The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

  2. dharana

    dharana Fapstronaut

    I've been away for a few days.
    Had 1 more relapse. Didn't let myself go down, just analised my mistakes and continued.
    I'm trying to make this streak the last one.

    Day 2 completed
  3. bmcmanansmith

    bmcmanansmith Fapstronaut

    Day 4 complete. Last week the forces of PMO were very strong with me and I struggled to get past 1 day. But these last few days I've been constantly telling myself 'get to 10'. Even though 4 days is not a lot compared to my previous streaks, I feel a proud sense of accomplishment after managing to get out of the toxic cycle I was in last week. Hopefully this streak will last much longer.
  4. ULYSS3S

    ULYSS3S Fapstronaut

  5. cassius900

    cassius900 Fapstronaut

  6. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    you have to add it manually to the signature. but if you copy/paste the text (in the initial post thread) it will create a link to the challenge ;)
  7. j0rdi3

    j0rdi3 Fapstronaut

    Day ((438 / 6) + (-8 * 7))

    Checking in
  8. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    believe it or not, those kinds of dreams are common. there are lot´s of reports of brothers getting nightmares of relapsing, only to realize they didn´t. i had a couple of them myself. no worries bro, keep going!!! :D
  9. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    yes, lack of motivation is a normal sign of withdrawal bro. but keep going, better days will come :).

    try to schedule your day, that will help you keep focus on tasks. but don´t force yourself, if you don´t feel like doing it, then don´t! :)

    the best way to boost motivation is to raise healthy dopamine in the brain. so engage in meanful activities, sleep well, do workouts, take cold showers and eat healthy. avoid sugar and alcohol as these substances heavily drain the body of energy (and motivation).
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
  10. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    bro, don´t just do it because of the streak because that will create pressure on yourself. do it as a part of your lifestyle, your new lifestyle that you´re going to adopt for your life. what do you gain by lying in bed? ;)
  11. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Check in Fellowship :)

    Uruk-Hai today ;). feeling good and motivated :)

    The following brothers have upgraded and reach places in Middle Earth. Congratulations!!! :)

    @bob200 @Silverwolf @jimmyanderson - Uruk-Hai

    @Prophet Moonstruck - Dead Marshes / Emyn Muil

    Let´s gather our prayers towards our brother in need @Gallade_Templar . Yes the times are hard brother, but we´re together in this journey and we know you gonna pull this through. Courage my friend!!! :)

    Have a great day mighty Fellowship!!! :)

    Continuing with easy_peasy ;)

    "5.3 Passivity

    The passivity of our minds and dependence on authority leading to brainwashing is the primary difficulty of giving up porn. Our upbringing in society, reinforced by the brainwashing of our own addiction and combined with the most powerful - our friends, relatives and colleagues. The phrase ’giving up’ is a classic example of the brainwashing, implying genuine sacrifice. The beautiful truth is there’s nothing to give up; on the contrary, you’ll be freeing yourself from a terrible disease and achieving marvellous positive gains. We’ll begin removing this brainwashing now, starting with no longer referring to ’giving up’ but to stopping, quitting or perhaps the true position, escaping!

    The only thing that persuades us to use initially is other people doing it, feeling that we’re missing out. We work hard to become hooked, yet we never find what they’ve been missing. Every time we see another clip it reassures us there must be something in it, otherwise people wouldn’t be doing it and the business wouldn’t be so big. Even when they kick the habit, the ex-user feels they’re being deprived when a discussion on a sexy entertainer, singer or even a porn star comes up during parties or social functions. “They must be good if all my friends talk about them, right? Do they have free pictures online?” They feel safe, they’ll just have one peek tonight and before they know it, they’re hooked again.

    The brainwashing is extremely powerful and you need to be aware of its effects. Technology continues to grow and the future will bring exponentially faster sites and access methods. The porn industry is investing millions in virtual reality so that it will become the next best thing. We don’t know where we’re going, unequipped to deal with present technology or what is to come.

    We’re about to remove this brainwashing, it isn’t the non-user who’s being deprived but the user who is forfeiting a lifetime of:
    • Health
    • Energy
    • Wealth
    • Peace of mind
    • Confidence
    • Courage
    • Self-respect
    • Happiness
    • Freedom
    What do they gain from these considerable sacrifices? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, apart from the illusion of trying to get back to the state of peace, tranquillity and confidence that the non-user always enjoys.

    5.4 Withdrawal Pangs

    As explained earlier, users believe they use porn for enjoyment, relaxation or some sort of education. The actual reason is relief of withdrawal pangs. Our subconscious mind begins to learn that internet porn and masturbation at certain times tends to be pleasurable. As we become increasingly hooked on the drug, the greater the need to relieve the withdrawal pangs becomes and the further the subtle trap drags you down. This process happens so slowly that you aren’t even aware of it, most young users don’t realise they’re addicted until attempting to stop and even then, many won’t admit it.

    Take this conversation a therapist had with hundreds of teenagers:

    Therapist: “You realise that internet porn is a drug and the only reason why you’re using is that you cannot stop.

    Patient: “Nonsense! I enjoy it, if I didn’t, I would stop.

    Therapist: “Just stop for a week to prove to me you can if you want to.

    Patient: “No need, I enjoy it. If I wanted to stop, I would.

    Therapist: “Just stop for a week to prove to yourself you aren’t hooked.

    Patient: "What’s the point? I enjoy it."

    As already stated, users tend to relieve their withdrawal pangs at times of stress, boredom, concentration or combinations of these. In the following chapters, we’ll target these aspects of the brainwashing."
  12. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

    Day 11. A lot of challenges but I know I can defeat them
  13. aniseprakash

    aniseprakash Fapstronaut

    Relapsed today... Feeling deprived. It was an intentional one. Though I knew the moment I started watching what I should not, that I am going against my decision, I couldn't stop myself.

