and fun! SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION contains the solution to this puzzle, leading you out of the maze, never wandering in again. All you have to do is follow the instructions. However, if you take a wrong turn, the rest of the instructions are pointless.

    Anyone can find it easy to stop, but we must first establish the facts. No, not facts designed to scare you, there’s already more than enough information out there. If that was going to stop you, you’d have already stopped. But why do we find it difficult to stop? Answering this requires us to know the real reason we’re still using porn, boiling down to two factors. They are:

    • Nature and internet porn.

    • Brainwashing.
    Porn users are intelligent, rational human beings. They know they’re taking enormous future risks so they spend lots of time rationalising their ’habit’. But porn users in their hearts know they’re fools, knowing they had no need to use porn before becoming hooked. Most remember that their first ’peek’ was a mix of revulsion and novel curiosity. They then specialise in locating, filtering and bookmarking sites, working hard to become hooked.

    Most annoyingly, there’s the sense that non-addicts – most women, older guys and people living in countries where high-speed internet porn is unavailable – aren’t missing out on anything and find the situation laughable. By dismantling these factors in the next chapters, you too will understand the sinister trap!"
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
  5. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Day 71! A warrior of Gondor I have become. In all honesty a lot of good things are happening to me...
    I am working-out, meditating, reading and eating regularly even though sometimes I leave the work-out for the last part of the day which is a huge mistake, because I'm exhausted by then and I need herculean willpower to do it (yet I have challenged myself to do it for 30 days and I'm trying to keep it as well). Also managing to post regularly on YouTube which is nice, though I still have no Prophet style... yet I am confident that It's time will come.
    Found an 8-16 job that could last a couple of weeks which is perfect, because as I mentioned in some of the earlier days that I need something like this. (I previously had 2 hours in the morning 6-8 and random extra hours that could be scattered throughout all my day, making any kind of plan and routine extremely difficult).
    Small holistic things are happening around me which is pretty cool.
    I was mentioning to some people that I need to find a job at a manufacturing plant somewhere where I don't have a lot of processes to learn so I can focus on learning the language here and here I am doing it.
    Tomorrow I have an appointment for my kidney stones and I was worried that I also have to find time to work out, but get this... The app that I am using provided me with tomorrow as a rest day! Coincidence? I think not!:emoji_alien::emoji_alien::emoji_alien:

    I am still pretty ambiguous with some mini projects that I find myself avoiding yet I'm getting riled up to get overclocked and boosted in these last 20 days whit out burn-up.
    Stay strong brothers, Your Prophet is on his way!
  6. LuckyMan

    LuckyMan Fapstronaut

    That was awesome, @archie.hill ! Inspirational and motivating! Thanks man!
  7. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Day 5,

    Snow day and back to school day! Good day will little/no urges so far. About to go into an online lecture and I intend to remain focused on the class content despite the distracting opportunities at my fingertips.

    Onward and upwards Fellowship!
  8. kaerhal

    kaerhal Fapstronaut

    Day 19

    Interesting day as I had the urge to MO without using P, and it was probably the strongest attack I’ve had yet. I agree with @RiseToGreatness stating that PMO shouldn’t be considered a pleasure, it is indeed the ‘trance’ that my body keeps trying to draw me back to. Nevertheless, when I relapse I feel like I am giving up on my faith and my girlfriend, which feeds that sense of guilt after relapsing.

    BUT I’m very aware that all these feelings of stress, doubt, arousal, and need for temporary gratification are all artificial; normal bodily functions that have been exacerbated by my addiction. I must keep pushing on, as I know freedom is within my reach.
  9. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Checking in for day 145.

    Rise up every time. It may take years, but you will feel that the friction on your life caused by PMOing will be diminishing. There will be little resistance and more momentum. The layers of your shell will slowly start to crumble. As long as you are willing your body will catch up!

    I wish you all the best!
  10. dharana

    dharana Fapstronaut

  11. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

  12. TITLE - ORC
    Day -4/500
    Ratio 5/9
    Longest streak - 28
    Last streak - 1
    Total PMO - 183
    Total P - 31
    Total hours remaining - 11861
    Days remaining - 500
    Challenges completed - 0
    3 DAYS -
    7 DAYS -
    14 DAYS -
    21 DAYS -
    30 DAYS -
    45 DAYS -
    60 DAYS -
    90 DAYS -
    365 DAYS -
    500 DAYS -
  13. Onan the Barbarian

    Onan the Barbarian Fapstronaut

    Tuesday check-in

    I was very positive all day, and somewhat productive, though not to the extent I should have been

    Today I:
    - did schoolwork
    - foreign language
    - lifted weights
    - cold shower, 15 seconds
    - prayed
    - read about addiction and recovery from PMO (SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION)
    - did an errand I'd been meaning to do for months now
    - took a walk
    - No real meditation today, but tried to stay mindful and mentally present in every situation I was in.

    Not a huge day, but a step closer to becoming a better barbarian.
  14. Onan the Barbarian

    Onan the Barbarian Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah, I also forced myself to eat healthy today, despite the temptation of pizza. I got a little fat over the holidays, and now I am losing weight.
  15. Day 4 complete!

    Today was the first day of classes of my last semester of undergrad. I only had two and they're relatively easy, so it was a pretty relaxed day. Tomorrow I'll have the three hard ones all in a row. As I was going about my evening, cooking dinner, checking email, and the like, I did have a minor urge to MO. I looked at myself in the mirror, said, "You have way too much to do to be wasting your time on PMO," and moved on. It's definitely not always that easy, but it is that simple. Any time spent on PMO is time poorly spent. Even something as pointless as staring at the wall is a better exercise. That little mind-clearing breather, a moment of intentional nothingness, is pretty good for my stress levels sometimes.
  16. Day 41
    started meditating
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  17. Missed logging yesterday but am going through day 5 now
  18. OttarrTheVendelCrow

    OttarrTheVendelCrow Fapstronaut

    Day 43. Another morning of fantasizing and cravings. I need to get back to the level of discipline I was at a couple of weeks ago. I find that the more often I fantasize the stronger my urges and cravings are. Need to clear my head of these temptations.
    Slider8, rotten_tomato, Toni7 and 9 others like this.
  19. Hello brothers and sisters. It was been a long time.
    I´m been out a while but I´m here to restart my journey back.

    Never Giving up!!

    Day 0 Check in!