A guy with social anxiety.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Flyman66666, May 31, 2022.

  1. Flyman66666

    Flyman66666 Fapstronaut

    I am a 22 year old guy. I am introvert and have a few friends. I generally stay home all day long untill its urgent to go out for work. I feel awkward and weird when i go to public place. I cant even look at people in the eyes. I cant approach the woman i like. I am losing every day and going far from the way i want to live.
    I think porn addiction is responsible for this. And i am trying to recover from this evil thing. Currently on a pretty decent streak, but no change. But, i believe this is the only way to get success.
    Batty Belfry, @rm0uR and TheLightOne like this.
  2. Andrew.999

    Andrew.999 Fapstronaut

    I think we are on the same boat. We might be able to help eachothe. Leave a message.
  3. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I'd feel like superman if I had a streak as long as yours.....
  4. Create “The One”

    Create “The One” Fapstronaut

    don't ejaculate, even in dreams, observe your inner lust instead of expressing it or repressing it, stop the drugs, start juicing celery, etc..... porn harms the retina
    Flyman66666 likes this.
  5. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I can relate, my anxiety, is different, I can look ppl in the eyes, have conversations but its fake, but thats because Im around fake people and idk who I can trust. I suggest you start writing, down your emotion, how you feel, what you want to accomplish. Do this daily, it helps. I bee akward af too most of the time but i use that as an advantage, you can weed out the snakes in the grass.
    Batty Belfry and Flyman66666 like this.
  6. Flyman66666

    Flyman66666 Fapstronaut

    Exactly. I also think other people will be a superman if they can be able to reach my streak. But i don't know what happened to me. May be i need more time.
  7. Mazda647

    Mazda647 Fapstronaut

    Twenty two year old me can relate. At that point my handful of old friends were moving further away with their lives. I didn't go back to school until I was about twenty five. It was a big shock getting myself out there.

    I can say you have an advantage over me as you have this forum to help sort out your porn issue. Back then I kept it all in until I eventually crashed. My mind was too focused on sex and "girlfriend". Use this place as a support as it'll help keep the porn nonsense from spilling out there.

    To socialize I recommend keeping it simple for now. Seek out social situations, say hi to people and look them in the eye. Smile. Right now that is all you need to do.

    People includes women.

    It's wise to remember that all those people out there we may feel inferior too are still people sorting out their own lives.
    Batty Belfry and Flyman66666 like this.
  8. whatrichme

    whatrichme Fapstronaut

    Since we are on this board, let's talk about energy.
    To interact with women, at least you have to be on the same wavelength. They are very sensitive on stuff like that.
    If you never leap, you never will get there. Don't disconnect with the world for too long.

    I recommend going to talk to some people. There is scientific research on how people's wavelength calibrate to each other once they start talking.
    Sure it will feel awkward if you approach them wanting to get them in bed or anything.

    Simply talk. The first hundred talk will probably feel bland.
    I have done stuff like:
    - Go to starbucks, ask the barista some questions. Ask for free coffee waste, tell them why you want them.
    - Go to a store with good service and sales girls, tell them the type of clothes you want and ask for recommendation.
    Afterwhile you may be asking questions about their own preference or interests.

    After hundreds of talks like that you will gain that wave length, other interactions with women (say personal questions/touching) will start to feel normal.
    They will also initiate, because they are social animals.

    Nowadays if my elbow slightly bump into some girls I walk across, they are very neutral, some may even return a smile.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  9. Flyman66666

    Flyman66666 Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude..It was very informative. I will try to do what you say. Very wise explanation.
  10. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut


    Check out some of these videos to help to deal with your approach anxiety! They inspirational to me cause it shows that a lot of people have the same fears and anxieties and that most people at one point felt the same way you do.

    Here's a good video
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  11. +Masculinity

    +Masculinity Fapstronaut

    Hey man I know you don't mean anything by it, but please be careful with videos you post. That image may be very triggering to some people here. Just post the link without the thumbnail please :)
    GigglingTrout likes this.
  12. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    Yeah I was thinking that after I posted it. I changed it to one less triggering lol
  13. @rm0uR

    @rm0uR Fapstronaut

    I can copy and paste this message for myself as well. Also a 22 y/o introvert with a few friends and the same struggles.
  14. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    I went to two events recently. There will be a few kind faces in the indifferent crowd, but I would not have met those kind people had I not attended. The people who are not curious or who do not care are not for us. No sense in engaging with people who do not engage with you. Reciprocity and curiosity are the hallmarks of genuine conversation and exchange.

    Showing up is the easy part. I was invited to the second event by someone I met at the first event; this is one natural way to start meeting more new people. After getting comfortable in new settings, you may find yourself gravitating towards different events instead of the same events you already like. You might go to places you never thought of visiting before, just for yourself.

    I am still introverted, at least 70%, and the rest I have to get acclimated to, but there is nothing wrong with that. At the last event, there was a speaker who resonated with me when he said, "Never be afraid to be yourself." Your introversion is not a problem, it is a pivot, a powerhouse, to a noisy world that often demands noise in return (watch and read Susan Cain's work on introverts). Besides, you have to go within to be aware of who you are and what makes you awesome before you go without.

    With this knowledge, you will not be insecure or unsure of yourself. I learned this from David Goggins, which he called a "cookie jar of wins." Knowing your achievements builds your security and confidence, and no one can take that away from you. He also emphasizes gratitude over pessimism; meditating on what you are grateful for releases negativity and reserves positivity.

    As an introvert, working alone can be empowering as it allows you to be proud of your work and practice self-care, which is not selfish. It also stops you from comparing yourself to others. Your actions, especially as an introvert, exude a silent confidence, slow but steady. Actions that show who you are and your ambition to be and do more at your own pace.

    Do I fumble my words from time to time? Yes, but at least I do not put my foot in my mouth.
    Do I get lost in my thoughts more often than not? Yes, but I measure my words carefully.
    Do I wish I was the center of attention without being the center of attention? Yes, but life is not always a party.
    Would I have it any other way? No, because I would not be true.

    Stand true to you, walk and talk true to you. The right people will show and stay in your life. Improve yourself and your life for the better.
  15. West Man

    West Man Fapstronaut

    Take small steps, when you go out give yourself a small challenge for example one challenge can be making eye contact and smiling at 5 people that you walk past and once you complete that challenge maybe trying making eye contact and smiling and also saying "Hello" to 5 people you walk past then after you complete that challenge then make it a goal to ask cashiers at the stores you go to "How's your day going" Don't expect yourself to become to become an extremly charasmatic extrovert over night, give your self small challenges/goals that you can achieve.
    Flyman66666 likes this.