    I am gonna start again, but this time with change of plans and habits. Let's do this.
  14. BeezMeUp

    BeezMeUp Fapstronaut

    Finally after 15y of addiction,im 75days free of PMO..
    Propably im in my second flatline..
  15. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Day 84! Things seem to get some traction again which is wonderful.
    It is also an awesome coincidence that today I was mentioned by @RiseToGreatness with my progress update in the Dead Marshes, because today I finally took some time and reflected on myself to see what is going on, as my journey felt exactly like walking in the marshes, I must say that I managed to get in a good and motivated mood again. I pulled a Jordan B Peterson on myself and I just talked to myself as I would talk with a person I care about.
  16. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Day 18,

    Good afternoon brothers and sisters! I hope that this message finds everyone healthy and in high spirits. Snuck in an early 5 mile run this morning, however, still having a lower mindset around people. Not sure if it is some false sense of superiority setting in or a flatline. I feel as though I am being a bit judgmental when seeing the actions of others not align with what they say (but again, this is just my perception and far from reality). Have had some urges here and there but going to go read the hard copy of the textbook so that I am not tempted too much.

    In other news! Those of you who are avid or aspiring runners check out this new challenge that @Slider8 and I have just posted! ( It is my opinion that physical, spiritual, and mental health all go hand in hand and you can certainly work on the physical and spiritual as you run (kinda hard to run with a text book and do homework for the mental haha).

    Thank you again Fellowship for your unwavering support!
  17. Ciceron

    Ciceron Fapstronaut

    Day 7.

    St. Benedict of Nursia, pray for us!
  18. crazyhorse11

    crazyhorse11 Fapstronaut

    Checking in friends

    No PMO - Day 75 - According to the @Risetogreatnes intro - "the razor-sharp winding paths of Emyn Muil. A fallen brother named Gollum offers help and guidance. He doesn' seem reliable but he knows the way out of the maze, so you decide to follow him."

    Reflections - Got caught out on watching a series on Amazon Prime which commonsense media only reported on the first episode, but which had some very soft content later on. However as I have been on a complete detox from all forms of arousal for the last 2 months, seeing that scene was like getting his by a bus. This has lead to urges and one night of nocturnal emissions which leads to a mini-chase period also. I was really really enjoying the series as well. So a debate ensued, continue to watch the series and run the risk, or stop watching the series until at least 90 days is over and then reappraise whether I can go back to the series and just skip these scenes. I decided to stop watching it.

    I have been a 3-4 times a year user ( I may act out many times in each of those times and even for a few days, but I generally stop then for 2-3 months), for about the last 5 years. So the first few weeks are generally not my problem ( though I accept the chase can be very difficult to get through). My struggles really start in the third month, as my body and mind are expecting a hit now in the next few weeks, as they have learned this 3 month cycle. Redirecting and harnessing the energy is the challenge, starting new habits while not overloading leading to stress or frustration which then act as triggers in themselves. I start to get a bit crazy now with all this energy, and keeping grounded becomes a challenge. The next 17 days to the 90 day milestone will be tough but with the help of this Fellowship I know it is possible.

    Then as @RiseToGreatness says above, the key is to not relax into complacency. For me even 100 days will be only 20% of this journey, and that will keep the complacency at bay. Recovery takes time, and I am committed to see out this time.

    Thank you again Fellowship for all your support.

    Challenge daily your excuses to pmo - sometimes there is no excuse, it just 'feels right' - that is how insidious it is - like today I found myself thinking about fishing without even remembering that I was in this process of recovery, like as if in that moment NoFap or Freedom Fight didn't exist. Hence remembering the horror of this addiction is so important. Not to scare me into stopping, but to remind myself why I made the free will choice to stop.

    - Dryland bands - 2 hr bike yesterday

    Cold Shower
    - Yes

    Mindful Breathing - yes connected to the core and slowed right down

    Practise BRACE - did the breathing but not the remembering - just recalled the horror of the trap of PMO there and how so lucky I am to be on the road to recovery

    Procrastination - started strong, so strong that I kicked back a bit and nearly missed a key deadline as a result of day dreaming and chatting (a colleague had to remind me of the deadline which is embarassing), got back on track then for the rest of the day

    Vanity - I remembered to fight vanity today and it paid dividends - its hold over me is ending

    Acting the idiot, boasting, blather - a bit too much of chatting early on but reined it in thankfully

    Study about the reboot - not outside reading the Fellowship's posts, which are enlightening

    Follow a triggers prevention plan - BRACE! early to bed early to rise, getting off sugar slowly but surely

    Why am I doing this? - to be free of this slavery and never experience the horror of its torture of my mind and soul again

    Freedom Fight - See I have slid down the FASTER scale to the Speeding Up stage (half way to relapse) - I need to used this warning to get myself back on track
    Restoration - Honesty
    Forgetting Priorities - Missing deadlines
    Anxiety - Sleep problems
    Speeding up - Always in a hurry
    Ticked off

    Commitments for tomorrow - Humility, No PMO, Vigilance and Mindful of Thought (Extinguish all lustful fantasy before they are even a flame & any time I see a fault in another think of my own faults (of which I have infinitely more examples)), of Word (No bitching or complaining & Connect to my vulnerability by being reserved and quiet), of Action (Connect to my tasks and stay diligent and true to my commitments), Be very aware of danger everywhere for the next 3 weeks especially and most importantly do not take my eye off Gollum, not even for one second....

  19. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    Starting day one, back after a relapse